Sunday, November 28, 2010

Islamic Extremist Targets Facebook Users

Legal Project This is from a month ago but is submitted here for you to know how terrorists can operate.
"Court documents filed last week reveal Islamic extremists have obtained personal contact information on members of the defiant Facebook group "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day." Zachary Chesser, who provided the information, pled guilty to "communicating threats" and renounced jihad, but the damage was done. Prosecutors say he "seriously endangered the lives of innocent people who will remain at risk for many years to come."
"This lasting effect makes it all the more frustrating that authorities did not charge him sooner. He had made very similar threats against the producers of South Park weeks before. The case highlights the urgent need for better legal tools to protect free speech from extremist intimidation."
Photo from BareNakedIslam

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The few, the proud, the foes of gays in military  "The Corps is the youngest, smallest and arguably the most tight-knit of the enlisted forces, with many of its roughly 200,000 members hailing from small towns and rural areas in the South.
"Marines are unabashed about distinguishing themselves from the rest of the military, with a warrior ethos and a religious zeal for their branch of service that they liken to a brotherhood."

Jimmy Carter: North Korea's consistent message to the U.S.

Washington Post  "No one can completely understand the motivations of the North Koreans, but it is entirely possible that their recent revelation of their uranium enrichment centrifuges and Pyongyang’s shelling of a South Korean island Tuesday are designed to remind the world that they deserve respect in negotiations that will shape their future."  Mr. Carter has excelled at giving respect to evil regimes.

"Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war."
Winston Churchill

US Teen Muslim Arrested after Trying to Explode Car Bomb Moments before a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony

Atlas Shrugs  "The suspect is said to have driven a van to the crowded event, parked and tried to detonate a device using a mobile phone.
"However, the supposed explosive was a fake, supplied to him by FBI operatives.
"Mohamud shouted "Allahu Akhkbar" (God is the greatest) and tried to kick agents as they swooped in on him, prosecutors said.
""The device was in fact inert, and the public was never in danger," the US Attorney's Office has been reported as saying.
""This defendant's chilling determination is a stark reminder that there are people - even here in Oregon - who are determined to kill Americans."

Job-Killer Obama Sets Aside 187,000 Miles For Overpopulated Polar Bears

Gateway Pundit  "Designation of crucial habitat does not in itself block economic activity or other development, but requires federal officials to consider whether a proposed action would adversely affect the polar bear’s habitat and interfere with its recovery.
"It’s decisions like this one that make Obama the worst jobs president since the Great Depression."

Whoopi Goldberg's Ignorance

American Thinker "Since I'm well aware of how leftists' claims of erudition are as empty as their ideology, not many of their failures surprise me. But an exception came last night when Whoopi Goldberg was interviewed by Bill O'Reilly. The two were discussing their differing views on the nature of the Islamic threat, with O'Reilly maintaining that we have a "Muslim problem" and Goldberg insisting that, no, we have a "terrorist problem." In typical leftist style, she even went so far as to rationalize away the threat, implying at one point that terrorists were as likely to be white guys as anyone else. But as ridiculous as this denial of reality is, it was followed by an admission of ignorance that was truly staggering. It occurred during the following exchange: "

Charles Krauthammer Rips Liberal Media for Being Obsessed with Sarah Palin

Newsbusters "After Krauthammer scolded the "editorial judgment" of the producers of PBS's "Inside Washington" for week after week prominently displaying her as the "only representative of conservatism of any importance" in this nation, the Washington Post's Colby King proved his point (video follows with transcript and commentary):"...

Our lethally uninformed civilization

Mladen Andrijasevic  Quoting  Haaretz
"I strongly believe that it's 1938 all over again," he says in a telephone interview from California, when the world groveled before Germany, hoping to appease the looming Nazi monster. "The difference is that this time the consequences would be much worse than World War II. The West had the opportunity to overthrow this regime in Tehran without firing a single bullet last year when the mass uprising happened, but now I truly believe it will be war whether we want it or not, and for that reason I think we should determine the terms of it. The question to ask ourselves is: Do we want to confront them now or when they have the nukes? That's going to make a big difference to the millions who will lose their lives once they get the nukes."
'Iran is a latter-day Nazi Germany'  "After turning his back on the Revolutionary Guards and becoming a CIA agent, an Iranian known as Reza Kahlili insists Israel has the best intelligence about his homeland."

Meanwhile American pacifists sport "COEXIST" bumper stickers and fashionable "peace" symbols  that encourage all who would stand against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, terrorists and the Norks to disarm.

Despite Latest Propaganda… Doctors Forced to Cut Elderly Patients Due to Medicare Costs

Gateway Pundit  "How about a checkup from geriatric specialist Michael Trahos? Expect to see him every six months: The Alexandria-based doctor has been limiting most of his Medicare patients to twice yearly rather than the quarterly checkups he considers ideal for the elderly. Still, at least he’ll see you. Top-ranked primary care doctor Linda Yau is one of three physicians with the District’s Foxhall Internists group who recently announced they will no longer be accepting Medicare patients.
"“It’s not easy. But you realize you either do this or you don’t stay in business,” she said."

The Washington Post article here.

International Criminal Court: Torture, Evidence-tampering, Beatings, Bribes, Blackmail

Atlas Shrugs  "President Obama is a fan of the ICC. Our internationalist President is relinquishing American sovereignty to international law, appointing transnationalists to unprecedented positions of power (Harold Koh, State Department; Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagen, SCOTUS).
"Julia Gorin brings us the latest on this totalitarian kangaroo court."...

The Food Police Take Aim

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE  "True, the food-police killjoys at the Center for Science in the Public Interest haven’t yet taken aim at Mom’s stuffed turkey and candied yams. But they do target restaurant meals they think should be off limits. This year’s edition of the CSPI’s annual finger-wag, Xtreme Eating 2010, cites such familiar villains as The Cheesecake Factory, P. F. Chang’s, the D.C. burger mecca (and Obama favorite) Five Guys, and other chain restaurants for offering high-calorie menu items."