Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh, Canada!

Ann Coulter "If a university official's letter accusing a speaker of having a proclivity to commit speech crimes before she's given the speech -- which then leads to Facebook postings demanding that Ann Coulter be hurt, a massive riot and a police-ordered cancellation of the speech -- is not hate speech, then there is no such thing as hate speech."

Patrick Henry’s Fight for Liberty

Heritage "“I know not what course others may take,” he calmly professed then he paused. Slowly, deliberately, and in a firm voice, Henry concluded to the hushed audience, “But as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” Americans should remember his courage and strive to revive our commitment to liberty and self-government."

Hang ‘Em High: Obama’s Disgusting ‘Give Them Somebody to Hate’ Tactics

Lloyd Marcus "In his gazillionth, and most recent health care speech, Obama used the same “give ‘em somebody to hate” tactic against the insurance industry. Outrageously displaying behavior unbecoming to the office of the presidency, Mr. Obama, with no holds barred, attempted to make the American people hate, and seek political vengeance against, the insurance industry."

Putting Racism Back Where It Belongs... On The Left!

The Black Sphere Blog "We produce a series for radio called Great Moments in Democrat Racist History, audio clips that educate with humor and satire, that we plan to offer to radio stations all over the country. My team is working on a pilot TV show that lampoons Liberals, and we believe will do a lot to bring a younger audience to the network we will pitch."

Health Care Law Signals US Empire Decline?

CNBC "The passage of the health care law shows that the US empire is declining because it illustrates the fact that people expect the state to take care of them, David Murrin, the co-founder of Emergent Asset Management hedge fund manager, told CNBC."

A Weedlike Acorn "Is scandal-hit Acorn folding? Don't bet on it. With federal cash at stake, the enterprise is morphing into new groups to keep a hand in the pot. It's like a con man who changes his name and moves to the next town."

California AG probably won't join state suits against Obamacare

American Thinker Why not, you ask? Two words: Jerry Brown.

MSNBC Contributor Equates State Lawsuits Against ObamaCare to Causes of the Civil War

Newsbusters "Why miss an opportunity to inject racism accusations into a highly charged debate like health care reform that was recently signed into law by President Barack Obama given the opportunity?"


Michael Yon "The Warthogs had to wait for a Reaper to roll by. No telling where Mr. iRobot would fly to. Do these go to Pakistan? I have no idea, but it seems like you can’t read the news without seeing where these robots have hit more terrorists. There was a time when the enemy thought terror was a one-way street. This place has gotten to be like a hornet’s nest of Predators and Reapers. A couple years ago, you’d see them every day, but now you can’t turn around without seeing an iRobot Terminator buzzing around to land or disappearing into the sunset or sunrise."


Nealz Nuze "Opponents of ObamaCare are nothing less than out-of-control enraged right wingers who need to be feared. ObamaZombies will paint the anger of opponents as a threat to public safety and will start making demands that something be done to counter or contain this anger. Click here for an example of this response tactic. "Right Wing Reacts with Rage." " Related: AND THERE ARE FOOLS OUT THERE WHO AREN'T HELPING "The left will try to hang these insane people around the necks of all who oppose a government takeover of health care ... just be aware."

Repeal and Replace — but First Reveal

Commentary "This does give a boost to the new Republican mantra “repeal and replace!” Part of the “repeal” effort will be the uncovering of all the special deals and a proper explanation of the impact on the deficit (calculated to go up $6B this year), the Medicare cuts (about $100B this year), and the regimen of taxes and mandates that await us if in fact the bill is fully implemented." Jennifer Rubin.

Stoned in Iran, Snubbed in Hollywood: How PC Buried 'Soraya M.'

Newsbusters "If you're an entertainment maven in Los Angeles or New York, what's not to love? Except that it's not set in Puritan New England or contemporary Texas. And the dignified aunt isn't played by Susan Sarandon. The dialogue is mostly in Farsi, so it lacks the southern drawl that helps liberals identify the bad guys."