Michael Barone "Do say: "The law is not perfect, but it does good things and helps many people. Now we'll work to improve it." (emphasis theirs)
"This amounts to an abandonment of the claims that the Obama Democrats have been making about the health care bill they jammed through five months ago. It's an admission that they messed up when they had supermajorities and will do better when they have fewer votes. It's a retreat from framing the issue as support versus oppose to revise versus repeal."
Monday, August 23, 2010
America: Still Talking About Race
Joseph C. Phillips "This administration has attempted to marginalize its opponents by labeling them as racists; movements have been slandered with charges of racism, and principled disagreement is suddenly seen as evidence of bigotry. It all seems a bit surreal. As a nation, we seem to be talking about race now, more than we have in a very long time. As far as leading this nation into a post racial era, the election of Barack Obama can only be seen as a bust." Joseph C. Phillips is the author of “He Talk Like A White Boy” available wherever books are sold.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Obama and the Muslims / It doesn’t look like he knows what he’s doing.
National Review "Mr. Obama praised “Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings . . . (its) great diversity and racial equality” and “American Muslims’ . . . extraordinary contributions to our country.” In fact, Islam has done nothing to advance justice or any version of progress or tolerance, and Obama, like Condoleezza Rice, is regularly denounced by the official outlets of leading Muslim countries in ethnic slurs that would embarrass Bull Connor and Lester Maddox. The ambitious Islamic genocidal initiative in the Sudan has earned that country’s president a historical apprenticeship to Hitler, as well as an International Court of Justice indictment as a mass murderer." Conrad Black
The Enigma of Our Age/ From Arizona to Ground Zero
Victor Davis Hanson "A final thought: given what we know of collectivism now and in the past, government in places like Mexico or Syria, multiculturalism in nations as diverse as the Balkans and central Africa, and the role of religion in most locales of the Middle East, how exactly could critics of the U.S. gain the security to protest, the capital to travel, and the freedom to criticize should the system that they find so lacking erode or even disappear?"
And the article contains this quote: "...on the internet throughout radical Islamic enclaves in the Middle East, as a mosque is juxtaposed to the memorial shell of the World Trade Center. (We know what’s next: “O blessed Holy Warrior Atta, you took down the looming tower of the infidels and raised a mosque in its place!”)
And the article contains this quote: "...on the internet throughout radical Islamic enclaves in the Middle East, as a mosque is juxtaposed to the memorial shell of the World Trade Center. (We know what’s next: “O blessed Holy Warrior Atta, you took down the looming tower of the infidels and raised a mosque in its place!”)
Can the Wikileaks Founder Be Prosecuted for Espionage by the US? (Updated)
Volokh Conspiracy "[T]here is an intent issue here (Did Assange obtain the info for the purpose of or with reason to believe it would be used to injure the U.S.?), but I actually don’t think that would be a problem. Wikileaks’ lawyer seems to think that the real problem is Assange’s nationality and the fact that Wikileaks does not have a presence in the U.S. But this is not a problem at all."
Prosecutors Eye WikiLeaks Charges "The Pentagon said the 15,000 additional documents, like the initial batch, contained the names of Afghans who have helped the U.S. war effort and who could be targeted by the Taliban if their identities were made public. But officials have played down the impact of the leak on military strategy, saying they revealed little new."
Thanks to WikiLeaks, Taliban Seeks Revenge on Named Informants Via The Foxhole: "Information from the documents could reveal:
TW has removed the previous posts about the charges against Assange for molestation. The charges were dropped by the Swedish government because thay said there was no basis for them. Sweden drops rape accusation against founder of WikiLeaks "Assange is "no longer wanted" and "is not suspected of rape," Chief Prosecutor Eva Finne said in a statement posted on the agency's official website Saturday. He is also no longer arrested in absentia, the statement said.
"The arrest warrant filed Friday had also mentioned a molestation charge, but molestation -- which is not limited to child victims in Sweden -- is not a crime punishable behind bars in Sweden."
Michael Moore Praises Suspected WikiLeaks Source "Moore tells The Associated Press in an interview that he considers Pfc. Bradley Manning a courageous patriot for exposing what Moore called "war crimes."
"The Oscar-winning filmmaker said Thursday he will contribute to a legal defense fund for the 22-year-old former intelligence analyst, who faces up to 52 years in prison."
Prosecutors Eye WikiLeaks Charges "The Pentagon said the 15,000 additional documents, like the initial batch, contained the names of Afghans who have helped the U.S. war effort and who could be targeted by the Taliban if their identities were made public. But officials have played down the impact of the leak on military strategy, saying they revealed little new."
Thanks to WikiLeaks, Taliban Seeks Revenge on Named Informants Via The Foxhole: "Information from the documents could reveal:
Names and addresses of Afghans cooperating with Nato forcesTaliban seeks vengeance on Afghans named in WikiLeaks documents "One tribal elder suspected by the Taliban of liaising with American officials was taken from his home in a Kandahar village and executed by gunmen at the weekend. Death threats have also begun arriving at the homes of a number of other tribal leaders." NY Post.
Precise GPS locations of Afghans
Sources and methods of gathering intelligence"
TW has removed the previous posts about the charges against Assange for molestation. The charges were dropped by the Swedish government because thay said there was no basis for them. Sweden drops rape accusation against founder of WikiLeaks "Assange is "no longer wanted" and "is not suspected of rape," Chief Prosecutor Eva Finne said in a statement posted on the agency's official website Saturday. He is also no longer arrested in absentia, the statement said.
"The arrest warrant filed Friday had also mentioned a molestation charge, but molestation -- which is not limited to child victims in Sweden -- is not a crime punishable behind bars in Sweden."
Michael Moore Praises Suspected WikiLeaks Source "Moore tells The Associated Press in an interview that he considers Pfc. Bradley Manning a courageous patriot for exposing what Moore called "war crimes."
"The Oscar-winning filmmaker said Thursday he will contribute to a legal defense fund for the 22-year-old former intelligence analyst, who faces up to 52 years in prison."
The Case For Capitalism
American Thinker "A market economy based on private property, buttressed by the rule of law, is truly the best environment for mankind. People will work harder and with ingenuity if they know they have earned rewards from that labor. When the rewards are given to them for nothing, there is frustration and despair, much as the ancient Israelites evinced over the manna. Capitalism benefits more people than any other economic system. Opportunities to work for oneself and reap the rewards are a basic human aspiration."
A President Who Wants To Be Anywhere But Here
American Thinker "With all the focus on Obama's stepfather having been a Muslim and his relatives in Africa, people may have missed the significance of his mother's family Unitarianism. As someone who strayed into Unitarianism back when I was young and thought I knew all the answers to the world's problems, I have been wondering about this. Being raised by Unitarians may have affected Obama's outlook on life far more than people realize. Unitarians tend to see themselves as spiritual travelers, that the personal journey is more important than adherence to any creed. In practice nowadays that often means that those attracted to the denomination contain a high proportion of the the perpetually unhappy..."
Henican on Fox News Watch: Pundits shouldn't be as ignorant as people out in the audience
Newsbusters "Talk about your teachable moments, the Ground Zero mosque controversy has taught us in just what contempt some in the liberal media hold their fellow Americans."
Obama now blames poor job numbers on congressional inaction. Wait! His party runs Congress
LA Times Blog "According to the president, he's been "adamant" with Congress for months now about a new jobs bill to help small businesses. Obama says this really good bill is stalled in the Senate, where so much administration legislation has been crammed through so effectively by Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Reid's been so good at it, in fact, that he's now running for his political life in a reelection campaign back in Nevada where unemployment is 14.3% and Obama's legislation is not so popular.
"Reid's up against a conservative Republican. So, that means Harry Reid must be a Democrat, just like Obama, and just like 59% of the Senate's votes."
Reid's been so good at it, in fact, that he's now running for his political life in a reelection campaign back in Nevada where unemployment is 14.3% and Obama's legislation is not so popular.
"Reid's up against a conservative Republican. So, that means Harry Reid must be a Democrat, just like Obama, and just like 59% of the Senate's votes."
Saturday, August 21, 2010
New Jennifer Aniston movie celebrates 'fatherlessness'
American Thinker "The Switch:" ""Aniston herself is guilty of trivializing men's role in children' lives when she says that women "don't have to settle with a man just to have a child."
"Notice the belittling words "settle" and "just." The very term "choice mothers" frames artificial insemination as a matter of women's reproductive rights; only the woman's decision-making carries moral weight, fathers be damned. Similarly, advocates often cite the benefits of freedom from "donor interference" that comes with single motherhood."
"Notice the belittling words "settle" and "just." The very term "choice mothers" frames artificial insemination as a matter of women's reproductive rights; only the woman's decision-making carries moral weight, fathers be damned. Similarly, advocates often cite the benefits of freedom from "donor interference" that comes with single motherhood."
NY Times derogates Netanyahu, covers up Abbas's rejectionism
American Thinker "There has been no building of Jewish settlements under Netanyahu and his predecessor, Ehud Olmert. Not a single new settlement has sprung up. Cooper and Landler fail to point out that under both Netanyahu and Olmert, the only building has been WITHIN existing settlements. That's an important distinction that somehow escapes these two Times reporters. Just as they also fail to recognize an Israeli ban under both Olmert and Netanyahu on expanding the boundaries of existing settlements and setting aside any public or other lands for any additonal settlements or for expansion of existing ones."
On a related note: Clarice Feldman : "... the number of Jews who identify as Republican or as independents who lean Republican has increased by more than half since the year he was elected. At 33 percent it now stands at the highest level since the data have been kept. In 2008, the ratio of Democratic Jews to Republican Jews was far more than three to one. Now it's less than two to one."
On a related note: Clarice Feldman : "... the number of Jews who identify as Republican or as independents who lean Republican has increased by more than half since the year he was elected. At 33 percent it now stands at the highest level since the data have been kept. In 2008, the ratio of Democratic Jews to Republican Jews was far more than three to one. Now it's less than two to one."
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