Friday, November 5, 2010

A return to the norm

Charles Krauthammer  "Opposition to the policies was compounded by the breathtaking arrogance with which they were imposed."

A recoil against liberalism  by George Will,   "This election was a nationwide recoil against Barack Obama's idea of unlimited government.
"The more he denounced Republicans as the party of "no," the better Republicans did. His denunciations enabled people to support Republicans without embracing them as anything other than impediments to him. "

All of Your Money Belongs to the State

CATO  "The 9th Circuit’s reasoning arrogates to the state all property, dissolving the distinction between public and private funds as well as public and private choices. It is a disturbing, dangerous decision.
"They assert that tax cuts are the equivalent of government funds, a conclusion possible only if one assumes that all personal income belongs by default to the state rather than to the individual who earned the money."

Bill Ayers Wife: U.S. Gov‘t is ’Real Terrorist‘ While Right is ’Racist,‘ ’Armed,‘ and ’Hostile’

Bully Pulpit  "Bernadine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers and co-founder of the radical left group Weather Underground, reportedly spoke with NewsClick India recently about her thoughts on America and called the right “racist,“ ”armed,“ ”hostile,“ and ”unspeakable.“ The clip ends with her saying that the American government is the ”real terrorist”:"...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Toonist's Takes on Tuesday's Tornado


From the left, the embittered, cynical Pat Oliphant

Eric Cantor lays out 22-page game plan (Updated)

Politico "The document is entitled “Delivering on Our Commitment” and promises a broad range of sweeping initiatives ranging from spending cuts to to bringing each item of the Pledge to America to the floor for a vote. It’s a bold plan that shows Cantor wants to be taken as a serious House reformer and policy leader as he ascends to the no. 2 slot in the new GOP hierarchy.
"Cantor is not expected to face serious challenge from fellow Republicans for majority leader. "

What Spending Should the GOP Cut? "Newcomers to Congress can find a wealth of budget-cutting ideas in recent plans by various D.C. think tanks:"
•At the Heritage Foundation, Brian Riedl has come up with $343 billion in proposed annual cuts.
•At the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Bill Galston and Maya MacGuineas have proposed $400 billion in annual cuts.
•Esquire magazine assembled four former senators who came up with $476 billion in annual cuts.
•The National Taxpayers Union teamed up with the U.S. Public Interest Research Group to propose $600 billion of cuts over five years.
•Michael Ettlinger and Michael Linden of the Center for American Progress offer one plan that would cut annual spending by $255 billion."
Links to all these reports contained in this article. Hat tip to Neal Boortz

Eric Cantor’s letter to incoming Congressional Republicans   
"The next majority leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, Republican congressman Eric Cantor (VA-07), sent this letter to the House GOP Members of the 112th Congress on Wednesday; outlining some of the initial thoughts on how Congress should be run."

Scariest speed camera of all... It checks your insurance, tax and even whether you are tailgating or not wearing a seatbelt

UK Daily Mail  " The latest weapon in speed camera technology can capture footage from 150ft away.
"It is the first to detect multiple offences at the same time and is connected to police computers via satellite, so that prosecutions can be started within seconds of any offence.
"Development of the system, known as Asset – Advanced Safety and Driver Support for Essential Road Transport – is being funded with around £7million of European money.

Charles Krauthammer: Obama Is "In Denial"

 Bully Pulpit   "He's just had a refutation of two years of his agenda and his ideology, and he pretends as if nothing has happened. And he says one of the messages he gets -- and it's all about what does he get -- is that people want him to work with Republicans on things like natural gas and electric cars. Is that why he lost 19 state houses? Because he hadn't had enough discussions on electric cars and natural gas with Mitch McConnell? I think not."

White House, Congress poised for battle over tax breaks in lame-duck session

WaPo  "If President Obama, his weakened Democratic allies and a resurgent Republican Party cannot find a way to work together, taxes will rise sharply in January for virtually every American taxpayer, and more than 3 million people will lose their unemployment checks - which together could suck more than $300 billion out of the pockets of consumers and business owners next year.
"Economists across the political spectrum say such a blow would be devastating to the economy and has the potential to halt the fragile recovery in its tracks.
""Businesses and households would run for the bunker, and we'd be back in recession. I don't see how we could avoid it," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. "

California dreaming

Thomas Lifson  "The state legislature will no longer require a 2/3 majority to pass a budget, thanks to Prop. 25. A simple majority will suffice, which could unleash a torrent of spending and taxation under the Democrats. Jerry Brown has promised to take any tax increases to the voters, but he also admitted that a previous campaign for governor was based on "lies."
"Even worse, in my eyes, Prop 23, which would have suspended that state's draconian carbon emissions regulations, was voted down by a large margin, based on a campaign slogan, "Say no to Texas oil." The coming regulations will strangle the local economy. Small businesses will face huge expenses, not to mention larger scale industrial facilities, which will simply have to downsize or close. "

The Question Everyone is Asking: Who gets the first subpoena?

Ed Lasky "There are many reasons to celebrate the Republican takeover of the People's House this morning. One of them will be the ability of Republicans to pull away the curtain and see what the Obama team has really been up to as it bullied Americans over the last two years."

Obama's Midterm Loss May be Netanyahu's MidEast Win

Infidel Bloggers Alliance "Several Israeli political sources said on Wednesday members of Netanyahu's inner circle were cheered by the blow dealt to a Democratic president who is sharply at odds with the right-wing prime minister over Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank."