Monday, September 13, 2010

The Small Business Tax Hike and the 97% Fallacy

WSJ "The president's plan to raise top marginal rates is holding back the very people who should be leading the economic recovery."....
"Because marginal tax rate increases impede long-run growth, they should be avoided in good times and bad. But now is a particularly inopportune time to raise rates, as small businesses are still struggling from the recession."

NOW ... LET'S EXPOSE THIS DEMOCRAT DISTORTION "48% of small business income reported to the IRS comes from households with incomes that will be affected by the Democrat's tax hike. "     Neal Boortz


Neal Boortz "...what if Boehner had said that he would absolutely NOT vote for ANY extension of the Bush tax cuts unless they applied to everybody. Then we would have had a media outrage today and Democrats would have been dancing in the aisles over the idea that the man who wants to be Speaker of the House would vote against tax cuts for the middle class if wealthy people didn't get their tax cut as well.
"So ... calm down Republicans. This isn't a compromise on the issue .. .it's the only reasonable answer."

President Obama (O'Leary)

Allen Hunt, Townhall  "What am I missing here? We are the United States of America, The world's moral beacon. The globe's economic and innovation engine. The planet's military leader. And we should cower in fear of what someone MIGHT do if they do not like what we do? And one man in America with 50 followers can burn a few books and create global mayhem? Wow. Who knew?
"The problem here is not Pastor Terry Jones or any other two-bit leader in Kansas, Wyoming, or Tennessee who desires to make a small statement in a small town with a small group of followers. The problem is overreaction. Overreaction by Muslim communities who have hair-trigger instincts when it comes to perceived affronts. And overreaction by a micromanaging president who never met a circumstance that he did not feel compelled to control and correct. Will he soon be personally patrolling every street and neighborhood to ensure that every action in America measures up to his satisfaction?"

Holding Economic Recovery Hostage

Heritage "So if the labor market has “significantly weakened” as Goolsbee admits, and “it’s going to take nearly 10 years” before Obama’s policies “will have a sizable impact on the unemployment rate,” then why are the White House and the leftist majorities in the House and Senate pushing for massive tax hikes on those Americans and small businesses that make more than $200,000 a year? Politics."

Obama's Small Business Sham "Obama tries to claim that his policies: "will make America stronger and more competitive." But, each day, Americans can see how little Obama understands about competitiveness. Crippling taxes, wealth redistribution, trillions of dollars of debt are disincentives that crush small businesses and make the U.S. less competitive."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

War Statistics: Iraq vs. Afghanistan

Max Boot "If we could turn around the situation in Iraq, there is no reason we can’t turn around Afghanistan as well. But that will involve hard fighting and, in the short-term at least, a further uptick in both American and Afghan casualties. While this is going on, it’s imperative that Americans not panic and assume that the situation is hopeless. It isn’t."

Salvatore A. Giunta, Living Recipient of the Medal of Honor "...Granted, most Medal of Honor recipients in previous wars were not exactly household names either, but the anonymity of today’s heroes is striking. We still revel in great deeds of heroism — as long as they’re performed by celluloid fakes like Sylvester Stallone or Tom Cruise. We no longer seem to have much interest in the real thing."
Photo from Wikipedia

Jennifer Rubin: Obama Unplugged — and Unintelligible

Jennifer Rubin "Despite control of both the White House and Congress, Obama whines that our problems are traceable to the Republican minority. He won’t concede that there is any connection between the massive burdens heaped on businesses and the paralysis on hiring by shell-shocked employers. And his underlying philosophy is that he knows best how to spend your money. No wonder Democrats don’t want to be seen campaigning with him."

Obama on 9/11: Get Over It  "Unfortunately, we have a president who is not wise and who is terribly out of sync with the ethos of the American people. It is most troubling that the leader of the Free World has a zeal for bad causes. Not even the electoral wipe-out of his party, I fear, will change that."

Obama Is Borrrring! "Obama was in essence the latest trend, equivalent to this season’s fashion or the newest cell phone, which they had to have. But trends by definition come and go, and surface impressions and infatuation don’t last long."

Photo from Big Government

Turning Off the (Incandescent) Light of Liberty

Alan Caruba  "In a nation where the Medicare “reform” requires Americans to purchase health insurance they may not want and may not be able to afford, was rammed through Congress, what can stop the government from dictating just about any choice you have regarding any purchase you make? The answer? Nothing.
"Only it would no longer be a Constitutional government, a nation of laws that reflect anything resembling the truth. The ban on incandescent light bulbs turns off the light of liberty throughout America." Mr. Caruba blogs at Warning Signs .

How to Properly Dispose of Compact Flourescent Lightbulbs "One man has an easier suggestion for proper CFL disposal than the usual 87-step process: Simply mail them to your congressman."

Not Buying What They Are Selling

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion "...Three generations of leftist education have resulted in a substantial minority of the population who accept that we should be like Europe, but still a minority.
"The notion that everything we have and are devolves from the state is not natural to this country, but the modern Democratic Party can't comprehend why that is so. It is inconceivable to them that people would not want their form of health care system; it must be that we don't understand how good it will be for us.
"Our failure to understand how good their handouts are for us really is their failure to understand that we want to take our own fate into our own hands."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

'Like a Dog’; The Origins of Barack Obama’s Petulance

Victor Davis Hanson "Obama in just twenty months has developed a reputation for being petulant, unusually sensitive to the normal run-of-the-mill criticism. His latest pushback was his strangest so far: “And they’re not always happy with me. They talk about me like a dog. That’s not in my prepared remarks, it’s just — but it’s true.”"....
"We sense only that those authoritarian sorts seem so far to like the idea that Obama speaks ambiguously about his country’s past and future, and appears more comfortable in pondering alternatives than making decisions.
"Given all that, it is understandable both why America is very worried about what it has wrought — and why Barack Obama is miffed and lashes out.
"You would too if both accountability and criticism were novel experiences at 49."
"Petulant"; a word that shows up more and more in columns about President Obama. Learn about it here:
"...moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, esp. over some trifling annoyance: a petulant toss of the head.
irritable, peevish, fretful, pettish, touchy. (Emphasis added)

Too Cool For School  " “Maybe we fell in love too fast,” my friend said. “You know, we might have zipped right past the road signs.”
"Several of us were sitting around over the holiday weekend, enjoying a lovely bottle of wine at sunset ... and discussing the condition of our country. Which led us to the president. Which led us to our mutually shared disappointment in him." Patti Davis

The Audacity of Smoke

Prof. Mike Adams "But the attention-craving pastor in Florida – whose name I refuse to mention – has no self-respect. He has to burn books in order to get attention from the national press. So I would suggest that the pastor satisfy the president by refraining from burning the Koran. In order to satisfy his book-burning desires, I would suggest that he simply burn another book, The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama.
"If that doesn’t satisfy the unhinged pastor’s desire for fame then, by all means, let him burn the Koran. But just make sure he does it at the groundbreaking ceremony of the mosque at Ground Zero. Maybe then, lunatics on both sides could save us some trouble by killing one another before the mosque is actually built."

Hallowed Ground

Glen Meakem "Throughout history, conquerors have torn down the most important symbols of a culture and society and built their new monuments of religious and political domination right on top of the ruins of the old. This is a universal, cross cultural way of instilling fear and communicating domination. This is basic to human nature. Do our enemies as well as our own soft, out-of-touch leaders really believe that average Americans do not understand these truths and will allow Cordoba House at Ground Zero to happen?
"There may be some moderate Muslims who see the proposed Cordoba House mosque as a positive, bridge building facility, but the voices of our enemies in radical Islam confirm our worst fears about this mosque's more aggressive nature. "
I agree with this latter point of view, but have much trouble with the "sacred ground" aspect. That has caused the entire site to remain a vacant hole and a symbol of continuing victory for al Qaeda, unlike the immediately restored Pentagon. The message given by the pentagon's restoration was that the terrorist's deaths meant nothing; the building looks as it did before.