Thursday, October 7, 2010

Was Obama’s Oil Spill Response ‘Not Fully Competent’ or ‘Not Fully Candid’?

Heritage  "Instead of rolling up his sleeves and fighting the disaster head on, President Obama used the disaster for political gain to push his existing environmental agenda. He used the spill to push his stalled energy tax bill in the Senate and then instituted an all out ban on deep water oil development. Then when a federal judge threw out his original ban because it was “arbitrary and capricious,” President Obama doubled-down expanding the ban even wider."

Administration's response to gulf spill ill-managed, report says  "The commission's analysis raises questions about two key promises of the Obama administration - that its response to the spill would reflect its commitments to rigorous science and to government transparency."

Oil spill cover-up confirmed  "These are the findings of the government's own commission on the spill:"...

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