Monday, February 7, 2011

ElBaradei explains the worth of peace agreements with Muslims: Israel Has Peace Agreement With Mubarak, Not Egypt

Shawarma Mayor  "“At the moment, they have a peace treaty with Mubarak, but not one with the Egyptian people,” El Baradei said. “The Israelis should understand that it is in their long-term interest to have a democratic Egypt as a neighbor, and that it is prudent to acknowledge the legitimate interests of the Palestinians and to grant them their own state.”"


Senate Fort Hood report whitewashes Obama's culpability

Error Theory "The Fort Hood massacre itself also suggests that Obama's counter-terrorism "back off" command extended to all Muslims. It came out in November 2009 that agents dropped their Nidal Hasan investigation because they deemed his communications with al Qaeda leader Awlaki to be protected speech:"
U.S. officials now confirm Hasan sent as many as 20 e-mails to Awlaki. Authorities intercepted the e-mails but later deemed them innocent or protected by the first amendment.

Fox Ran 'John 3:16' Ad During Super Bowl XLV After All, At Least in Washington, D.C. Market

Newsbusters  "The ad, sponsored by the Fixed Point Foundation, was "originally rejected by Fox Sports for containing too much 'religious doctrine' and for being too offensive," Nathan Black of The Christian Post noted this morning. Like Grossman, Black had no explanation from the Fox officials as to why they changed their minds."
Related links:

Rich Terrell: One million electric cars on the road by 2015 Making the Tunnel Wall look great since 2011.

Christina Aguilera completely screwed up the National Anthem

Neal Boortz  "Now .. having said that ... let's add that The Star Spangled Banner is a hideous song and damned near impossible to sing even if you DO remember the words. We need a new national anthem --- and don't act like we would be changing hundreds of years of history here; this un-singable song was only made our National Anthem in 1931."....
"Oh sure .. the "God shed his grace on thee" line will give the whiners and the ACLU something to scream about. After all, the "G" word isn't mentioned in our present anthem. But isn't it about time we told the ACLU to go pound sand anyway?"

Why Christina Aguilera’s National Anthem Struck a Nerve  "Aguilera issued a statement last night about her version saying “I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through.”"

Christina Aguilera and Groupon followed in the footsteps of Janet Jackson with an embarrassing fluff at the Super Bowl  "Messing with the national anthem is no laughing matter – just ask Rosanne Barr, who caused national uproar with a ghastly version she performed before a baseball game in 1990 and has never been able to live it down."  UK Guardian

GOP eyes rules that firms say hurt jobs

Washington Post  "The Post reviewed more than 200 letters and reports that businesses sent to Issa targeting regulations across the federal government. The rules under scrutiny include familiar issues suchas greenhouse gas emissions, health-care reform and the landmark Wall Street overhaul. But the committee also will examine more obscure regulations. For instance, makers of some cleaning products that remove mold and mildew have asked the committee to reconsider rules that require their products to be registered as pesticides under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. " Keeping in mind that the Post is a liberal, Democrat-supporting publication, here is their next sentence: "Among those pushing for changes are some of Washington's most powerful interest groups."
Comedy central: Waxman whacks 'fishing expeditions'  "Nobody was laughing, though, when Upton added that under Waxman's leadership, the committee failed to convene a single hearing on Obamacare. "During the months following passage of the bill, the American people were subjected to rising premiums, increased costs, employers that were considering ending their health care coverage, unpopular policies secretly inserted into regulations without public comment, insurers exiting the market altogether, and the need to exempt many businesses from the disastrous effects of the PPACA. Yet this committee remained silent." Clearly, Upton doesn't know that was when Waxman was off on a real fishing expediti"

Egyptian Opposition Says Talks Were 'Positive' But 'Inconclusive'

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty   "Experts on the ground, however, say the Muslim Brotherhood is not the radical group it is often made out to be.
"Elizabeth Arrott, the head of Voice of America's bureau in Cairo, said the group has quieted down in recent years.
""I think that a lot of people, when they immediately hear about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, think of Hamas and, eventually, Al-Qaeda, which are indeed offshoots of the original organization, which started here in Egypt,” she said. “After, there was a fair amount of violence by members, however, the general group here has turned into much more of a social movement." Could these be the same people who said Obama was a centrist?
And here: Egyptian opposition demands Mubarak step down, parliament removed, fair elections held  Via

Obama: Egyptians Won't Permit a Repressive Government to Fill Mubarak Void  ""What I want is a representative government in Egypt and I have confidence that if Egypt moves in an orderly transition process, they will have a government in Egypt that will work together with us" as partners, Obama said from the White House..." And you can keep your doctor and current health care plan and your taxes won't go up one dime and...
Fox News

California Cap and Trade Tripped Up By Pollution Rhetoric

Heritage  "And this past December, much to the delight of many environmentalists, CARB passed the first carbon cap-and-trade scheme in the United States. Everything looked ready to go … until a San Francisco Superior Court judge issued a ruling, just made public last week, that, if made final, would stop CARB from implementing its plan. The plaintiffs in the suit? The Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment."
Government of the hippies, by the hippies and for the hippies.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why the Egyptian Revolution Can Be the Best or Worst Thing to Happen

Raymond Ibrahim  "Therefore, rather than naively assume that this revolution will lead to a democratic Egypt (and so the US should stand by), or cynically assume that this is unquestionably an Islamist revolt that needs to be crushed (by supporting Mubarak and tyranny), the US should simply do whatever needs doing to see that the revolt, in fact, leads to a secular and pluralistic society, which, believe it or not, many Egyptians would welcome.
"The secularists are there. Now is the time to support them. Without Western support, the Muslim Brotherhood will take over Egypt by default. And if that happens, the Middle East will rock like never before in the modern era."

Imam Steps Down From Project Near Ground Zero

NY Times  "Mr. Adhami’s withdrawal comes days after a flurry of statements and clarifications from Park51 and Mr. Abdul Rauf. On a national speaking tour to promote interfaith understanding, Mr. Abdul Rauf last week told the editorial board of The Buffalo News that he would be willing to change the location of the center if another property became available."....
But: "In response to the Buffalo News report, Mr. Gamal on Monday restated his intention to build the 16-story Muslim center at 51 Park Place, a former coat store that he owns."

Robert Ariail on the Muslim Brotherhood

Turmoil in the Middle East; from the Hoover Institution

Hoover Institution  "Hoover fellows comment on the recent events in the Middle East. Will the revolutions beget counterrevolutions and new rounds of repression and revolt?
"The following are links to articles, videos, podcasts, and commentary by Hoover fellows concerning the mayhem in the Middle East."

The Middle East