Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Edwards’ contacts with witnesses raises red flags

Hot Air "Maybe if the news media took as much interest in the hypocrisy, disloyalty, and potential corruption of a public official as they do in the sexual antics of a professional athlete, they may have caught Edwards taking favors from a potential witness in the grand jury investigation. That seems like actual news.".... "Instead, we get daily focus on the latter story, eleven reporters assigned to dissect a political memoir by another VP candidate, and no one but the local media reporting on a story of alleged payoffs by a politician from campaign coffers to keep his squeaky-clean Two Americas image burnished."

Focus on the Family Hits Media 'Gossip' On Tiger Woods

Newsbusters "Focus on the Family President Jim Daly blasted salacious coverage of the Tiger Woods scandal in the mainstream media, offering assurances that he would refrain from the kind of commentary that often turned into "exploitation." In a column published last Monday called simply "Tiger Woods," Daly encouraged readers to look in the mirror before judging and "pray for those, like Woods, who are hurting." "

ABC’s Martin Bashir Attacks ‘Brutal Regime’ of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Assails ‘Racial Profiling’

Newsbusters "On Monday’s Nightline, co-host Martin Bashir conducted a one-sided, hostile profile of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s "brutal regime" and attacked his crackdown on illegal immigration as "racial profiling." The 11 minute investigation of the Maricopa County law enforcement official was almost totally negative."

How the Senate Health Bill Punishes Businesses That Hire Low-Income Workers

Heritage "Suppose you wanted to prevent single parents and people from lower-income families from getting a job. How about imposing a $3,000 tax penalty on any employer who hired such a person instead of an equally qualified, equally paid person from a higher-income family? Would that do the trick? It would do the trick quite nicely--but since no decent person actually wants to make it hard to escape poverty, it's a really bad idea. But that is exactly what the Senate health care bill does."

Atran’s Silly Thesis

Max Boot "He adopts the “accidental guerrilla” thesis propounded by Dave Kilcullen, which holds that it is American military action that is driving the Pashtuns into the Taliban’s hands. This flagrantly ignores the historical record which shows that the Taliban were far more powerful back in the 1990s when there was not a single American soldier on the ground in Afghanistan. In those days, too, the Taliban cemented a close alliance with al-Qaeda, which they have never renounced even though it would have been to their advantage to do so."

Needless climate regulation

Dick Morris "But while the world divides into those who demand global regulation to fight climate change and those who say it isn’t happening, there is now an inconvenient truth — the market is taking care of the problem on its own."

Political Cartoons by Scott Stantis


Socialism in Stages

NRO "If the hard socialism of Communism produces economic and societal collapse quickly, Mises theorized, the soft, incremental socialism of the West ...would produce poverty in stages. Every bureaucratic intervention in the market reduces long-term wealth creation, even if it provides a temporary boost to the economy. In time, this reduction of wealth is blamed on the inefficiencies of the remaining “unfettered” market, which provokes calls for greater intervention, ad infinitum."

Senate Health Care Bill Would Force Some Middle Class Families to Pay $15,200 Yearly Insurance Fee, According to CBO Analysis

CNS News "A family of four—two parents and two children—earning $88,200 would be at 400 percent of the poverty level this year, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. A family of four earning $88,201, therefore, would not be eligible for a federal subsidy to buy insurance under the Senate health-care bill."

"Law & Order" trashes ACORN videos

Big Hollywood "Perhaps 20 years is too long for any series, but “Law and Order” has devolved into the cheapest form of left-wing paranoid delusion. It is so obvious, it gives left-wing propaganda a bad name. Maybe Karl Rove planted a mole. I now watch it for its comedic satirical value, as one would watch “Saturday Night Live.”"...."But the real action is how “conservatives” are portrayed and characterized. As implied above, the show makes more sense as a parody of the left-wing view of the right than it is effective propaganda for the left."

Massachusetts Second-Grader Suspended, Ordered to Under Psychological Evaluation Because He Drew a Picture of Jesus on the Cross

Weasel Zippers "Being Massachusetts, if the boy drew a picture of [gay sex] it would be celebrated as a model of diversity.... "

THE DEBT LIMIT: When Is Enough Enough?

Heritage "Government borrowing reduces resources available for private investment, leading to lower productivity, wages, and economic growth."