Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mike Luckovich on Boehner, Obama


Nealz Nuze  "These versions are so much better."

Don't stop me now, I'm on a roll here:

Gary Varvel, Newsbusters

Why Our Best Officers Are Leaving

The Atlantic  "Why is the military so bad at retaining these people? It’s convenient to believe that top officers simply have more- lucrative opportunities in the private sector, and that their departures are inevitable. But the reason overwhelmingly cited by veterans and active-duty officers alike is that the military personnel system—every aspect of it—is nearly blind to merit."
"Performance evaluations emphasize a zero-defect mentality, meaning that risk-avoidance trickles down the chain of command. Promotions can be anticipated almost to the day— regardless of an officer’s competence—so that there is essentially no difference in rank among officers the same age, even after 15 years of service. Job assignments are managed by a faceless, centralized bureaucracy that keeps everyone guessing where they might be shipped next."

Passengers overpower plane hijacker after he storms cockpit shouting he had bomb

Infidel Bloggers Alliance "The man, identified as 40-year-old Cumar Yasar, put on a ski mask and began shouting 'I have a bomb' before two passengers were able to restrain him.
"When police in Istanbul entered the plane to arrest Yasar they found one of the passengers sitting on him."

Bid to 'reform' filibuster is dangerous

Brian Darling  "The Senate, we should remember, was created to be an institution far different from the House of Representatives. The House was to be the voice of the people, with representatives elected every two years, while the Senate would represent the interests of the states, with senators elected every six years.
"According to the Senate's official history, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison saw the upper chamber as a "great 'anchor' of the government" that would calm the passions of the House. "George Washington is said to have told Jefferson that the framers had created the Senate to 'cool' House legislation just as a saucer was used to cool hot tea.""

The Daily Show Mocks San Francisco’s Happy Meal Ban

Heritage   "Last year, war was declared on McDonald’s Happy Meals and their toys. These meals are so dangerous and exploitative of children we were told that government simply must get involved. Nowhere was this nanny state silliness more on display than in San Francisco, where that city’s activist board of supervisors banned Happy Meals and other kids meals."....
"But we simply can’t do a better job at pointing out the absurdities of this misguided crusade than Aasif Mandvi did in this excerpt from a recent episode of The Daily Show"

Repeal Doesn’t Increase the Deficit

Heritage  "When now-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ... was sworn in as Speaker on January 4, 2007, the national debt stood at $8.67 trillion. By the time Pelosi surrendered the gavel to Speaker John Boehner ... yesterday, the national debt stood at $14.01 trillion. At $5.34 trillion, that means Speaker Pelosi added more than $1 trillion in debt per year during her tenure as Speaker. And yet she has the audacity to tell reporters Tuesday: “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Investigate This!

Ann Coulter  "Over and over again, Republicans tried to rein in the politically correct policies being foisted on mortgage lenders by Fannie Mae, only to be met by a Praetorian Guard of Democrats howling that Republicans hated the poor.'
"In 2003, Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee wrote a bill to tighten the lending regulation of Fannie and Freddie. Every single Democrat on the committee voted against it.
"In the House, Barney Frank angrily proclaimed that Fannie Mae was "just fine.""....
"As Peter Schweizer points out in his magnificent book "Architects of Ruin," which everyone should read, Enron's accounting fraud was a paltry $567 million -- and it didn't bring down the entire financial system. Those involved in the Enron manipulations went to prison. Raines and Gorelick not only didn't go to jail, they walked away with multimillion-dollar payouts, courtesy of the taxpayer."

The liberals own words on this

Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown

Worst Congress ever

Lisa Benson

Rich Terrell: GOP freshmen climb aboard

Tea Party Congress Returns to Constitution  "Shortly after noon today, all 435 Members of the House of Representatives will raise their right hands and take the following oath:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

"Saving" the Housing Market

Thomas Sowell  "Sometimes we are more concerned about some people because they are especially deserving. But this cannot be said about those who borrowed money to buy homes that they could not afford, or who borrowed against the equity in their homes, and now find that what they owe is more than the home is worth.
"If anyone is especially deserving, it is those who had the common sense to avoid taking on bigger financial obligations than they could handle, but who are now expected to pay as taxpayers for other people's irresponsibility."

(Updated) New Edition of ‘Huckleberry Finn’ Gets PC N-Word Scrubbing, ‘Entertainment Weekly’ Okay With That

Big Hollywood  "What’s next? Blazing Saddles? Rap albums?
"You don’t update and whitewash Mark Twain, you teach Mark Twain. You have your students read the novel and then teach them the context of the times and the context of the words. Twain was no racist and the words he used were deliberate. But again, what’s most troubling isn’t one idiot publisher making a moronic decision, it’s that those like EW who should be at the head of the line protesting this are instead the primary PC Palace Guards defending it."

Reporter Trial Set For Use of “N Word” and Double Standard  "Reporter Tom Burlington files suit against the station that fired him, because, he alleges, it was acceptable for a black person to use the “n word” but not him. When illustrating the discrepancy in a staff meeting, he says in his suit, he used the word and was fired for it."

What Will the PC-Police Do When the ‘Narnia’ Films Confront Islam?  "The works of C.S. Lewis have been demonized in the past by the usual suspects on the cultural left. One of his biggest detractors is Phillip Pullman, a bitter atheist, whose books are less successful than Lewis’s, and the film based on his novel “The Golden Compass” was a box office bust here in the States. Pullman has described Lewis’s work as “racist and sexist”. While most readers in the United States are barely aware of this guy, his opinion is in line with the sort of people who run the film industry. Because of that fact alone, the producers of the Narnia films will undoubtedly face some world class peer pressure to “soften” the story when it comes time to bring the film adaptations of The Horse and his Boy (as well as the last book in the series, The Last Battle ) to life."

Pat Oliphant, whose work we sometimes appreciate.