Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Greens' Real Target: U.S. Economy

IBD "Having decisively lost the great debate between capitalism and socialism, the only way the global warming socialists can do this is by imposing restrictions on U.S. output in response to the ginned-up "emergency" of global warming."

Wall Street Journal Editorials on ObamaCare and Climate Change

The WSJ Guide to ObamaCare ; WSJ Guide to Climate Change (Hat tip to Neal Boortz)

TSA leaves online love note for al-Qaeda

American Thinker Learn to love driving long distances. "It would be very difficult to overhype this story. This isn't just a disaster. It has the potential to absolutely destroy domestic air travel - if the MSM bothered to cover it. We'll see what the spin will be as the day goes on. Exit question; If you've made travel plans for Christmas, do you still feel confident enough to fly the friendly skies?"

230 physicists, including a Nobel Laureate, sign petition on Climategate

Clarice Feldman , AT "Some have accepted a career risk by signing the petition. The 230 odd signatories can hardly be dismissed as lightweights compared to those who spread the message of impending climate disaster."

New Evidence of Saddam-Terrorism Links

Pajamas Media "The timing, justification, and prosecution of the war in Iraq will forever be debated, but a fair assessment of documents, studies, and testimony will show that Saddam Hussein’s regime was a supporter and active participant in radical Islamic terrorism."

The Tip of the Climategate Iceberg

WSJ "Most of the participants in Copenhagen seem intent on rushing headlong into a successor to the Kyoto Protocol. But it would seem more fruitful at this point to redouble our efforts to figure out what we do and don't know about the climate's past, present and future. That includes casting some much-needed sunshine on the data on which so much importance is being placed, but which so far has remained shielded from public view."

The continuing war on business

TigerHawk "Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said her agency will seek to enact an array of 90 rules and regulations next year aimed at giving more power to workers and unions.Signaling priorities, Ms. Solis said: "We are committed to ensuring that workers are paid a fair wage, have a voice in the workplace, are provided a safe workplace and have a secure retirement."Ms. Solis's agenda will promote rules requiring employers to increase disclosure to workers on how their pay is computed, strengthening affirmative action requirements for federal contractors, and compelling greater disclosure from employers about their dealings with consultants who advise the companies on how to deal with workplace unions or unionization attempts."

Content warning: Washington Times Delves Into Obama’s Fistgate Filth

Gateway Pundit "...continue taking arrows for defending Kevin Jennings, who is Mr. Obama’s controversial “safe schools czar.” The evidence suggesting he is unfit to serve as a senior presidential appointee is startling and plentiful. It was revealed this week that Mr. Jennings was involved in promoting a reading list for children 13 years old or older that made the most explicit sex between children and adults seem normal and acceptable." Related article about Tiger Woods No, I don't say he's into the above. Only that he is now qualified to be a Democrat president.

NOAA/GHCN “homogenization” falsified climate declines into increases

Hot Air "Those, dear friends, are the clumsy fingerprints of someone messing with the data Egyptian style … they are indisputable evidence that the “homogenized” data has been changed to fit someone’s preconceptions about whether the earth is warming." Study the graph.

Exclusive: 9/11 Grand Jury Now Hearing Evidence in NYC

NBC New York h/t to Keep America Safe "It is unclear if prosecutors will only seek 9-11 related charges from this grand jury. Some experts say prosecutors could also include terror charges for the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl and other past al Qaeda attacks overseas."

CBS and NBC Trumpet UN Predictions About Warmest Decade Since 1850

Newsbusters "...without any regard for ClimateGate disclosures about manipulation of past data and without mentioning, as the AP noted, “the United States and Canada experienced cooler conditions than average.” CBS anchor Katie Couric announced: “At the world climate conference in Copenhagen today, scientists said this decade is on track to become the warmest since records were first kept back in 1850.” "

Feinstein Says It's 'Morally Correct' to Force Taxpayers to Fund Abortion

CNS News " asked: "So it’s morally right for pro-life taxpayers to have to help pay for plans that cover abortion?" Feinstein responded: "Please. We pay for a lot of things that we may or may not agree with, and taxpayers pay for it, for those things, as well." Feinstein joined the majority of Democrats Tuesday in voting against the Nelson amendment, which was rejected on a 54-45 vote."