Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Get used to this: Charges Against Gitmo Terror Suspect Should Be Thrown Out, Lawyer Argues
CNS News "Attorney Peter Enrique Quijano told U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan that Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani's right to a speedy trial was violated when he was sent after his July 2004 arrest to a secret CIA-run interrogation camp abroad rather than to the U.S. for a civilian trial. After two hours of arguments, the judge reserved decision." ----And this: "Quijano said the U.S. government had the right to treat Ghailani as an intelligence asset for two years before he was transferred to Guantanamo Bay as an enemy combatant, but that there were Constitutional consequences for making such a "political decision." "A state of war does not give the president a blank check when it comes to Constitutional rights," he said. " -----Mr. Quijano: He doesn't lose many cases.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sarah Palin to Contribute to Fox News
MediaDecoder "The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.
Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person with knowledge of the deal said, though she will host a series that will run on the network from time to time."
Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society
Part One: "Many of those same distinguished intellectuals of the 1930s were urging their own countries to disarm while Hitler was rapidly arming Germany for wars of conquest that would have, among other things, put many of those intellectuals in concentration camps-- slated for extermination-- if he had succeeded." -----------
Part Two: "Who blames Rachel Carson, an environmentalist icon, because her crusading writings against DDT led to the ban of this insecticide in countries around the world-- followed by a resurgence of malaria that killed, and continues to kill, millions of people in tropical Third World countries? Even political leaders have been judged by how noble their ideas sounded, rather than by how disastrous their consequences were."
2010: Our Year of Decision
Victor Davis Hanson "With America engaged in two wars, and drowning in trillions in debt, our Asian allies are already starting to take their respective measures of Barack Obama and the Communist cadre in Beijing. Expect allies like Japan, Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan to begin to make regional accommodations with a rising China — while distancing themselves from a floundering and confused U.S."
What's Been Missed In The Harry Reid 'Negro' Comment
Carl Paulus , AT "Though this remains up for debate, Watkins undoubtedly perceives Reid's statements as purely politically driven and without racist intent. He believes Reid simply recognized Obama's ability to use race as part of his political strategy."
How to read "Game Change"
Christian Science Monitor "...The book, by two high-profile campaign reporters, is only being released today. But it is already making headlines of the least attractive variety." In the book:
------------Obama never thought much of Biden "Will Obama keep Biden as Veep in 2012? Now that this information is out, I don't see how he can."
------------Hillary accused Obama of cheating in primaries "But this is the first we've heard about Obama busing in Chicagoans to vote in the Iowa caucuses. Could it be that the reason we're not reading about it elsewhere is that it rings true?" This from the NY Times; ----------Then this: John Edwards - Henpecked husband? "The New York Magazine piece is a long read but well worth it. I guarantee you will never look at John or Elizabeth Edwards in quite the same way again."
Democrats launch counterattack to save Harry Reid's career
Politico "First, Reid’s allies plan to distribute the NAACP vote ratings of Republican senators who have scolded him. The data will be made available to editorial boards, cable programs and the blogosphere — including votes on minimum wage, community-oriented policing, education funding and HIV/AIDS programs. Separately, the Congressional Black Caucus plans to issue a new statement Monday, defending Reid and brushing back Republicans. "
Political Correctness Protected Hasan
Sweetness&Light "Nothing could be more clear. He was advanced precisely because he is a Muslim. And his superiors were rightly afraid that if they objected to his anti-American, anti-infidel sentiments, their own careers would be summarily destroyed."
Insurance mandate starting to become a political albatross
HotAir "It doesn’t take a postgraduate degree in economics to figure that out — and to figure out why politicians need to use the power of federal government to coerce younger people into economic slavery to the vast majority of the country that need their risk subsidized." But, but Bruce Springsteen TOLD us this was the way to go!
Candidates Who Invoke ‘Climate-gate’ Could Get Boost in 2010
BigGovernment "...Republicans have been reticent to engage and debate the dubious claims of human induced global warming, laments Steve Milloy, editor and founder of JunkScience.com.
“Too many of them don’t understand the issue and the extremism that stands behind green activism,” he observes. “They are afraid of being labeled as anti-environment and are just not well-equipped or well informed enough to confront policies that could result in an unprecedented expansion of government power.”"
Obama Aids the Enemy He Will Not Name
Pamela Geller, AT "He is by far the most secretive and opaque president we have ever had the bad judgment to elect. While Obama and his gang of thieves hide behind closed doors to pass secret health care legislation that will enslave Americans under the Stalin-like propaganda chimera of "reform," he has opened to our mortal enemies a veritable treasure trove of intelligence."...."Imagine: We can't see health care legislation, but our enemies can see...everything from twenty-five years ago."
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