Monday, February 7, 2011

Christina Aguilera completely screwed up the National Anthem

Neal Boortz  "Now .. having said that ... let's add that The Star Spangled Banner is a hideous song and damned near impossible to sing even if you DO remember the words. We need a new national anthem --- and don't act like we would be changing hundreds of years of history here; this un-singable song was only made our National Anthem in 1931."....
"Oh sure .. the "God shed his grace on thee" line will give the whiners and the ACLU something to scream about. After all, the "G" word isn't mentioned in our present anthem. But isn't it about time we told the ACLU to go pound sand anyway?"

Why Christina Aguilera’s National Anthem Struck a Nerve  "Aguilera issued a statement last night about her version saying “I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through.”"

Christina Aguilera and Groupon followed in the footsteps of Janet Jackson with an embarrassing fluff at the Super Bowl  "Messing with the national anthem is no laughing matter – just ask Rosanne Barr, who caused national uproar with a ghastly version she performed before a baseball game in 1990 and has never been able to live it down."  UK Guardian

1 comment: said...

Christina Aguilera’s performance of the national anthem was one of the worst renditions of the song ever! What an absolute joke!