Friday, October 8, 2010

MSNBC Bleeps Out the Word ‘Whore’ From Jerry Brown Story

Big Journalism  "The clear intent here by MSNBC is to try to lessen the impact of the Liberal-Democrat Brown and his aides referring to a female as a “whore.”  By bleeping out the word “whore” and merely writing the slur off as “salty language” they are attempting to make the story appear as merely an embarrassment for Brown rather than an example of his crude views toward both women and his political opponents."

WHEN PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS AREN'T PRIVATE  "The Jerry Brown/Meg Whitman race in California continues to be entertaining."  Neal Boortz

The Obamacare Disaster: An Appraisal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Insider Online  "All of the cost and heavy-handed government control of health care that will occur under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – the 159new government bureaucracies, agencies, boards, and commissions ruling health care, the trillions of dollars in Medicare cuts, the tax increases and massive deficits – all of this is completely unnecessary."
Lisa Benson Townhall

At the Mercy of the Obama Tax Hikes

Heritage  "There still is time for Congress to act to prevent the Obama tax hikes. Tax hikes that include higher rates on individual income, capital gains and dividends. No Americans will escape the damage from the Obama tax hikes including: 1) Destroying an average of 693,000 jobs every year through 2020; 2) Draining $726 billion from disposable income, $38 billion from personal savings and $33 billion from business investments; 3) costing the average non-farm small-business owner $3,500 more in taxes, and much, much more."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nicky Diaz, meet Mr. I.C.E.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion  "I previously posted about how Gloria Allred exposed her client, Nicky Diaz, to deportation and criminal prosecution by taking Diaz public in such a high profile way in order to damage Meg Whitman's campaign.
"Last night Greta Van Susteren continued her pummelling of Allred on the issue. Allred claims that Diaz wanted to do it, and was appropriately cautioned about the risks.
"But Greta wasn't having any of it, and neither am I. No lawyer has to assist a client in committing legal suicide (even assuming it was just an assist, and not a push)."...."Watch the video, particularly beginning at 1:15:"

Greta vs. Gloria, Round 2  "Gloria Allred returns to make her case in controversy surrounding gubernatorial candidate Whitman and her illegal immigrant housekeeper."

Obama: GOP victory would mean “hand-to-hand combat” in Congress next year

Hot Air  "On the contrary, he’s staffing up to do an end-around the Republican Congress next year by focusing on things he can accomplish purely through executive power."

In Wilders Trial, Free Speech Is Also On Trial (Updated)

Pamela Geller  "Geert Wilders is our proxy. We are all on trial. Our freedom of speech is on trial. The Organization of the Islamic Conference means to shut us all up. That’s what they were doing in Chicago last week.
"Wilders is us. If you value your freedom, stand with him." Via Big Journalism
A Specter Is Haunting Europe — the Specter of Intellectual Fascism  "Otherwise known as “political correctness.”"

Understanding the Islam in Muslim Jew-Hatred  "The Muslim Women’s Magazine program featured an interview of a three-and-a-half-year-old “real Muslim girl” about Jews. When the little girl was asked whether she liked Jews; she replied, “No.” Asked why not, she replied that Jews were “apes and pigs.” The moderator then asked. “Who said this?” And the child answered, “Our God.” “Where did He say this?,” asked the moderator. “In the Koran,” this three-and-a-half-year-old girl replied."  Andrew G. Bostom in Big Peace

Google images
Hamas Holiday Song Performed by Children: Give Us Our Pocket-Money to Buy Guns and Wage Jihad  From MEMRI TV   Catch the fatherly "you'll shoot your eye out" warning. But we're not talking about Red Ryder here.

Obama Admin Trying to Deport Son of Hamas Founder and Christian Convert Who Spied For Israel on Grounds He’s a Security Threat…

Weasel Zippers  "The Obama regime reversed a Bush administration ruling and allowed Muslim Brotherhood supporter Tariq Ramadan to enter the country, now they’ve denied asylum and are trying to deport the unbelievably courageous Mosab Yousef, who millions of Islamists would love to kill, for both spying for Israel and converting to Christianity…."

Was Obama’s Oil Spill Response ‘Not Fully Competent’ or ‘Not Fully Candid’?

Heritage  "Instead of rolling up his sleeves and fighting the disaster head on, President Obama used the disaster for political gain to push his existing environmental agenda. He used the spill to push his stalled energy tax bill in the Senate and then instituted an all out ban on deep water oil development. Then when a federal judge threw out his original ban because it was “arbitrary and capricious,” President Obama doubled-down expanding the ban even wider."

Administration's response to gulf spill ill-managed, report says  "The commission's analysis raises questions about two key promises of the Obama administration - that its response to the spill would reflect its commitments to rigorous science and to government transparency."

Oil spill cover-up confirmed  "These are the findings of the government's own commission on the spill:"...

GOP Must Be Wary of Overconfidence and Terror

Matt Towery  "Usually the trailing candidate and their backers will savagely attack the accuracy of the poll. What they often fail to realize is that being shown to be behind can be a gift. If the race looks over before Election Day, the motivation of the supporters for the frontrunner can dissipate. And this year the entire political landscape rests on voter intensity." Via Townhall

The Gift of Obama’s Foreign Policy

Victor Davis Hanson "In the end, Obama’s Carteresque sermonizing over the past two years has achieved the opposite of its intended result. The preaching, confessionals, and outreach, from the ridiculous bowing to Saudi princes to the supposedly sublime Cairo mythmaking, have reminded the world that anti-Americanism transcends alike the unfair caricatures of George Bush and the hokey apotheosis of Barack Obama. If we can avoid the wages of this naïveté — and not suffer another annus horribilis in the fashion of 1979 — then Obama’s inadvertent primer on unchanging human nature will have been worth it." Via  NRO.

The Obama Rope-a-Dope*   Another by the incomparable Victor Davis Hanson: "Jimmy Carter stuck to his liberal agenda after suffering a modest rebuke in the 1978 midterms amid sky-high inflation, interest rates, and unemployment. He didn’t take the voters’ hint and went on to get clobbered two years later by Ronald Reagan. In contrast, after the Democratic party was slaughtered in the 1994 midterms (losing 52 House and nine Senate seats), a triangulating Bill Clinton moved to the center and handily won reelection in 1996.
"So what will Obama do if he loses the Democratic majority in the House and quite possibly the Senate, as his approval ratings tank to 40 percent?"
Rope-a-dope: "...refers to any strategy that involves "playing the loser" to "come out the winner." Rope-a-dope strategy implies the need for sharp technical skills to "take the hits" on the downside, and shrewd timing to break through at the proper moment to claim victory. Political strategists, pundits, politicians, business men and even combat tacticians use the phrase to refer to risky maneuvers that take one from a position of the seeming underdog to one of victor."  


Neal Boortz  "Here we are .. down to the wire. Just 26 days until the elections and what do we have emerging from the Democrat camp? The race card. It was bound to happen. When in doubt, use the race card, and the Democrats have some serious doubts ... or at least, the people have some serious doubts about them."

Blacks and whites far less optimistic about race relations under Obama  "Of course, once in office he proved to be the most divisive Presidents in American history. And it shows."  American Thinker

Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations  "Twenty-seven percent (27%) now say black-white relations are getting worse, up 10 points from July 2009, while 33% think they’re staying about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.) " Rasmussen Reports