Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lost 1995 Obama interview surfaces: the young 'civil rights lawyer' predicted the economic fall of America and--wait for it--decried racial politics
Doug Ross Journal "Economics is not a zero-sum game. America has, within the last two centuries, raised the world out of the miasma of colonial technology into an era powered by computers, medical miracles and instantaneous global communications. America represents the most magnificent society ever seen on the planet, not because it's stealing food out of the mouths of the poor, but because it provides the most opportunities. And that structure is facilitated by the Constitution, despite its recent perversions and breaches by the Statist Democrats."
Is There a Pattern Here or What?
Victor Davis Hanson "One, we are doing our darnedest to playact that radical Muslims who are trying to kill us are not trying to kill us; and two, we are not seeing a lot of peaceful blowback from the virtual closing of Guantanamo, the virtual trial of KSM, the reach out in the Al Arabiya interview, the "reset" rhetoric, the Cairo speech, and the apology tour — 2009 saw the most terrorism attempts since 2001."
Students sent home for wearing American flag on Cinco de Mayo
Thomas Lifson in AT: "This is the sort of squelching of patriotism that might be implemented by a conquering power imposing its will on colonial subjects. It is entirely consistent with the agenda of "reconquista" - where Mexico takes back the Southwest United States through massive immigration, ultimately severing it from the United States." Geography lesson: Morgan Hill is in Pelosi Country.
A Real Leak of CIA Identities
Clarice Feldman in AT: "Covertly taken photos of CIA interrogators that were shown by defense attorneys to al Qaeda inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison represent a more serious security breach than the 2003 outing of CIA officer Valerie Plame, the agency's former general counsel said Wednesday."
Getting the Times Square Bomber’s Confession
Andrew C. McCarthy "The Obama administration strongly prefers the law-enforcement model, and that is how the Times Square case is being handled. Though I believe the military process should be our default choice during wartime, the administration should be cut some slack in this case. There are things to criticize, and the case bears close watching. Knee-jerk derision, though, would be a mistake." This is hard when my default reaction tends toward knee-jerk.
Updated: Two Weeks After Censoring 'South Park,' Comedy Central Debuts Cartoon Jesus Show
Newsbusters "This, of course, is the same Comedy Central that two weeks ago forbade the show "South Park" from even speaking the name of the Muslim prophet Mohammed forNo, we’re fearless and edgy. Really.” – UPDATES fear of offending that faith's followers. So at Comedy Central, apparently, making people uncomfortable by poking fun at their beliefs is fine. Unless those people are Muslims."
“No, we’re fearless and edgy. Really.” "FT Editor Joseph Bottum makes two predictions: 1) It will be far more blasphemous about Christianity than the Danish cartoons were about Islam. 2) There won’t be any riots over it."
“No, we’re fearless and edgy. Really.” "FT Editor Joseph Bottum makes two predictions: 1) It will be far more blasphemous about Christianity than the Danish cartoons were about Islam. 2) There won’t be any riots over it."
Shocker: Major corporations may dump health insurance, pay penalties instead
Hot Air "Well, well, well. Remember when Barack Obama said that under ObamaCare, people would keep their existing health plans and doctors? Remember when any suggestion that companies would find it a lot less expensive to dump employer-based health care and pay the penalties instead were cast as “myths” and “scare tactics,” even though the math was extremely easy to see? Welcome to Hope and Change:"... Who'da ever thunk it?
The trouble with prosecuting treason
NY Post "Prosecutions for treason are rare in the United States, with fewer than four dozen such cases brought since our nation's founding. As noted in "The Heritage Guide to the Constitution," one reason is that constitutional standards associated with the definition and proof of treason are specific and quite high."
Constitution in decline
Washington Times "That's because the health care bill, like most major laws passed by Congress over the past hundred years, isn't really a law. Rather, Obamacare is a series of assignments to bureaucrats in the Department of Health and Human Services. It is emblematic of what scholars call the administrative state, where legislative, executive and judicial powers are delegated to unaccountable experts sequestered in a fourth branch of government. If we are seeking the most effective means of defending - and restoring - the Constitution, we must pay attention to the rise of the administrative state and the decline of constitutional government in the United States." Via Heritage Emphasis mine.
Letters: The illegal immigration hornet's nest
THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER "Hello. Illegal is illegal. We do not hate Hispanics. We want Hispanics, like other countries immigrants, to be in America as legal citizens and speak the language. My son married a wonderful Hispanic girl and she has caring, extended family. Both sets of my grandparents arrived in this country through Ellis Island. They had sponsors and learned English to provide for their families. So to be here legally is not impossible – it takes work and determination."
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