Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson


What Part of "Party of No" Don't You Understand?

Townhall "Republicans can't stop the Democrats from socializing health care: They are a tiny minority party in both the House and the Senate. (Note to America: You might want to keep this in mind next time you go to the polls.)"

For Dems and GOP alike, optics are everything

Politico "[Republicans] wanted the six-hour talks to take place around a table with House and Senate members sitting at the same height as President Barack Obama, according to a senior Senate GOP aide. “We don’t want any more of that Professor Obama lecturing to us stuff,” said one staffer, speaking on condition of anonymity."

The Silence of the Lamb

Commentary "Obama’s obsessive “reaching out to the Iranian leadership,” starting in his inauguration speech and continuing month after month in spite of no Iranian response, sent an unmistakable signal — one confirmed when he stood mute after the fraudulent Iranian election; confirmed again after he offered a muffled response to the secret nuclear facility in Qom; confirmed yet again when he remained silent as each of his “deadlines” passed; and confirmed even now by his continuing silence on the subject as he devotes his speeches and attention to ObamaCare. Lions know a lamb when they see one." Rick Richman

Toyota vs. Government Motors

HotAir "Toyota’s handling of the recall has been miserable. Weeks after I first learned that my car is subject to one of the recalls, I still haven’t been notified directly by the company, and so far as I know, there is no fix yet for the potentially faulty gas pedal in my 2009 Corolla. I’m not happy about that. But the evidence that the federal government’s recent entrance into the car business has influenced its antagonizing approach to the Toyota recall is quite convincing:"

My Gift to the Obama Presidency; By John Yoo

Wall Street Journal "Barack Obama may not realize it, but I may have just helped save his presidency. How? By winning a drawn-out fight to protect his powers as commander in chief to wage war and keep Americans safe. He sure didn't make it easy. When Mr. Obama took office a year ago, receiving help from one of the lawyers involved in the development of George W. Bush's counterterrorism policies was the furthest thing from his mind. "...

John Yoo: Stallion

Blackfive "In less than an hour, more than 80 Taliban fighters attacked and killed all but one member of the Seal team and 16 Americans on a helicopter rescue mission. If a president cannot, or will not, protect the men and women who fight our nation's wars, they will follow the same risk-averse attitudes that invited the 9/11 attacks in the first place." John Yoo.

Boehner Responds [to] Obama’s Insincerity

Tab Right “The President has crippled the credibility of this week’s summit by proposing the same massive government takeover of health care based on a partisan bill the American people have already rejected. This new Democrats-only backroom deal doubles down on the same failed approach that will drive up premiums, destroy jobs, raise taxes, and slash Medicare benefits. This week’s summit clearly has all the makings of a Democratic infomercial for continuing on a partisan course that relies on more backroom deals and parliamentary tricks to circumvent the will of the American people and jam through a massive government takeover of health care." John Boehner, R-Oh.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Camo for the Stan

Multicam "This is definitely needed since the ACU seems designed to blend in with, well no one I know has figgered that out. So they chose a new type called Multicam." From Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive

Eric Holder’s Radical Far Left Attorney Claimed Khalid Sheikh Mohammad Was Tortured; Pushed to Throw Out His Guilty Plea

GatewayPundit "Jennifer Daskal is a radical far left American lawyer who serves as senior counsel for Human Rights Watch, and focuses on issues of terrorism, criminal law and immigration. She is also currently a political hire at Eric Holder’s Department of Justice, which is seeking to prosecute terror suspects through the criminal justice system instead of through military tribunals."

The Green Prince

Powerline "This is a very nice story that I hadn't heard before: the son of one of the founders of Hamas converted to Christianity and for a decade, worked closely with Israel's security agencies to frustrate terrorist attacks. He now lives in California and is about to publish his memoirs:"

The Republican health-care plan posted online "Not only do House Republicans already have their own health care plan, not only is it already available online, but the White House's own website already links to it!"From Heritage.