Wednesday, December 8, 2010

WikiLeaks Hasn’t Paid Manning Legal Bills

Sweetness and Light* "Courage to Resist, a war resisters’ group, so far has donated $50,000 to pay the fees of Manning’s private attorney, David E. Coombs. But as of Tuesday, Paterson said, WikiLeaks had not transferred any money to him.
"Late Tuesday, WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said in an e-mail that a misunderstanding about the status of the payment had been "rectified" and the "payment is being processed now.""
*The proper name is "Sweetness & Light", but the blog hyperlink editor will not do the"&" by itself. I'm just saying.

WikiLeaks release gives hit list to al-Qaida "In a disclosure of some of the most sensitive information yet revealed by WikiLeaks, the website has put out a secret cable listing sites worldwide that the U.S. considers critical to its national security. U.S. officials said the leak amounts to giving a hit list to terrorists.
"Among the locations cited in the diplomatic cable from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton are undersea communications lines, mines, antivenin factories and suppliers of food and manufacturing materials."

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