Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gary Varvel cartoon

An open letter to Helen Thomas

Jerusalem Post "Are you aware, Ms. Thomas, that many children from Sderot and the area around Gaza wet their beds until a late age out of fear of the Hamas missiles? And it is us that you wish to exile? Why? Because you think that we are weak or because it annoys you that we are not defeated?" Yoram Dori, adviser to President Shimon Peres.Hat tip to Mark Davis WBAP, DFW

Photographs of Battered Israeli Commandos Show New Side of Raid

The Lede "...the newspaper, Hurriyet, published a slide show with eight graphic images of the bloodied commandos after they were disarmed and dragged inside the Mavi Marmara. On its English-language Web site, the newspaper explained, “Photos recovered from memory cards and acquired by daily Hürriyet provide an inside look at what happened when Israeli commandos raided the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara in the early morning hours of May 31.” "

Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria

Pajamas Media "Ha’aretz has revived the mystery surrounding the inability to find weapons of mass destruction stockpiles in Iraq, the most commonly cited justification for Operation Iraqi Freedom and one of the most embarrassing episodes for the United States."
What is Assad hiding in his backyard? "Satellite photos of secret Syrian site depict at least five guarded installations whose purpose is unclear."

Obama’s Gulf Fix

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE    " The Heritage Foundation recently published a book documenting the problems and causes of overcriminalization. One Nation under Arrest explains how these thousands of federal criminal laws can trap honest, hard-working Americans. In many cases, people who were trying to be respectable, law-abiding citizens have been targeted for prosecution and spent time in federal prison. It’s easy to heap scorn upon an oil company whose operations are causing serious damage to our Gulf Coast. But the American government shouldn’t seek criminal punishment unless there’s solid evidence that someone violated a criminal law and did so in an intentional fashion."

If Israel Is Not Evil, the World Is in Big Trouble

Dennis Prager "The reason mankind has to hope that the world, its leaders, its newspapers, its so-called human-rights organizations, and the United Nations are right about Israel is quite simple: If Israel is the decent party in its war with the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, and nearly all the world’s countries, nearly all the world’s media, and the United Nations are morally wrong, what hope is there for humanity? If the world’s moral compass is that broken, are we not sailing into a dark age?"

Cal Thomas column on Helen Thomas spiked

KnoxNews "Perhaps Cal Thomas's column hits too close to home like, oh, this: (Helen) Thomas long ago crossed a line and she finally ended up paying the price. It's a sad end to her life's work, but even sadder is how the rest of the media were willing to go along for the ride."....
"Has Thomas forgotten that many of the Jews she wants to "go home" to Germany and Poland had relatives who died in the Holocaust because they could not escape from those countries? One -- but by no means the only -- reason Israel was reconstituted as a nation in 1948 was so that Jews would have a place to go should their existence again be threatened."

This RabbiLive Guy Better Get His Priorities Straight "He put his son's education ahead of a blockbuster blog post, Rabbi sat on Thomas scoop as webmaster-son took exams:"...

Here it is The HELEN THOMAS INTERVIEW-Part II  "On the other side of the Camera was a Rabbi, his son, and his son's school buddy, all three were wearing yarmulkas, Thomas should have had the self-control to understand that maybe she should tone down the rhetoric a bit.

Tuesday targets: Nine races to watch

Politico "Whether Halter topples Lincoln or not — he had a slight edge in the most recent poll — the lesson many moderates will take from Arkansas is clear: Don’t mess with the left."

Primary day: California  "It looks as though the GOP has its work cut out for itself in both races, no matter who gets the nominations. California is still more liberal than conservative, and the power bases of Los Angeles and San Francisco carry a disproportionate weight in state-wide elections."

Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas writings quoted

Helen Thomas columns  "This raises the question: Will Israel recognize the rights of Palestinians to their homes and olive groves that were confiscated over the years? Will Israel agree to go back to its pre-1967 war borders? Not if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has his way.
The Israeli leader wants the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a "Jewish state." That’s what the Palestinians call their homeland. The Israeli prime minister also said any adjacent Palestinian state created under the two-state solution would not be allowed to control its own borders or airspace.
"The truth is that in the area of our homeland, in the heart of our Jewish homeland now lives a large population of Palestinians," Netanyahu said in a recent address. Well, yes, Palestinians have lived in Palestine for centuries. "

US Asked to Look into American Backers of Gaza Flotilla

Eye-on-the-World  "Former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, helped organize the Free Gaza Movement, which launched the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel that ended in a violent clash with Israeli Defense Forces,  BigGovernment.com reported. [...]" 

Why Obama’s Stimulus Failed

Heritage "And then there is the rest of the Obama agenda that has created, and is creating, significant economic uncertainty: Obamacare, EPA carbon regulations, financial regulations and impending tax hikes. Renouncing these policies, and canceling the rest of the stimulus, would do more to spur private sector job creation than anything this White House has done so far."

Good Night, Good Luck, Goodbye and Good Riddance

Big Journalism "So, we are finally seeing some consequences to Thomas’ actions. But what we aren’t seeing from the Old Media is the same amount of immediate condemnation of Thomas that Don Imus was confronted with. The Thomas affair, however, has never attained the sort of widespread vitriol, the wall-to-wall coverage that Imus saw."