Monday, December 7, 2009

Man Chucks Tomatoes at Sarah Palin at MOA

MyFox "Bloomington Police report that Bloomington Commander Mark Stehlik was struck in the face with one of the tomatoes and may face charges for assaulting a police officer. Olson was booked at the Bloomington jail. He was arrested for suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct."....

Voting Present on Iran

Victor Davis Hanson "President Obama should tread carefully and take note. As history shows, even a trivial gesture can result in dire unintended consequences. Secretary of State Dean Acheson's inadvertent 1950 remark that South Korea lay outside the American "defense perimeter" in Asia may have emboldened the North Koreans to invade later that summer."

Healthcare raises taxes

Dick Morris "The Obama healthcare initiative will be the biggest unfunded federal mandate on the states in history. It will force dozens of states, particularly in the South, to abandon their low-tax ways and to move toward dramatically higher rates of taxation. It may even force Florida and Texas to impose an income tax!"

Who Are the White House Party Crashers?

Fox News "But there appears to be another side to this couple that includes a warning to consumers by the Commonwealth of Virginia to beware of their charity solicitations, and at least one socialite questioning the use of their "charity" funds, calling them "litigious," even suing the Washington Redskins -- the team Michaele Salahi once tossed sideline pompoms for as a cheerleader." Meet Tareq Salahi and the ATFP "Tareq Salahi is a prominent Arab-American who until recently sat on the board of the American Task Force for Palestine or ATFP. What is ATFP, you ask?..."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Pearl Harbor articles

The Pearl Harbor Archive ", the internet's largest newspaper database, is providing a free archive of material relating to the history of Pearl Harbor." Related, um, sorta: The Ironies of History: From Pearl Harbor to Iran By Michael Ledeen

NPR reporter [Mara Liasson] pressured over Fox role

Politico "The NPR executives said they had concerns that Fox’s programming had grown more partisan, and they asked Liasson to spend 30 days watching the network. At a follow-up meeting last month, Liasson reported that she’d seen no significant change in Fox’s programming and planned to continue appearing on the network, the source said."

Palin faces 'death panel' and leaves 'em laughing

Chicago Sun-Times • "Her book did not have an index, so she made one up: "So under A, we have Alaska, media not understanding, pages 1 through 432. Under B. Biased media; pages 1 though 432. And under C, conservative media, got to see acknowledgments for that.""

Update on Fort Hood heroine

Ethel C. Fenig "While American Muslims react to violent hate crimes committed by their fellow American Muslims by transitioning into professional victims , whining about non existent threats against them, a genuine American victim of American Muslim hate is valiantly carrying on."


Neal Boortz "If the Democrats were truly concerned about improving the delivery of health care and making insurance more affordable they would have tried at least one of the following three options: Give individuals the right to deduct the cost of a health insurance policy from their taxable income. Your employer can do it, why not you? Allow insurance companies to market their products across state lines. Allow people to organize into groups for the purpose of buying health insurance policies. The evil Republicans proposed all three of these ideas, and more. All were shot down by Democrats.


Neal Boortz "As I've said before, we have three basic classes of people in our society. There are the producers that create the wealth. Then there are the moochers that seek to consume the wealth created by the producers; and finally we have the looters who seize the wealth from the producers to transfer to the moochers in exchange for votes ... which is the same thing as saying in exchange for power."

Dec 7th; UN Climate Treaty: A Sneak Attack on Humanity

Alan Caruba in Canada Free press "The Copenhagen conference has already generated a torrent of green lies from environmental organizations. The fraud-—now dubbed Climategate—-will require the masters of worldwide media to choose between repeating discredited climate lies or to finally report the views of legitimate climate scientists and others that have been repudiating them for decades." Sic 'em, Alan!