Friday, February 4, 2011

When Will The World Love Us?

Germany, 2008
Big Journalism "Democrats and the Obama administration often like to say the media set unrealistic expectations on the young World Emperor, certainly the media continues its slobbering love for Dear Leader, but Obama also made this promise of global unity. He did it during his first speech in Cairo as President and during the campaign in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate. Obama declared himself a “citizen of the world” (whatever that means) and promised he would “remake the world.” Politico called it a “manifesto for the planet” and that he would “unite Christians, Muslims and Jews in a safer, more united world.”"

Egypt: Obama and Ayers's Post-American Middle-East  "The involvement of the uber-left, dangerous agitators and provocateurs like CODE PINK, Bill Ayers, even the AFL-CIO in the destruction of an America allied, no accident. There are no accidents, not with these terrorists.
"Obama's goodfriend and sponsor, Bill Ayers has been active in Gaza and Egypt agitating against the Jewish people promoting the destruction of Israel."   Obama's friends join protesters attempting to enter Gaza

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