Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Decade the MSM Won

Pajamas Media "In those two stories, two MSM strategies for “shaping” public opinion had been effectively hamstrung. In the first instance, the story on Drudge, a major news magazine was caught trying to kill a story. In the second, a network news anchor had been caught fabricating a story. In each case, media partisanship had been starkly revealed. Cover up the dirt for a Democrat. Make up some dirt about a Republican."

If ObamaCare Passes, Will You Ever Be Able to Trust Your Doctor?

James Lewis , Pajamas Media " You and I will no longer be the main clients for our medical doctors. We won’t be in the loop. Your money will be forcibly extracted from your taxes, and when we get sick we will be passive recipients of the kindness of strangers — like Barney Frank and Harry Reid. And Nurse Ratched. It’s not your doctor anymore; it will be the state’s doctor. I would not trust my doctor under socialism."

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009

Judicial Watch The list isn't all Democrats, but it's pretty much the usual suspects.

ACTION ITEM: Block Card Check By Fiat

Big Government "...President Obama’s administration is turning to clever, quiet regulatory efforts to push through Big Labor’s agenda — and the first item on the agenda is today’s hearing for the man who would impose card check by fiat."

Mike Ramirez cartoon

If the trial of '20th hijacker' Zacarias Moussaoui taught us anything, KSM should not be tried in civilian court.

Victoria Toensing "Moussaoui also used [the Brady rule] to request reams of classified documents via the Classified Information Procedure Act (CIPA). The process usually entails the government rewriting classified documents as classified summaries and giving them to a security “cleared” defense counsel. Moussaoui, the terrorist, insisted on his constitutional right to defend himself so he could personally review the classified summaries. When allowed to write his own motions, Moussaoui filed threats against public officials. When he was in court, Moussaoui ranted that he prayed for the “destruction of the Jewish people.” "

The Attorney and the General / General Hayden has it right on Obama’s war-by-subpoena.

Andrew McCarthy "People can blame the attorney general, and there certainly is plenty for which he should answer. But Holder is a sideshow. These decisions are presidential decisions. The fact that Obama evidently delegates them to Holder does not change that. The policy of surrendering enemy combatants to the civilian-justice system and giving them all the rights of the American citizens whom they are trying to kill is an Obama policy being implemented by Holder; it’s not a Holder policy."

Palin calls for Emanuel's head over 'retarded' remark

Kansas City Star "Unlikely as the firing is, Rahm's use of "[f-----g] retarded" has given his critics (and Obama's) a legitimate reason to criticize them: Rahm for his actions, Obama for not personally criticizing his chief of staff."

Credit Where Credit is Due

Blackfive "I know that we frequently have some philosophical disputes with the Obama administration here. Still, once in a while, it's a good idea to step back and point out the things they have gotten right." When Blackfive speaks, I listen.

Rove: Only Carter Has Approached Obama’s ‘Weak and Whining’ Attitude (Video)

Breitbart TV "It is beneath the office that he now holds. I mean, think back - we don't like weak, whiny people in that job because we know - every American instinctively knows, regardless of party - that it is important we have a strong leader there."

Once Again, James O’Keefe Strips Away the MSM’s Mask of Neutrality, Revealing the Bias Below

Hannah Giles Hannah Giles played the prostitute in the ACORN sting videos. O'Keefe portrayed the pimp. "The bottom line is, conservative elites are afraid of the MSM. They are constantly two-steppin’ to stay in their good graces while secretly cursing them beneath their breath. It is no wonder they’ve had their rear ends handed to them so badly in past elections. I’m telling you, if conservatives don’t put on their game faces and strap on their big-boy boots, our nation’s demise is imminent."  Then this: James O’Keefe Tells His Side of the Story to Hannity (Video)  " “James O’Keefe sat in jail for 28 hours without access to an attorney, while the U.S. attorney leaked the information about his arrest, helping the media frame it as ‘Watergate Junior,’” Breitbart said." And how long did it take the Jock & Awe bomber to get a lawyer?

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? A Reasonable Compromise

Max Boot "Special Forces is one of the areas in which women are still not allowed to serve even though most jobs in the military have been opened to them. Why not simply extend to gays the same policy applied to women? That is, let gays serve openly in most billets but not in a few combat designations. It seems like a reasonable compromise." Wait till the ACLU get their teeth into THAT issue.