National Review "The case of Kermit Gosnell reached the newspapers just a few days before the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. President Obama did not mention Gosnell in his official statement celebrating the anniversary. But the case sheds more light on Roe’s import than the statement did."
Kermit the Dog "In the wake of the Tucson shooting some have argued that we should limit semi-automatic handgun magazine capacity to ten. I think we should consider limiting abortion clinic waiting room capacity to ten. Or maybe we should have a seven-day cooling down period for those who have a passion for performing abortions.
"However we decide to exploit this tragedy, the conservative slogan is fairly obvious: “Guns don’t kill people. Abortion doctors kill people.” We need to start printing tee shirts now."
Mike Adams Upon getting his doctorate in 1993, Adams, then an atheist and a Democrat, was hired by UNC-Wilmington to teach in the criminal justice program. A few years later, Adams abandoned his atheism and also became a Republican.
Rick Santorum Life Is a Civil Right :"Then, campaigning for president, [Obama] was asked when he thought life began. He said that was “above my pay grade.” So President Obama does not recognize the right to life of a baby even after it is born and, when challenged, follows the example of another presidential candidate, Stephen Douglas, whose attitude toward the question of personhood for blacks was one of “don’t care.”"