Thursday, October 7, 2010


Neal Boortz  "Here we are .. down to the wire. Just 26 days until the elections and what do we have emerging from the Democrat camp? The race card. It was bound to happen. When in doubt, use the race card, and the Democrats have some serious doubts ... or at least, the people have some serious doubts about them."

Blacks and whites far less optimistic about race relations under Obama  "Of course, once in office he proved to be the most divisive Presidents in American history. And it shows."  American Thinker

Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations  "Twenty-seven percent (27%) now say black-white relations are getting worse, up 10 points from July 2009, while 33% think they’re staying about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.) " Rasmussen Reports

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