Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Morning Bell: Can They Make Obamacare Worse? Yes They Can!

Heritage "The problem is, the plan the President released yesterday is not a "start over" ... it is just a continuation and expansion of the same Washington-centric policies that the American people have clearly rejected over the past year. There still is a chance for Obama to save his presidency, but yesterday's plan will not do it."

Afghanistan at the Crossroads

Alex Alexiev , NRO "...a crucial watershed has been reached in Afghanistan. It is currently on display in the unfolding campaign in Helmand Province. In many ways, the Marjah campaign is an about-face from the way things were being done, and it offers the first realistic hope for victory in Afghanistan, much as the surge did in Iraq a couple of years ago. To understand what’s going on, the best place to start is a little-noticed analysis co-authored by the top U.S. intelligence officer in Afghanistan..."

Sinking to New Lows in the Terror War

FrontpageMag "What we are seeing is the domestic version of the Obama administration’s dangerously loopy “engagement” strategy. Basically, if you’re a friend of the United States, say Israel or Poland, prepare to be screwed; if you despise America as, say, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood do, prepare to be wooed. " Andrew McCarthy

Dear Rahm, Republicans Are Calling Obama’s Bluff

Tab Right "On Monday the Republican Congressional leadership sent a letter to Rahm Emanuel essentially calling President Obama’s bluff. Listing a set of demands that includes: - Televising the Congressional/Adminstration debate. - Publically agreeing not to force through a plan without Republican support. - Providing a 72 hour window for public review of any plan. - Including the CBO, other non-partisan experts and Republican invited experts into the televised discussion. - That the special interest groups that the Obama Administration has cut deals with be included in this televised discussion. The following is a copy of that letter…"

Mike Ramirez cartoon


Holder Stacks Justice Department with Jihadists' Lawyer

Atlas Shrugs "As for everyone else, Holder lists no names and no cases, but in a paragraph filled with modifiers, he makes it clear that all the lawyers who had advocated for detainees are free to work on general detainee matters."


Boortz "Just to remind you ... while The Community Organizer is talking about putting price controls on the evil, profit-gobbling health insurance companies ... the average industry profit margin is under 4%. Yeah ... these insurance companies are really sucking down the obscene profits, aren't they?"

New Climate Agency Head Tried to Suppress Data, Critics Charge

FoxNews "The scientist who has been put in charge of the Commerce Department's new climate change office is coming under attack from both sides of the global warming debate over his handling of what they say is contradictory scientific data related to the subject."

Inhofe Calls For Gore To Defend Climate Claims Before Congress

Newsbusters “In [Gore's] science fiction movie, every assertion has been rebutted,” Inhofe said. He believes Vice President Gore should defend himself and his movie before Congress." And this: Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe to Ask for DOJ Investigation Senator Inhofe’s announcement today appears to be the first time a member of Congress has formally called for an investigation into research misconduct and potential criminal acts by the scientists involved."

Less than Meets the Eye — Again

Commentary "He went to Copenhagen twice, each time with spinners expecting the fix was in and Obama could deliver a huge political win; but there was no game plan; there was no Chicago Olympics or global-warming deal."

Valerie Jarrett thinks Tea-partiers are extremists

BreitbartTV "It's an anti-government...I mean that's the Tea Party. They really are, um, are, uh, trying to rebel against government at all. And I think that that's...again it's an extreme. It's always easier to scare people and get them angry when they're already scared...and I think that's what the Tea Party is trying to capture."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Iran: Ahmadinejad aims for 'global Islamic revolution'

Atlas Shrugs "It's not Ahmadinejad's idea -- it is ideology of Islam. It is Islam. When Ahmadinejad said in a live address, "The Islamic revolution's final objective is global revolution," he is right."