Rightwingnews "The bill in that prior article was "to urge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to rescind rules that would require dairy farms to have oil spill prevention plans for milk storage tanks." Looks like the EPA is moving forward anyway. From Thomas Sowell via memeorandum: EPA now to regulate spilled milk — really" Whose idea was it to employ these EPA people full-time? I can't believe the stuff they come up with to justify their eight hours per day.
EPA classifies milk as oil, forcing costly rules on farmers "But last week environmentalists disagreed at a Senate committee hearing on a resolution from Sen. Wayne Kuipers, R-Holland, calling for the EPA to rescind its ruling.
""The federal Clean Water Act requirements were meant to protect the environment from petroleum-based oils, not milk," he said. "I think it is an example of federal government gone amuck.""But Gayle Miller, legislative director of Sierra Club Michigan Chapter, said agricultural pollution probably is the nation's most severe chronic problem when it comes to water pollution."
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