Heritage "President Barack Obama spoke to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce yesterday, claiming: “I understand the challenges you face. I understand you are under incredible pressure to cut costs and keep your margins up. I understand the significance of your obligations to your shareholders and the pressures that are created by quarterly reports. I get it.” No. No, he doesn’t."
Here’s a Good Start, Mr. President: 20 Burdensome Regulations "Recently, Heritage released a list of the top 20 burdensome regulations* that should be immediately eliminated in addition to our annual Red Tape Rising Report, which this year identified 43 new major regulations. From credit card fees to the war on the lightbulb, these reports would excellent resources for an Administration serious about regulatory reform.
"In short, the President faces a choice: he can either continue to talk about tackling regulation or he can actually take concerete steps to free Americans from unnecessary regulations which hamper economic growth."
Rolling Back Red Tape: 20 Regulations to Eliminate "Americans are besieged by regulations. At every level, government intrudes into citizens’ lives with a torrent of do’s and don’ts
(sic) that place an unsustainable burden on the economy and erode Americans’ most fundamental freedoms."