Friday, October 15, 2010
Your Pre-Election Post-Mortem
Charles Krauthammer "When the election is over, prizes and trophies and hosannas will be issued left and right. But why wait? As a public service, I present an infallibly prescient scorecard of best and worst of 2010."
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Which party is dominated by extremists?
Rick Moran "For more than a year, the media has hammered the tea party and the GOP for being "too extreme." But the proof is in what each party has been pushing during that time. The Democrat's agenda is seen as radical by a plurality of voters - even 22% of Democrats think so.
"Another false narrative crashes and burns before the election."
"Another false narrative crashes and burns before the election."
Anatomy of Petulance (Updated)
Victor Davis Hanson "I was fascinated watching the recent Obama campaign stops, particularly the contrast with 2008. Gone are the faux columns and classical backdrops. There are no more vero possumus seals (now they fall off the podium). All pretense of “no more red states, no more blue states” nonpartisanship has long ago been dropped. Even the shrill, boilerplate evocation of “Bush-Cheney did it” sounds strained. The blatant divisive appeal to unions, young people, and “black folks” is now unapologetic. Them versus Us is the new theme. "....
"Add all that to new health care and financial regulations, and the message is clear the American private sector is suspect rather than industrious and critical to our nation’s economic life. After Obama’s slurs against Fox, the Republican leadership, insurers, Wall Street, doctors, police, the people of Arizona, or opponents of the Ground Zero mosque, fairly or not, a lot of people conclude that he does not like them or what they do or what they represent. So trillions of dollars in capital are waiting on the sidelines until November and proof that the Obama agenda is stalled."
"Add all that to new health care and financial regulations, and the message is clear the American private sector is suspect rather than industrious and critical to our nation’s economic life. After Obama’s slurs against Fox, the Republican leadership, insurers, Wall Street, doctors, police, the people of Arizona, or opponents of the Ground Zero mosque, fairly or not, a lot of people conclude that he does not like them or what they do or what they represent. So trillions of dollars in capital are waiting on the sidelines until November and proof that the Obama agenda is stalled."
The EPA Ozone Regs: Another Obama Jobs Killer
Heritage "The EPA normally waits at least five years before revising their ozone standard, but their is nothing normal about the Obama EPA. In January 2010, the Obama EPA proposed reducing the again, this time to 60 ppb. The EPA claims this will save as many as 12,000 lives a year and as much as $100 billion annually in health care spending by 2020. But then there is the cost."
EPA Puts ‘Environmental Justice’ Front and Center in Its Rulemaking Process "The move comes 16 years after President William Clinton signed an executive order directing every federal agency to "make achieving environmental justice part of its mission." And Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to make "environmental justice policies a priority within the EPA.""
EPA Puts ‘Environmental Justice’ Front and Center in Its Rulemaking Process "The move comes 16 years after President William Clinton signed an executive order directing every federal agency to "make achieving environmental justice part of its mission." And Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to make "environmental justice policies a priority within the EPA.""
Tea partiers won't go when fun ends
Politico "In only 21 months, the tea party has exploded from a handful of scattered, spontaneous rallies into a full-fledged national movement capable of throwing out incumbents. Challenging entrenched Washington habits, it is a force both parties must reckon with.
"Skeptics and opponents, however, continue to ask two basic questions. First, does the tea party have any real philosophical depth, a historical pedigree? Second, will its force dissipate after the elections?"
The Tea Party Is Here to Stay "But dependence on the federal government is categorically different. Federal government aid does not strengthen communities and families: just look at how the federal welfare system undermined family structures and hollowed-out communities for a generation."
"That's No Angry Mob, That's My Mom " "The Obama administration promised "hope and change" for everyday Americans, but they've delivered contempt and vilification instead. That's No Angry Mob, That's My Mom exposes this deception in a no-holds-barred takedown of Team Obama's condescending arrogance." (Book Review)
Few signs at tea party rally expressed racially charged anti-Obama themes "Adam Brandon, a spokesman for FreedomWorks, said his organization did not instruct protesters to limit their messages to fiscal slogans, but he did patrol the crowd and threw out a few protesters carrying signs depicting Obama as Adolf Hitler." Via Neal Boortz
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
There's a Reason They Call Him 'Dick'
Ann Coulter "Wonder why you have a $4 billion deficit, Nutmeggers? Blumenthal's endless investigations into responsible, law-abiding citizens like Kolb have now cost more than the entire Iraq War. (And that's just the cost of the paper for Blumenthal's 12 billion press releases!) "
Obama's Long and Evolving Enemies List
Fox News "A foe who represents a potential rival or is attacking on an issue that looks bad for the president may be brushed off, while the criticism of one the administration thinks a more attractive target gets both barrels from Team Obama.
"The target is one who in which excites great anger among the president's liberal base.
"First there was Rush Limbaugh:"...
"The target is one who in which excites great anger among the president's liberal base.
"First there was Rush Limbaugh:"...
Barbara Boxer Approved Code Pink Trip to Fallujah to Donate $600,000 to Extremists
Big Government "On October 12, Scott Swett at the American Thinker reported that Senator Barabara Boxer (D-CA) along with Representatives Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) secured diplomatic courtesy letters that allowed anti-American Code Pink activists to travel to Fallujah, Iraq. The radicals traveled to Fallujah in late 2004 to donate $600,000 worth of humanitarian aid to the people who had just killed 51 Americans and wounded 560 more earlier that month. Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah was the heaviest US urban combat since the Vietnam War."
Islam Online Article
Barbara Boxer, Code Pink's favorite Senator "Code Pink's leaders had just returned from Fallujah, Iraq, where 51 Americans had been killed and 560 wounded in the US Marines' heaviest urban combat since the Vietnam War. Code Pink delivered $600,000 in cash and supplies to the very insurgents the Marines had been fighting against - quite literally giving aid and comfort to America's enemies in a time of war. As noted in Islam Online, a diplomatic courtesy letter from Barbara Boxer helped make the trip possible.
"In early 2006, Code Pink cheered as Boxer became one of only three Senators to support a resolution to censure President Bush for wiretapping US citizens; specifically, citizens who were communicating with terrorist organizations overseas. Citizens like the members of Code Pink.
"It's something to keep in mind when you see Barbara Boxer weeping over American veterans." American Thinker.
Islam Online Article
Barbara Boxer, Code Pink's favorite Senator "Code Pink's leaders had just returned from Fallujah, Iraq, where 51 Americans had been killed and 560 wounded in the US Marines' heaviest urban combat since the Vietnam War. Code Pink delivered $600,000 in cash and supplies to the very insurgents the Marines had been fighting against - quite literally giving aid and comfort to America's enemies in a time of war. As noted in Islam Online, a diplomatic courtesy letter from Barbara Boxer helped make the trip possible.
"In early 2006, Code Pink cheered as Boxer became one of only three Senators to support a resolution to censure President Bush for wiretapping US citizens; specifically, citizens who were communicating with terrorist organizations overseas. Citizens like the members of Code Pink.
"It's something to keep in mind when you see Barbara Boxer weeping over American veterans." American Thinker.
The Oil Drilling Moratorium Doesn’t End Till the Permits Begin
Heritage "The White House got the headlines they wanted today."...."Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told reporters on a conference call yesterday: “We are open for business.” Don’t believe the White House or Salazar for a second. While yesterday’s announcement does remove one legal barrier to the resumption of energy investment in the Gulf, the Obama administration still retains full discretion over whether or not any new permits will be issued. And all indications are that those new permits will not be coming any time soon."
Zombie Ideology; Ideas, old and dead, are still walking around. (Text color changed)
Bruce S. Thornton "Explaining the continued death-grip of progressive ideology on significant numbers of people despite its manifest intellectual exhaustion, incoherence, and senility compels one to rely on analogies. The notion of political religions, a time-honored way of explaining political doctrines like communism, Nazism, and fascism, is still serviceable for communicating the dependence of progressivism on unreflective faith, metaphysical myths, utopian fantasies, fossilized dogmas, and ritualistic rhetoric. But I’m not sure it any longer communicates just how dead left-wing ideas are."....
"So too the war against dead progressive ideas, which has been going on in America for fifty years. And though we don’t know whether there will be a happy ending, we do know that we can’t ever stop trying to kill off a dead yet still dangerous ideology."
"So too the war against dead progressive ideas, which has been going on in America for fifty years. And though we don’t know whether there will be a happy ending, we do know that we can’t ever stop trying to kill off a dead yet still dangerous ideology."
Obama's Un-Presidential Despicable Race Baiting
Lloyd Marcus "Question: When you squeeze an Orange, what comes out? Answer: Orange juice. Why? Because that's what's inside.
"Obama is being squeezed by polls predicting a Republican landslide in November. Adding to Obama's pressure is his lethargic base's apathy about voting. So, what came out of our so-called, "post racial" president? Despicable, manipulative and evil race baiting."....
"So, while the sycophant liberal media calls any and all opposition to Obama racist, they give Obama carte blauche to exploit his race whenever it serves his purpose."
"So, while the sycophant liberal media calls any and all opposition to Obama racist, they give Obama carte blauche to exploit his race whenever it serves his purpose."
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