Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Don't ask; don't tell: Joint statement from Milbloggers

 Repeal of DADT seems imminent and I have searched the web for military bloggers' thoughts on the matter. I fear the consequences of this and wanted to see what those with hearts for our military felt.
Tigerhawk    "Over at BLACKFIVE today, Uncle Jimbo posts a Joint Statement from Military Bloggers advocating an end to the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. Uncle Jimbo (Jim Hanson as signatory to the Statement) is a Retired Special Operations Master Sargeant(sp), and I believe it is fair to say that he is someone who would self-identify as a conservative. Judging from the mixed comments under the post, there is not universal acceptance."
Go visit some San Francisco street event and see if you would repeal DADT.

Deal to End Ban On Gays in Military Takes Shape

WSJ " "We are committed to repealing `Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' a policy that has forced thousands of gay men and women from serving openly in our Armed Forces," said a statement Monday from Mr. Lieberman and Mr. Murphy. "It is our firm belief that it is time to repeal this discriminatory policy."

"Opponents of gay rights were dismayed. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins called the agreement "a back room deal that disregards the views of our troops and uses the military to advance the political agenda of a radical special interest group.""

Obama Loses Border Battle

Human Events  "Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has every right to celebrate the hard-won moral victory for her state. Brewer stood up to the press, the open borders lobby, criticism from arrogant Obama administration officials who haven’t read the Arizona law, a lecturing President of Mexico and illegal alien protesters taking to the streets hurling threats and the dreaded “R” word at her.
She has led the state of Arizona through the gauntlet and the moral victory is theirs.  Connie Hair is a freelance writer, a former speechwriter for Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) and a former media and coalitions advisor to the Senate Republican Conference.

Islamophobia is a Social Disease

Mike Adams "Have you ever wondered why liberal professors spend class time characterizing conservative Christians as dangerous while describing Islam as a “religion of peace”? Ever wonder why these liberal professors compare conservative Christians to the Taliban while giving the real Taliban a pass? I think I finally figured it out a few weeks ago after I got a surprise visit from the campus police on the final day of the spring semester."... Background article: How to Offend Barbarians and Promote Diversity .
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" On Campus.

A Crisis of Competence in the Gulf

Heritage "...Worse, Obama administration regulators continue to deny Louisiana officials permission to build up barrier islands between the coast’s marshes and the gulf. Federal regulators have so far refused to permit the state to act, fearing the unintended long-term damage to local wildlife. So instead of action, the oil continues to float on shore threatening the livelihoods of millions of Louisianans."

Obama's Ticking Time Bomb

Political Wire "The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico appears to have reached a public relations tipping point, with pundits and ordinary people turning against President Obama's response."

Democrats won't call THIS guy a racist.

Les  First heard this on the Mark Davis program this morning. You've gotta love his "They won't call me a racist" comment.

Admiral Sestak Needs Loose Lips To Save His Sinking Ship

Legal Insurrection  "Keep it up, and Sestak may end up on the receiving end of a special prosecutor, likely as witness not target, but one never can be too careful. Just ask Scooter Libby. (Eric Holder apparently is refusing to appoint a Special Prosecutor, but I do not expect that refusal to last.)"
Look Who's Behind the White House/Sestak Stonewall  "After three months of zipped lips and feigned ignorance, the Obama White House is finally taking real heat over Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak's consistent claims that the administration offered him a job to drop his Senate bid. Now it's time to redirect the spotlight where it belongs: on the top counsel behind the Washington stonewall, Bob "The Silencer" Bauer."

Death of the Postmodernist Dream

Victor Davis Hanson   "The more provocation is ignored in one region, the more it is pursued in the other. The new audacity is predicated on the universal notion that the new United States either cannot or will not fulfill its retrograde function of deterrence — or might even privately sympathize with the assorted grievances that serve as pretexts for ignoring the sanctity of the border, selling missiles to terrorists, pursuing the bomb, or aiding in uranium enrichment."

Europeans Miss Cowboy Diplomacy

Commentary  "The about-face in the Obama administration is not going unnoticed among our allies and our enemies. The latter are learning to play us — as Russia did in extracting a free pass on UN sanctions. Our friends (Israel, Eastern Europe) are learning not to trust us. And those despotic states like Syria, China, and Iran realize that it’s not such a bad thing to be a foe of the U.S...."  Jennifer Rubin.

The 'Gringo Mask' and Political Correctness

David Paulin in AT;
"According to the ad agency's web site:
"We understand from your responses that some people might equate the word "Gringo" with an ethnic slur. We do not. It is simply a slang term used to describe Caucasians, and we don't assign any negative connotations to it."
Oh, well, OK then.
Photo from the Palm Beach Post

Obama on beheading: 'It captured the world's imagination'

Greg Halvorson in AT; "Imagination is captured by triumph. Redemption. Beheading doesn't qualify, nor does it "remind us" of anything besides evil. The President's refusal to acknowledge evil empowers evil. What he should have said is, "The killing of this man of Jewish faith, this American, offended all who love freedom. It reminded us that liberty must be fought for and protected." But we all know that he'd rather appease. "