Friday, January 3, 2025

The National Nightmare Is Ending; Victor Davis Hanson

Daily Signal  

"Even Trump’s traditional enemies, whether on Wall Street, Silicon Valley, or in corporate board rooms are whispering that they secretly are delighted with their old nemesis’s dream of more and cheaper energy, less government regulation and taxation, and confidence again that everything is now possible when a government says an exhilarant yes to dreams rather than a crabby no to them."

"Après Biden, “L’audace, l’audace, encore l’audace, toujours l’audace!”

To paraphrase mixed French 18th-century memorable quotations: After Biden, follows not the deluge, but now daring, and still more daring, and always more daring.


"A combination of two self-evident truths.

"Joe Biden’s inept administration proved an ungodly disaster, not just for America but for the West as well, who looked abroad for a stronger America but found it weaker.

"And second, Trump Invictus is now liberated—“In the fell clutch of circumstance /I have not winced nor cried aloud, /Under the bludgeonings of chance /My head is bloody, but unbowed.”

"He is without worry over another election, or a discredited and defanged media (“so doves do peck the falcon’s piercing talons”), much less a third Nancy Pelosi-contrived impeachment." . . .

"In sum, our weakest president is to be followed by our most audacious.

"Biden’s bumbling arrogance nearly destroyed the American military in Kabul. It ruined Western deterrence. It showered the creepy Taliban with a multibillion-dollar windfall arsenal.

"His lies, his incompetence, and, yes, his narcissism demoralized Americans and our allies, but at least ensured he would never reach 50% approval again." . . .

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