Thursday, January 16, 2025

For the first time, Melania reveals an ugly truth about the Obamas…

Revolver News 

"And to make matters even better, thankfully for the Trumps, the very bitter and hulking Michelle Obama will be skipping the inauguration." 

 "The most gorgeous, classy, and graceful First Lady to ever hold the title is making her grand return. Melania Trump is heading back to the White House with the flair, beauty, and poise we’ve come to expect from her. But before stepping back into the “people’s house,” where she rightfully belongs, Melania sat down with Fox News and shared some eye-opening tidbits about the Obamas. Turns out, they’re just as nasty and vindictive as we all suspected. Melania experienced it firsthand during the so-called “transfer of power” back in 2017.

"So, what exactly is this peaceful and organized transfer of power? Most people don’t realize it’s actually tied to an act from the 1960s.
 Wikipedia:The Presidential Transition Act of 1963 provides the current mechanisms to facilitate an orderly and peaceful transition of power. Under existing federal law and custom, the major-party presidential candidates receive classified national security briefings once their nomination is formalized by their party.

 "According to Melania, the Obamas were anything but helpful. In fact, they went out of their way to withhold information from the Trumps, deliberately making this so-called “peaceful and organized” transition as difficult and challenging as possible.

"Sounds about right. After all, many would argue that there’s not a more divisive and negative couple on the planet than these two Marxist tyrants.


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