Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wow: Dems ready to join GOP in ousting Rangel?

Hot Air "Republicans plan to bring to the floor this week a resolution calling for Rangel’s ouster as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Democratic aides say defections from vulnerable Democrats may give the GOP enough votes to prevail."

'Grassroots' Coffee Party Organizer Exposed as Obama Political Operative

Newsbusters "It is very clear from Park's background, and her own Tweets, that the Coffee Party simply is part of the perpetual Obama campaign, a means by which to subvert the real grassroots Tea Party movement by co-opting part of the message, but in a way which supports keeping Obama in power."---- The source: Legal Insurrection "The New York Times and Washington Post are promoting a group called the "Coffee Party" organized by filmmaker Annabel Park."

Media Ignores Bomb Threats at Senator Bunning’s Offices

Gateway Pundit "Funny. These bomb threats aren’t getting much play by the state-run media. A search on “Bunning bomb threat” at Google came up with only 6 hits. They’re too busy demonizing the angry senator ... for not being like the democrats."

Alice in Health Care

Thomas Sowell "What is called lowering the costs is simply refusing to pay all the costs by having the government set lower prices, whether for doctors’ fees, hospital reimbursements, or other charges. Surely no one believes that there will be no repercussions from refusing to pay for what we want. Some doctors are already refusing to accept Medicare or Medicaid patients because the government’s reimbursement levels are so low."

The Turban and the Swastika: The Muslims and the Nazis

Atlas Shrugs " "Dear Comrades, The friendship between Muslims and Germans has become much stronger, because National Socialism is in many respects parallel to Islamic philosophy. Points of similarity are monotheism and unity of leadership, Islam as an organizing force, struggle, community, family and progeny, the relationship with the Jews, glorification of work and production." The Mufti of Jerusalem addressing his Muslim Nazi troops."

Searching for Saddam

Slate "A five-part series on how the U.S. military used social networking to capture the Iraqi dictator." Chris Wilson

The Smartest Guys in the Room?

American Thinker "Despite the Ivy League educations and all the access to information, the mainstream media behaved like a high school girl infatuated with the class bad boy. Allow me to illustrate. How many parents have experienced the horror of meeting their teenage daughter's first love and knowing instantly that this relationship will lead to nothing but tragedy? It's a no-win situation for the parents. If they attempt to explain what a cad their daughter is dating, the lovesick girl won't believe it. If they forbid her to see him again, the teen will most likely defy her parents and may even marry the fellow."

The Basis for Tort Reform

Dr. Peter Weiss "Physicians alone pay some 19 billion dollars a year in malpractice premiums. The argument by the Obama administration and the leaders in Congress is that the U.S. malpractice system is only a small contributor to the high cost of health care. This is completely false. This view blatantly fails to take into account the cost of defensive medicine and defensive documentation."

Where Is the ‘Red Line’ on Iran?

Pajamas Media "The Israelis are preparing for the worst. It is no coincidence that Israel revealed a fleet of unmanned aerial drones that can fly for an entire day and reach Iran shortly following the regime’s latest announcement. Only immediate, concrete, aggressive action can convince the Israelis to wait. Should such a strike commence, the international outcry against Israel will be misplaced. It will be the lack of action by the U.S. and its allies that, more than anyone aside from Ahmadinejad and Khamanei, will have forced Israel’s hand." How many have died since 1930 because free nations were influenced by anti-war protesters?

Obama’s ‘Queering Schools Czar’ Plans To Launch “School Climate Measurement” Program To Integrate LGBT Themes into K-12 Curricula

 Nice Deb   "...I.e., Jennings and GLSEN want homosexual, bisexual and transgender themes taught in every subject at every grade, all the way down to the kindergarten level, maybe even preschool.A “hostile school,”would be one where “Curricula are devoid of LGBT themes” and homosexuality is “characterized” as “sin.” By extension, parents and students who oppose the radical homosexual agenda, would be in violation of the schools “safety policies”?"

Clintonistas Rub It In

Commentary  "I suppose the Clintonistas are entitled to gloat. They said Obama wasn’t ready for prime time. They tried to argue that “experience” mattered and that “change” was a cotton-candy campaign slogan. But the Democrats didn’t listen. And now Obama is running the party into the ground. So it shouldn’t surprise us that up pops James Carville, Clinton confidant extraordinaire, to rub it in:" ...."If Obama suffers a massive defeat and can’t figure out a fallback plan to disguise the defeat, Hillary Clinton, Evan Bayh, and perhaps a few others may be contemplating how to position themselves, you know, just in case there’s a popular groundswell of Democratic support for a different candidate in 2012." Jennifer Rubin .

Another American media failure

Hot Air "...shouldn’t the American media have deployed its storied skepticism to some use on the AGW movement and the IPCC? After all, it was only a few years ago — after the invasion over which the media wailed and self-criticized its credulousness — that we discovered that the UN had conducted the largest fraud in human history, the Oil-for-Food program that put billions of dollars into the pockets of Saddam Hussein while impoverishing the Iraqis the program was designed to protect."