Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Krauthammer: Obama’s New Nuclear Policy Is ‘Either Insane or Ridiculous’

Breitbart TV "Just think, the guy who controls all our nukes and military went to a church that honored Louis Farrakhan, appointed a professed “Truther” as a czar, and hung a Mao ornament on the Christmas tree in the White House." From the comments section.

True Confessions from America’s Census Workers

Michelle Malkin "So, what makes the Obama census campaign different from other census programs? First, its naked, left-wing special interest pandering. The White House is championing a “Queer the Census” movement by pro-gay marriage groups, for example, and the Commerce Department is working with open-borders leaders who want to use the census as leverage to stop all immigration raids." Via CNS

Obama is HATED in Israel

Shawarma Mayor "Israel's version of Saturday Night Live (In English & Hebrew) where they made a sketch about Obama/Netanyahu meeting. It was more sad than funny as it actually merely depicted what was already reported. Obama dictated, then left for dinner - leaving Bibi baffled. The humiliation was scorning." Language advisory in a sketch portion following this one.

Iran ridicules Obama's "cowboy" nuclear strategy

Yahoo News ""Mr. Obama, you are a newcomer (to politics). Wait until your sweat dries and get some experience. Be careful not to read just any paper put in front of you or repeat any statement recommended," Ahmadinejad said in the speech, aired live on state TV." Via Drudge. Hey, I didn't say that, he did.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Race and Politics

Thomas Sowell "We know — or should know — what lies at the end of the road of racial polarization. A “race card” is not something to play, because race is a very dangerous political plaything."

The Debt and Energy Conquer Even Hope and Change

Victor Davis Hanson "Meanwhile, when the recovery begins in earnest ..., interest rates will climb, and oil will again become scarce. Then we will rue our decisions in 2009 not to cut government spending, and not to start massive exploitation of new-found natural gas, vast deposits of oil in Alaska and offshore, and fast-tracking of nuclear plants."

Black conservative tea party backers take heat

Breitbart "Some black conservatives credit President Barack Obama's election—and their distaste for his policies—with inspiring them and motivating dozens of black Republicans to plan political runs in November. For black candidates like McGlowan, tea party events are a way to reach out to voters of all races with her conservative message."

Straw Man Watch

Karl Rove "The Straw Man fallacy involves the attribution or assumption of a position, which is then attacked or dismissed, The problem is that the position dismissed by the argument is not the real 'man' or 'person', but a caricature of the real position held."—

Liu nomination “in jeopardy” after “dozens” of omissions from questionnaire

Hot Air "Conservatives had already begun working to oppose the nomination of Berkeley Law professor Goodwin Liu to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, but Liu may have handed them some serious ammunition. "

Obama to set 'good example' with new nuke strategy

Rick Moran , AT "Did it ever penetrate his skull that the very nations that threaten us - never mind Iran and North Korea which he exempts from the new policy - could care less about the US "good example?" What towering ignorance and breathtaking arrogance would lead a president to abandon the notion that we should forget about "good examples" and just protect the country?" This from Heritage: The Road to a New Nuclear Arms Race "The ayatollahs believe that, when they have the bomb, they can crush the freedom-loving opposition with total impunity. They are counting the days."

Obama's national security giveaway

Thomas Lifson "...if I read accounts correctly, President Obama has given a major American strength by limiting American delivery systems, not just warheads."


Neal Boortz "We will compare her recent comments about those evil, violent, rage-filled Tea Partiers with comments she was making to anti-war protestors when George W. Bush was president."