Friday, April 9, 2010

New Jersey Teachers' Union Prays for Death of Governor Christie

NRO "After this crap that the New Jersey Education Association - the state branch of the NEA - is pulling, I don't want to hear any more whining about "incendiary rhetoric" at the Tea Parties:"

Pledging to Repeal

National Review Online "GOP candidates are coalescing around an anti-Obamacare message." .... "While 34 House Democrats opposed the legislation that passed on March 20, how many would call for its abolition? “I don’t think there are more than seven Democrats in the House who really wanted to vote against this bill,” says Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist."

It's On: CBO Fielding VAT Questions From Congress

Weekly Standard " "Many people in Congress are interested in it," he said of the VAT, a national sales tax that adds between 10 and 20 percent to purchases in European countries where it's been implemented. "We've had conversations with a number of members and their staffs." " Know what BOHICA means? Better learn so you can do it.

Obama Administration Denies Visas to Israeli Nuclear Scientists

Pajamas Media "This could be yet another flashpoint in the increasingly sensitive relations between the administration, the American Jewish community, and Israel." Anybody remember that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's economic policies helped pull Britain out of their depression? All he's remembered for is his fecklessness in selling out an ally to please Hitler. Don't they teach history in this country anymore?

Netanyahu will not attend nuclear security summit in Washington, DC

Jerusalem Post via Heritage. "Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had said he would be at the conference to underline the danger of terrorists acquiring nuclear weapons. Officials in his office said Netanyahu reversed himself because some nations planned to use the conference to target Israel over its barely concealed nuclear weapons program." Obama's statesmanship is a gift that just keeps on giving. Republicans welcome Netanyahu's US trip cancellation "The American Politico website described Netanyahu's decision as "an embarrassing distraction on the eve of a high-profile meeting the White House has sought to carefully choreograph."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel


Red Tape Rising: Regulation in the Obama Era

Heritage "Yet, explicit taxes and spending are only part of the total burden that government places on Americans. The rest comes in the form of hidden taxes imposed by government regulations. These "regulatory taxes" appear on no budget or balance sheet, but are very real--costing Americans an estimated $1 trillion or more each year."

Airline Bomb Scare Diplomat Was Traveling To Visit Imprisoned Al-Qaida Agent...

AP via Weasel Zippers "The diplomat, Mohammed Al-Madadi was going to meet Ali Al-Marri in prison, according to a State Department official and another person close to the matter. Al-Marri, a citizen of Qatar, is serving eight years in prison after pleading guilty last year to conspiring to support terrorism."

Waxman Plans Industry Show Trials

Big Government "Democrats understand that passage of Obama’s healthcare “reforms” will probably hurt them in November, so they’re doing everything they can to dampen the anger directed at them and turn it against someone – anyone – else."...."The hearing will be a nasty show trial. It is intended to vilify, not find fact: to shift the blame from congress to the industry executives who are trying to do their jobs in accordance with the law." Waxman again.

Petraeus’s Israel Problem

Andrew McCarthy "The State Department with which [General Petraeus] anxiously partners is the institution of government foremost dedicated to the view that we must be absolute neutrals in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. No material distinction is to be drawn between one side’s construction of housing and the other’s suicide bombings."

Obamas to Appear on "American Idol"

FoxNews "The President and First Lady took time out of their busy schedules on Wednesday to sit down for a taping with "American Idol" as part of the hit show's fundraising event set to air next week."

Iran's President Warns Israel against Invasion of Gaza

FARSNews " "And you (Zionists) should know that an attack on Gaza will end your inauspicious and filthy life," the Iranian president warned. " FARS is Iran's independent news agency. Whatever "independent" means.