Thursday, February 25, 2010

Terrorists in the Military: The Legacy of Political Correctness

BigJournalism "Our government is blindly working with Islamic front groups to try to find ways to prosecute the war on terror without offending Muslims. They’re telling them our tactics and secrets. No wonder they think they can beat us."

How Israel's Biggest Drone Could Take Out Iranian Nukes

Popular Mechanics "But in a "big war" operation, when enemy radar and missiles are robust, as they are in Iran, the way Israel could use its UAVs is worth watching. Israel's long-distance Eitans are not that new, but the way they could be used during a complex air raid could be groundbreaking. Literally and figuratively."

Is Obama a Muslim or an Apostate?

Translating Jihad "Through these Islamic judgments, in comparison with the autobiography of President Barack Hussein Obama, we find that this president is either a Muslim or an apostate from Islam according to the strongest viewpoints of Islamic jurisprudence." By Mu'ammar Ahmad 'Abd-al-Latif Rajeh, for the Watan Voice, 30 January 2010.

American Support for Israel at Near Record High

Atlas Shrugs "And in any war between the civilized man and the savage, you always side with the civilized man. Obama, OTOH, ................... better get a clue. The country does not share his anti-semitism."...."Even on this longer-term basis, support for Israel among Democrats has been relatively flat. And the Jews cling to the Democrat party, like the Gazans cling to "occupation." "

ObamaCare Strategy Sabotages Bipartisan Summit

Big Government "Furthermore, the American people explicitly reject ObamaCare and don’t want it. So much for consent of the governed. This Summit is going to be a day long press conference for President Obama and the ObamaCare Cheerleading Squad to try one last time to sell the President’s health care plan that includes unpopular mandates, higher taxes and cuts to health care providers."

Too Little, Too Late, Too Cynical

Victor Davis Hanson "But the problem is that a now jaded public believes that Obama is changing both course and tone not because he wants to for the country, but because he is forced to for his own survival.In other words, the “hope and change” of last year’s messiah has devolved into this year’s “whatever it takes” of a cynic."

Flashback: Obama, Reid Blasted Idea of Majority Rule in the Senate

American Spectator "BreitbartTV has posted a great compilation video of the arguments that top Democrats, including President Obama, made against the prospect of Republicans using the "nuclear option" to break Democratic filibusters in 2005. Their words stand in stark contrast to Democrats current statements ..." H/t to Boortz.

What the GOP Should Say at the Health Summit

Karl Rove, WSJ "The congressional Republicans at today's televised health-care "summit" at the White House naturally want to prevent the president from turning it into a PR stunt. This is no easy task. They'll not only have to point out problems with his plan and offer their own ideas, but correct the president when he makes statements that are not true. The GOP participants appear ready for the first two tasks."

The Summit to Nowhere? (UPDATED)

Commentary "But unless a dramatic shift in public and congressional opinion occurs, he will not get his bill. Indeed, we now see signs that he realizes this. This report explains that Obama is preparing an alternative plan to cover 15 million people and do a small fraction of what his ObamaCare scheme envisioned:"...Jennifer Rubin

The Brutal Truth About Californians

Pajamas Media "’ll have an unelected judge making California’s budget decisions. And if you think that’s bad… the California electorate’s taste for endless government got the state into this mess — and who elected them?" Well, the left brought Russia seven decades of misery and they STILL won't acknowledge they were wrong.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Beware of 'Comprehensive' Anything

Victor Davis Hanson "Comprehensive reform also often involves new laws, more money and additional bureaucrats. Yet almost every problem facing America arises from too much federal spending and borrowing — not too little government."

Conservatives disappointed in Senator Brown

American Thinker "You can take the Senator out of Massachusetts, but you can't take Massachusetts out of the Senator."