Saturday, September 4, 2010

America Has Become Too European

SPIEGEL ONLINE "The Obama administration and the Federal Reserve want to fix the United States economy by spending more money. But while that approach might work for Europe, it is risky for the US. The nation would be better off embracing traditional American values like self-reliance and small government."

The irony of Jesse Jackson's stripped SUV

The Michigan "Add Jesse Jackson’s ride to prominent vehicles being stripped in Detroit.
"Following the embarrassing news that Mayor Dave Bing’s GMC Yukon was hijacked by criminals this week, Detroit’s Channel 7 reports that the Reverend’s Caddy Escalade SUV was stolen and stripped of its wheels while he was in town last weekend with the UAW’s militant President Bob King leading the “Jobs, Justice, and Peace” march promoting government-funded green jobs."

Newsweek Hates Fox News: Cover Story Blames Them for New Era of 'Big Lie Politics' About Obama

Newsbusters "...Translation: Fox News may not spread lies all the time, but they're clearly not doing enough to please the White House by sounding exactly like Newsweek. Again, this is a terrible standard for Alter to claim for Newsweek. It's quite easy to recall how Newsweek would do anything to smear a Republican. In 1991, Alter and Clift endorsed a Kitty Kelley standard of truth for Republican presidents: if a mere fraction of anonymously sourced nastiness about the Reagans was true, the Reagans were a historical nightmare: "...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fatwa: Australian Imam Urges Muslims to Behead Geert Wilders

Big Peace "Feiz Muhammad made the call during a speech at a secluded site of jihadists, in response to questions by Dutch radicals: “We see the evil filth of people such as that filthy Dutch politician. Anyone who mocks our learning, laughs at the Islam and degrades it must enter death, decapitate him, cut off his head.” "

Religion of Peace: Muslim cleric calls for beheading of WILDERS "Wilders is currently on trial in the Netherlands for inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims.
"The Freedom Party leader made a film in 2008 which accused the Koran of inciting violence and mixed images of terrorist attacks with quotations from the Islamic holy book.
"Wilders was also charged because of outspoken remarks in the media, such as an opinion piece in a Dutch daily in which he compared Islam to fascism and the Koran to Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf."
Of late he has been in the news for plans to speak out against a planned mosque in New York City on September 11, the ninth anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people." Atlas Shrugs

Our distracted commander in chief

Charles Krauthammer "Unfortunately, what for Obama is a distraction is life or death for U.S. troops now on patrol in Kandahar province. Some presidents may not like being wartime leaders. But they don't get to decide. History does. Obama needs to accept the role. It's not just the U.S. military, as Baker reports, that is "worried he is not fully invested in the cause." Our allies, too, are experiencing doubt. And our enemies are drawing sustenance."

 A Damning Admission "“Among the thirty-five men who have held the presidential office,” Dean Acheson wrote in Present at the Creation, “Mr. Truman will stand with the few who in the midst of great difficulties managed their offices with eminent benefit to the public interest. … In the last analysis Mr. Truman’s methods reflected the basic integrity of his own character.”
"If only such a thing could be said now." Peter Wehner, Commentary Magazine.  

Yes, I miss him

Bookworm Room "On the one hand, we have a little man (figuratively speaking), sitting at a big, empty desk, speaking in deadened tones and flat words, as his eyes roam relentlessly back and forth between his teleprompter, desperately avoiding the single word that so aptly sums up American bravery and sacrifice: Victory!
"And on the other hand, we once had this:" (Video)

Obama Misunderstands the Role of the Presidency

Weekly Standard  "Instead of positioning himself as the leader of the free world or as a post-partisan healer, Obama regularly inserts himself as a combative participant in Washington’s permanent campaign.
"Whether inexperience or poor strategic judgment, it’s certainly not the governing style he promised. Yet, whatever the cause, it diminishes him, elevates his detractors and mobilizes opponents.
"Maybe he thinks wading into culture war battles or tactical political controversies reinforces his standing as a man of conviction. Opining about Harvard professor Skip Gates’s scrape with the law last summer and what it meant about race relations and law enforcement was one example. "

The secret to Obama's Iraq 'success?' Do nothing

American Thinker "Obama deserves credit for staying out and away of the Iraq mission. Where Obama may however go wrong, is to think that "the war is ending," as he said August 28, in his weekly radio address. The fact is that this war isn't over yet. A lot of work is still needed there, and if Obama will not get an understanding of it, he may place military generals in a position to destroy a success that was in the making before Obama stepped foot into the Oval Office."

The Audacity of Failure

Heritage "Even the Obama administration doesn’t want to add another $5 trillion to our $13.5 trillion national debt. That is why the Obama administration is pushing a $921 billion tax hike set to take effect on January 1, 2011. There is only one word for proposing $981 billion in taxes to pay for trillions in failed stimulus spending in the midst of 9.6% unemployment: audacity."

Employers Push Costs for Health on Workers "Workers also increasingly face higher deductibles, forcing them to pay a larger share of their overall medical bills. “The long-term trend is pretty clear,” said Drew E. Altman, the chief executive of the Kaiser foundation, which conducted the survey this year with the Health Research and Educational Trust, a research organization affiliated with the American Hospital Association. “Insurance is getting stingier and less comprehensive.” "
More here: Workers bear larger share of health premium costs

 Famous quotes:
 But "you will not have your taxes go up one dime" (President Obama);
 "You lie!" (Joe Wilson).

SETTING UP AN "I TOLD YOU SO" "Obama might use his "Republican blockade" line again. What do you call it when the Democrats absolutely refuse to allow the Republicans to offer any amendments to the bill? That's not a blockade?
"This guy is an incompetent, anti-capitalist menace. Listen to him but try to remember what his true mindset is." Neal Boortz

An Army of Straw Men

Michael Gerson "Freedom of religious worship and expression is essential to human dignity -- which makes blocking the construction of a mosque for religious reasons a violation of Christian belief. And zoning laws in Mecca or Riyadh have nothing to do with this principle.
"Religious tribalism -- dividing the children of light from the children of darkness -- is a problem in many traditions. But a reaction in kind from conservative Christians would manage to undermine their interests and their convictions at the same time."

The Texas Baptist Newsjournal : Quran burning condemned "Evangelical leaders said the plans should be canceled. 
“The proposed burning of Qurans would be profoundly offensive to Muslims worldwide, just as Christians would be insulted by the burning of Bibles,” an NAE statement said. “Such an act would escalate tensions between members of the two faiths in the United States and around the world.”

Step One -- Opposing the Burning of the Qur'an "1. If he does, the images will reverberate on the internet internationally, and this could lead to unparalled fury in the Muslim world. How many deaths, injuries, persecutions, burning of churches and attacks on U.S. interests and American citizens might result?
"2. The Gospel would thus be slandered."

"We Give No Offense In Anything " 2 Corinthians 6:3 "We must be careful that our presentation of the gospel is not offensive. We must give equal diligence to insure that our lives are not offensive. Paul made it his aim to not allow anything to offend so as to hinder the spread of the gospel or the spiritual growth of his brethren. How sad to think that one thoughtless action might cancel all the many positive efforts put forth in the cause of Christ."  The Expository Files

Obama Could Use Some Clintonesque Salesmanship

Jonah Goldberg "Just as often, Obama confuses explanation for persuasion, as if simply telling us that because he thinks X, then X must be the way to go. More infuriating, nearly all of his explanations assume that disagreement with him must stem from ignorance or villainy. That pose worked a little when he could claim that opposition was synonymous with Republican partisanship. But now that disagreement has moved to the mainstream, he seems to have an adversarial relationship with the people he's supposed to represent.
"I'm not shopping for a Clinton version of the "Miss Me Yet?" T-shirt, but I do miss having a Democratic president who didn't seem to think the job was beneath him."