Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Gift of Obama’s Foreign Policy

Victor Davis Hanson "In the end, Obama’s Carteresque sermonizing over the past two years has achieved the opposite of its intended result. The preaching, confessionals, and outreach, from the ridiculous bowing to Saudi princes to the supposedly sublime Cairo mythmaking, have reminded the world that anti-Americanism transcends alike the unfair caricatures of George Bush and the hokey apotheosis of Barack Obama. If we can avoid the wages of this naïveté — and not suffer another annus horribilis in the fashion of 1979 — then Obama’s inadvertent primer on unchanging human nature will have been worth it." Via  NRO.

The Obama Rope-a-Dope*   Another by the incomparable Victor Davis Hanson: "Jimmy Carter stuck to his liberal agenda after suffering a modest rebuke in the 1978 midterms amid sky-high inflation, interest rates, and unemployment. He didn’t take the voters’ hint and went on to get clobbered two years later by Ronald Reagan. In contrast, after the Democratic party was slaughtered in the 1994 midterms (losing 52 House and nine Senate seats), a triangulating Bill Clinton moved to the center and handily won reelection in 1996.
"So what will Obama do if he loses the Democratic majority in the House and quite possibly the Senate, as his approval ratings tank to 40 percent?"
Rope-a-dope: "...refers to any strategy that involves "playing the loser" to "come out the winner." Rope-a-dope strategy implies the need for sharp technical skills to "take the hits" on the downside, and shrewd timing to break through at the proper moment to claim victory. Political strategists, pundits, politicians, business men and even combat tacticians use the phrase to refer to risky maneuvers that take one from a position of the seeming underdog to one of victor."  

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