Outgoing Attorney General Merrick Garland may be considered the equivalent for the Deep State of Stalin’s Beria. Some credit should go to Mitch McConnell for keeping him off the Supreme Court.
Bob Englehart | Comics | ArcaMax Publishing |
. . ."The Soviet Union continued as a tyrannical empire for another 36 years after Stalin’s death until it collapsed under its own weight. Today’s Russia is obviously still a dictatorship, but the Cold War seems to have ended. Meanwhile, we are becoming aware that there is now an American Stalin, but it’s not a person, it is instead a culture. It is still ruthless and violently jealous of threats to its power.
"The term “Deep State” was hardly, if ever, uttered before President Trump began his first term. Now it is mentioned constantly. Stalin lives in the Deep State and its visible exposure to the rest of us is a serious threat to its continued influence. The overt persecution of Donald Trump via “lawfare” is what has caused this revelation. Stalin, however, had more tools at his disposal and was more willing to use them.
"Outgoing Attorney General Merrick Garland may be considered the equivalent for the Deep State of Stalin’s Beria. Some credit should go to Mitch McConnell for keeping him off the Supreme Court.
"Thanks to the freedom-loving bourgeois nature of American civilization, there are assumed limits on how far such politically motivated persecutions can go. It is, however, not a good idea to just expect a good outcome from challenges to entrenched government functionaries who wish to yield authority over the rest of us. Such is the political dynamic of today.
"Donald Trump is our stalking horse. He draws incoming fire on purpose so as to reveal the Stalinist nature of the Deep State. And it’s working. Now, we just have to follow through and stifle the efforts of the nameless, faceless micromanagers who want to control our lives for imaginary reasons."
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