Sunday, April 25, 2010
An Age of Untruth
Victor Davis Hanson "Do we recall any American shock when the Guardian published Charles Brooker’s lament — “John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr. — where are you now that we need you?” And I don’t recall anyone felt that language was getting too heated when Howard Dean, head of the Democratic Party, fumed, “I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for.” "...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Obama Tries to Eradicate Radical Islam
Raymond Ibrahim "The situation is already dire. There is already a lamentable lack [7] of study concerning Muslim war doctrine in the curriculum of American military studies, including in the Pentagon [8] and U.S. Army War College [9]. Obama’s more aggressive censorship program will only exacerbate matters: another recently released strategic document, the QDR [10], nary mentions anything remotely related to Islam — even as it stresses climate change [11], which it sees as an “accelerant of instability and conflict” around the world." The numbers in brackets refer to corroborating sources.
Secret papers reveal Senate ‘talks’ between Obama and Blagojevich
Sweetness and Light "The filing indicates that the union official has testified to federal investigators about a phone call he had with Obama on the day before he won the presidency in which he indicated that Jarrett "would be a good senator for the people of Illinois and would be a candidate who could win re-election." …
Funny how no one investigating Mr. Blagojevich and no one in our watchdog media discovered this."
Funny how no one investigating Mr. Blagojevich and no one in our watchdog media discovered this."
The actual Arizona immigration bill
Hot Air "The more I think about it, the more I think this law is little more than a bargaining chip Arizona’s using to make the feds get serious about enforcement. They surely realize they’ll have no end of headaches from passing this thing, but no matter how much it backfires, they’ll still get to point at Washington and say, “You drove us to these desperate measures!” — which will put that much more pressure on Congress to seal the border when it finally takes up a new amnesty bill."
Barack Obama and the arrogance of arrogance
Powerline "Obama, meanwhile, seems too arrogant to recognize the blowback his arrogant, and indeed hostile, approach to our traditional allies is bound to produce. This is not surprising. Obama's policies towards our traditional allies are the product of attitude, not of calculation. He may well be temperamentally unable to calculate their costs."
The Paranoid Style of American Liberalism
Powerline "Liberals, to put it mildly, are not dealing well with their declining political fortunes. For some reason, liberals seem surprised that Americans have not warmed to the Obama administration's policies, like government takeover of health care; bailouts and government ownership in multiple industries; wasteful and ineffective "stimulus" spending; unheard of deficits; massive tax increases slated for next year; and a foreign policy that perversely alienates our allies and caters to our enemies."
Immigrants and Nazis, Communists and Cardinals
Volokh Conspiracy "Of course we all know the rule that the first debater to compare the other side to the Nazis is losing the debate. And this is a law that even President Obama, who obviously dislikes it, can’t say for sure goes beyond the state’s constitutional authority. Plus, there’s nothing in the bill about children turning in parents or neighbors spying on neighbors.Why is the Cardinal’s criticism so over the top?"
Remember November
Powerline "Hot Air calls the video linked below a "dynamite little piece of expressionism from Haley Barbour and the Republican Governors Association, aimed at synthesizing the mood of angry grassroots would-be donors. The message is familiar, but between the HD, the F/X, and the editing, the production values are light years ahead of the usual DNC/RNC crap. If they're looking to get attention, this'll help." "
From Canada: What have voters wrought with Obama?
Macleans "The genius of America was to create a system that prevented the power grab but not at the cost of lawlessness. Yet Obama, the man from nowhere, seems poised to single-handedly “change” this very essence, all in the name of levelling inequality in America." Barbara Amiel
21st Century Socialism; The attempt to destroy democracy in Latin America.
National Review "The Obama administration started out on the wrong foot in world affairs. It used techniques better suited for domestic political campaigns — popularity contests — in its foreign policy. In our own hemisphere, the result was confusion for our allies and our enemies alike. The overriding objective of U.S. policy — in Latin America and elsewhere — should be to advance U.S. national interests, not to curry favor with foreign leaders." Otto J. Reich
It Worked So Well For Bush...
Powerline "Evidently Obama doesn't think he has a chance of carrying Arizona in 2012--assuming that he intends to run for re-election, which I am starting to doubt. More broadly, he seems to have learned nothing from the Bush administration's experience with comprehensive immigration "reform." "
Friday, April 23, 2010
Rush Limbaugh, Patriot
Roger Kimball "Virtually all the real violence has been committed by the Left: The SEIU goons send Kenneth Gladney to the hospital because they don’t like what he says at Russ Carnahan’s town hall meeting. Karl Rove goes to Claremont College to talk and someone phones in a bomb threat. Allee Bautsch, Bobby Jindal’s campaign finance director, and her boyfriend are attacked leaving a fundraiser in New Orleans. She suffers a broken leg, he a concussion, fractured nose, and broken jaw. When it comes to theoretical violence, though, the Left is sure that conservatives are just bursting with it. "
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