Monday, October 12, 2009

A Vain President, or a Weak One? Americans don't like pushovers--especially pushover presidents.

By Fred Barnes "A weak president is vulnerable, politically and otherwise. In Jimmy Carter's case, being seen as weak in dealing with Iran and the Soviets was a major factor in his defeat by Ronald Reagan in 1980. Americans don't like pushovers, especially pushover presidents. Obama is at risk of becoming a pushover. Afghanistan is his test."

Meet the People Who Were Passed Over for Obama

Weekly Standard Here is just one: "Sima Samar, women's rights activist in Afghanistan: "With dogged persistence and at great personal risk, she kept her schools and clinics open in Afghanistan even during the most repressive days of the Taliban regime, whose laws prohibited the education of girls past the age of eight. When the Taliban fell, Samar returned to Kabul and accepted the post of Minister for Women's Affairs.""

The Power & Danger of Iconography

"Iconography ? What's that? Well ... you really need to click here to figure it out. Seriously ... watch this before you do anything else today. It is very very good. Now ... where do I get one of those LOL bumper stickers? (You gotta watch the whole thing). Well ... I did the research for you. You get it right here." (Neal Boortz)


Boortz "Every ounce of power, pride, respect and credibility Gore has is tied up in his endeavors surrounding global warming ... or, as we call it since the Earth started to cool down ... climate change. When someone picks up a microphone and starts to challenge The Great and Powerful Gore on his home turf that person has to be shut down --- or turned off."


Boortz "Europe likes your style. .... You're weakening the United States; for us, the key to peace. Oh ... and don't forget the slap in the face for George Bush. Bush is in office for eight years. He responds strongly to the attacks from terrorist Muslims. He frees Iraq from a ruthless dictator and his rapist sons. He projects American strength .. and Europe hates him for it. So ... the Nobel committee comes along and delivers a slapdown. "

What happened to global warming?

BBC "This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures."

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Air of unease across Rust Belt from climate plan

Yahoo News "...Bill Belden's 124-year-old family owned brick company has thrived on the region's rich red clay and shale, and cheap energy from abundant coal. Which he's convinced that a climate bill being considered in Congress will end. A cap-and-trade system forcing businesses away from fossil fuels, especially coal, will mean higher electricity and natural gas costs, he says. And layoffs at the Belden Brick Co." h/t to Lucianne.

Don't Change 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' ;There are sound reasons--unbigoted ones--for our policy on gays in the military.

Weekly Standard "I merely ask those who wish to do away with the prohibition of open homosexuality in the armed services to consider that the more than 1,100 flag and general officers who recently declared their support for the existing law were motivated, as they claim, by genuine concern for national security and not by bigotry. Wouldn't any refusal to do so be tantamount to -bigotry itself? "

A Fitting Prize, in a Way

National Review= "... the Nobel Peace Prize, every year, should be given to the Defense Department: because the American military was the world’s foremost guarantor of peace.A few days ago, there was a rumor that Harry Wu, the anti-Communist dissident from China, would win the peace prize. That was terribly unlikely. Would the committee ever honor Oscar Biscet, the Afro-Cuban political prisoner who is a symbol of hope, defiance, and decency in that country? A virtual impossibility.President Bush gave a Medal of Freedom to Biscet (in absentia, of course); Obama gave one to Mary Robinson. That neatly illustrates the difference between those two presidents, and between types who win the Nobel prize and those who don’t."

Should Obama have accepted the Nobel prize?

UK Guardian "But I do wonder: will being a Nobel peace prize winner limit his range of options as America's commander-in-chief in any way? Can a peace prize winner really then go forward and put 20,000 more US soldiers in Afghanistan? Did those sneaky Scandinavian pacifists have this thought up their Scandinavian sleeves?"

Pak commandos free hostages

Arab News "Pakistani commandos ended a bloody siege at the army headquarters early Sunday after they stormed a building inside the complex and freed 39 hostages. In the battle with the gunmen, three captives, two commandos and five hostage-takers were killed."

Video: SNL’s pitiful Obama Nobel sketch

Hot Air "If the writing’s going to be weak then the impersonation has to be superb, which is pretty much the opposite of Armisen these days."