Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tunnel Wall isn't a sports blog, but this was too good not to use:

Gary Varvel, Townhall

The Party of No (As are the parents of most teen-agers)

WikiLeaks Hasn’t Paid Manning Legal Bills

Sweetness and Light* "Courage to Resist, a war resisters’ group, so far has donated $50,000 to pay the fees of Manning’s private attorney, David E. Coombs. But as of Tuesday, Paterson said, WikiLeaks had not transferred any money to him.
"Late Tuesday, WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said in an e-mail that a misunderstanding about the status of the payment had been "rectified" and the "payment is being processed now.""
*The proper name is "Sweetness & Light", but the blog hyperlink editor will not do the"&" by itself. I'm just saying.

WikiLeaks release gives hit list to al-Qaida "In a disclosure of some of the most sensitive information yet revealed by WikiLeaks, the website has put out a secret cable listing sites worldwide that the U.S. considers critical to its national security. U.S. officials said the leak amounts to giving a hit list to terrorists.
"Among the locations cited in the diplomatic cable from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton are undersea communications lines, mines, antivenin factories and suppliers of food and manufacturing materials."

Why Pigford Matters

Big Government "Our purpose is to put the blame for the stench surrounding Pigford precisely where it belongs, in a Washington, DC out of touch with the American people, including many black farmers. What Pigford suggests is that, to Washington, black farmers are, in reality, merely another a group of people an out of control, unaccountable government laced with greed, corruption, and a need for growth is only too willing to elevate and perhaps exploit as a political tool, without genuinely ensuring justice is served on their behalf, while at the same time protecting the interests of hard working taxpayers from the threat of rampant fraud and corruption Pigford very likely represents."

Pigford v. Glickman: 86,000 claims from 39,697 total farmers?  "I’m confused. If there are only 39,697 African-American farmers grand total in the entire country, then how can over 86,000 of them claim discrimination at the hands of the USDA? Where did the other 46,303 come from?
"Now, if you’re confused over what the heck I’m even talking about, let’s go back to the beginning of the story:"...

Congressional Research Service; PDF

More Health Waivers

Jamie Dupree Washington Insider  "The waivers seem likely to draw hearings in the House next year for a different reason, as Republicans demand to know why Democrats would push so hard for health reform legislation, only to see the feds issue several hundred waivers from some of the details."

Waiver grants so far: 222 on the list right now. From Jamie Dupree, via Heritage.

Wikileaks in Chaos?

Yid with Lid  "Assange left Icelandic television journalist Kristinn Hrafnsson in charge of the group in his absence, the activist said. But now the embattled organization’s secrecy and compartmentalization are apparently hindering its operations."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Report: Obamacare Causing Doctors to Quit

Bully Pulpit  "(Fox News Channel) - New concerns over major study that says over 70 percent physicians will retire, work part-time or quit."

Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

Youtube Very interesting video commentary. Hat tip to Gail Downie, from the beautiful Oregon coast.

Deal Struck on Tax Package/ Obama's address Monday

Wall Street Journal  "President Barack Obama reached agreement Monday with Republican leaders in Congress on a broad tax package that would extend the Bush-era income tax cuts for two years, reduce worker payroll taxes for one year and give more favorable treatment to business investments.
"Other elements of the deal include a temporary reinstatement of the estate tax at 35%—the level favored by most Republican lawmakers—as well as an extension of jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed."

Obama's capitulation   "His speech last night was very bitter ...even a bit petulant. Part of Obama's core philosophy is that people who earn the big bucks do so by exploiting others, and it is the role of government to straighten this out. Obama sees taxes as a way to enforce some idea of fairness where economic liberty produces results that aren't to his liking. Now there will be people out there who are earning and keeping more money than he thinks they should be allowed to keep. " Plus these comments:  (Neal Boortz)

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the Tax Deal  "Moreover, the temporary nature of the package is disappointing. There will be very little economic boost from this deal. As mentioned above, people generally don’t increase output in response to short-term provisions. I worry that this will undermine the case for lower tax rates since observers may conclude that they don’t have much positive effect."
The Black Sphere on Facebook

A Qualified Victory on Taxes "It is possible that Republicans could have gotten an even better deal next year, since their numbers in Congress will increase in January. But that would have left them having to cut taxes retroactively and left households paying first higher and then lower taxes. Acting now reduces both uncertainty and volatility. Republicans can now spend the next two years advancing spending cuts and long-term tax reform." National Review

Mr. Lonely  "The trick to dealing with the left is to always remember the Chinese proverb: “he who rides on a tiger can never get off”."

Thomas Sowell: Rhetoric Rides Again "It also takes a lot of brass to talk about taxing "millionaires and billionaires" when most of the people whose taxes the liberals want to raise are neither. Why is so much deception necessary, if your case is good? "
Freeze Taxes, Freeze Spending, and Go Home  "”Make no mistake: Allowing taxes to go up on all Americans would have raised taxes by $3,000 for a typical American family. And that could cost our economy well over a million jobs.” It’s great that a leader of the progressive movement is willing to recognize the link between higher taxes and lost jobs."

The Odd Couple

Pearl Harbor Day

A Day That Will Live In Infamy: 69 Years Ago and Today  "We have watched this scene play out before. Good intentions are met with false promises, words with secret arms buildups, and appeasement with attempts at annihilation. It happened in the years leading up to World War II and, without the help of the United States, the world could have fallen to totalitarianism. We must be diligent in making sure that President Obama doesn’t repeat the mistakes of the past – before we see yet another Day of Infamy."

Pearl Harbor attack news report  "Oh ... and by the way: After 69 years it's still the "Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor." After 9 years we can't bring ourselves to say the Islamic terrorist attack on America."  Neal Boortz.

Remember Pearl Harbor  "The nature of the attack, and subsequent Japanese attacks on the Philippines, Wake Island, and other strategic islands vital to the allied cause filled the US with a "terrible resolve" as the architect of the attack, Admiral Yamamoto said following the raid." 
Back then, America was capable of "terrible resolve". The Pelosis, academia and Hollywood have pretty much sucked that out of our national spirit.

Pearl Harbor Blog

BING is remembering Pearl Harbor, while Google is not.

Remembering Pearl Harbor: 69 Years  "... Always will be remembered the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
… With confidence in our armed forces — with the unbounding determination of our people — we will gain the inevitable triumph — so help us God."
— from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s December 8, 1941 speech to Congress.

December 7 ....... "Today is the anniversary of the second worst attack on American soil in our nation's history. Unlike the 911 attacks and the Ground Zero mosque, the Japanese have not asked to build a Shinto shrine at Pearl Harbor. The Japanese have not announced their intent to break ground on December 7th for such a shrine; nor have they applied for taxpayer funds from a Pearl Harbor Fund for a Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor.
"The very idea would have been unthinkable. Not anymore."  Pamela Geller, at Atlas Shrugs

Pearl Harbor Raid, 7 December 1941; Damaged Ships after the Attack  "This page features views of damaged ships at Pearl Harbor in the days following 7 December 1941, and provides links to other images of this subject."

How Liberalism is Like a Disney Movie

Gregory Oatis in American Thinker  ..."8) Birds and animals and fish and trees can think and feel and talk.
7) Transportation can be effected with little or no fuel consumption, via vehicles such as broomsticks, magic carpets and pixie dust. Much like the cute little hybrids and electric cars liberals love."...