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Six Steps to Reining in the Administrative State "This terribly unpopular law led millions of citizens to ask of themselves and their neighbors: Are we citizens in a constitutional republic or subjects of the administrative state?
"Then the elections came. Americans went to the polls and voiced their opposition to the health care overhaul. But is it too late for Congress to roll back the administrative state? Drawing on a recent Center for American Studies scholars’ conference on that topic (look for more papers to come), Robert Moffit offers six steps for Congress to roll back the administrative state."
Paul Ryan accuses W.H. of skirting Medicare law "Ryan claims the White House owes Congress a plan for shoring up Medicare funding because the federal government is covering more than its targeted share of the program. Ryan points to a provision of the 2003 Medicare law that requires the president to act. " |
The U.S. government gives its citizens lots of overlap and inefficiency for their tax dollars "Have you got a hangnail? Somewhere in the federal bureaucracy there has to be a program even for such a minor ill. Because there are dozens and dozens of programs for everything else. So says a new report from the Government Accountability Office"