Friday, August 27, 2010

If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Start Beating Your Head Against the Wall Now "The policy change could turn into a hassle for seniors who hadn't intended to switch plans during Medicare's open enrollment season this fall.
"And it risks undercutting President Barack Obama's promise that people who like their health care plans can keep them…."As a result of this policy, there are going to be fewer plans offered in 2011," said Bonnie Washington, a senior analyst with Avalere Health, which produced the study."  Change you better believe in.

Obama jobs death toll watch: More health care layoffs "The first story of the day comes from the Fort Worth Star Telegram in Texas, where a health insurer called Health Markets has laid off 70 workers and expects up to 180 more as it braces for the costs of Obamacare and other government mandates:"...

Karzai criticizes U.S. timeline for leaving Afghanistan "In a sign of his growing frustration with U.S. policy, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Thursday that President Obama's timeline for withdrawing troops was aiding insurgents and also suggested that the United States must do more to force Pakistan to stop supporting the Taliban."

Obama and the Jews: What Would He Have to Do to Get Below 50 Percent?

Jennifer Rubin "And still, 58 percent like what they see. It is indeed a “sick addiction.” There’s no denying it: a majority of American Jews are willfully indifferent to the fate of the Jewish State. It is a sad affirmation that the liberal agenda – of which Obama has been a stalwart, albeit incompetent, standard-bearer — takes precedence over the survival of the Jewish state, and in turn, the Jewish people. (Do we imagine Jewry would survive if Israel does not?)"

The Art of Obama Worship  "What is striking about these paintings is not their quality, about which the less said the better, but their consistent tone. They belong to that class of objects known as “devotional art.” Such objects are not only intended as votive offerings, to serve as the focus of veneration; the actual process of making them is itself an act of piety, a consideration that all but places them outside the realm of aesthetic judgment."

Oops. How'd this one get in here? Google Images

How Many Deaths Before Obama Takes Border Security Seriously?

Townhall "Mass unmarked graves near the border hold the key to a complete accounting of these horrors.
Now Mexican authorities are trying to determine whether the 72 victims in Tamaulipas were killed at the same time -- and why. We may never know.
"The future is becoming clear. If the United States doesn't reverse course and begin to take border security seriously then these gangs will slowly increase their power in the U.S. They are already said to control several U.S. prisons, and neighborhoods in Phoenix and Los Angeles."

 Phoenix, Arizona: America's kidnapping capital is brutal "As investigators questioned Maria, they learned that the smuggling organization that had taken her and her husband hostage also operated what police call a "violence house." If she and the others hadn't been rescued, those whose families didn't come up with the ransom money probably would have ended up there. Guards inside such places employ a brutal style of persuasion."
This "torture closet" was used to brutally abuse a Phoenix kidnapping victim whose family could not pay his ransom.  Phoenix police photo.

So Is He a Christian?

David Limbaugh "Words have meaning, and if Obama believes Islam was revealed, then he most certainly believes it was revealed by God. If it was revealed by God more than 600 years after Christ was on earth and contains beliefs wholly inconsistent with doctrinal Christianity -- such as that Christ was not God, but a mere prophet -- then, in that essential particular, it cannot possibly be reconciled with Christianity. If Obama truly believes Islam was revealed by God, I can't fathom how he could be a believing Christian. I don't know that Obama is not a Christian, but I am dubious."

Secretary Duncan’s Race to Waste Your Education Dollars

Heritage "As Gov. Christie points out, New Jersey’s RttT application was over 1,000 pages long and took thousands of hours to complete. Instead of states spending their money and manpower to improve schools and educate children, the government asks them to put taxpayer dollars toward constructing massive grant applications. The incentives are all flowing in the wrong direction. Instead of focusing on making children and parents happy by devoting resources to make a better education product, states have been devoting resources to make Washington bureaucrats happy with a better grant application product. Filling out grant applications has never educated a single child anywhere ever. But grant applications are what RttT is all about, and they have made RttT the biggest waste of your education dollars ever."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Report: ABC News Admits Wrongdoing at Ground Zero Mosque Rally After Big Peace Exposé (Updated)

Big Peace "I noticed a man in black shirt with a phone camera aggressively questioning and haranguing a gentleman with the sign, “No Sharia Here.” He was very aggressive, disrespectful and condescending; apparently, he did not like the gentlemen’s answers about Shariah and pushed the point: “Why do you feel threatened? What are you afraid of? Why can’t you answer my questions?”" Background Here

HOW LEFTISTS AND JIHADISTS PROPAGANDIZE ABOUT OUR JUSTIFIED OPPOSITION TO THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE   "When 19 Muslim terrorists fly planes into buildings and murder thousands of people, it’s not a reflection on all Muslims. Or any Muslims besides those 19, for that matter.But when a drunk A-hole in the same neighborhood yells “As-salaam alaikum! Consider this a checkpoint!” and stabs a Muslim cabbie, it’s a reflection on all opponents of the Ground Zero Mosque."

Muslims + Mainstream Media = Madness "Time encourages this grievance mentality (or tactic) by asserting that “to be a Muslim in America now is to endure slings and arrows against your faith — not just in the schoolyard and the office but also outside your place of worship and in the public square, where some of the country’s most powerful mainstream religious and political leaders unthinkingly (or worse, deliberately) conflate Islam with terrorism and savagery.”
"No, they don’t. What they conflate with terrorism and savagery are al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, Lashkar-e-Taiba, al-Shabaab, Abu Sayyef, Fatah Al-Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood, and dozens of other groups that justify their terrorism and savagery based on their interpretation of Islamic doctrine.
"Many of the country’s religious and political leaders would like to hear more of their Muslim neighbors say plainly: “Not in my name! Not in the name of my religion!” "

Obama's Arabic Teleprompter - Imam Rauf!

American Thinker "In a stunning revelation, it appears that the controversial Imam Rauf has been quite instrumental in the crafting of the speech that Obama gave in Cairo. This report comes from Walid Shoebat who speaks fluent Arabic. It is a shocking audio recording of Rauf's own voice boasting in Arabic that Obama's historic speech in Cairo was provided by the Imam's work with the Cordova Initiative."

If Hillary had the character of Elin Nordegren she might be President now.

American Thinker "Contrast Nordegren's honesty with Hillary's repeated attempts to blame the "vast rightwing conspiracy" and ABB (Anybody But Bubba) to preserve her political powerbase, the White House and her candidacy.
"Perhaps, if Hillary had stood up for herself, as a woman betrayed and "would not take it anymore" she might have actually become the experienced self-sufficient woman she claims to be and the President of the United States."

KABOOM! TPM Muckraker Comes Clean – Admits Their Blogger Is Suspected Carnahan Firebomber (Updated)

Gateway Pundit "Far Left website TPM Muckraker took the offical walk of shame today and admitted that one of their unhinged bloggers was arrested for firebombing Congressman Russ Carnahan’s office. The suspected firebomber blogs at TPM under the name “Ripper McCord.” "

The Suspected Carnahan Staffer-Firebomber Has A History of Harassing Conservatives  "Before the Carnahan announcement Dana Loesch released video of this same staffer harassing tea party patriots at a Carnahan town hall event last fall. Powers admitted in the video he is a Russ Carnahan staffer."

What We Know About Michael Enright, The Alleged Slasher Of The Muslim Cabbie

TPM Muckraker "Michael Enright is a film student at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan and has been working with the Intersections International, an interfaith and multicultural effort which seeks to promote justice and peace. The project's website is strongly supportive of the Cordoba House project in lower Manhattan and videos of its leader, Imam Faisel Rauf, are posted on their website."