Friday, April 22, 2011

Andrew Klavan: How to Behave During an Islamic Massacre (video)

PJ Tatler  "Since the Mainstream Media and our government both appear to have their heads in the sand about the threat of radical Islam, Andrew Klavan has put together this handy primer on what to do in the event of an Islamic massacre."
Photo of Andrew Klavan from  The American Culture

An imagined contest between the president and The Donald.

Pajamas Media "This possible future presidential debate is based on segments from actual interview transcripts involving President Obama and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on April 14, 2011, and Donald Trump and Stephanopoulos on April 18, 2011.
"The interview segments used in this “debate” have been repositioned slightly but without the altering of any real content. However, the questions from the moderator are fictionalized."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

For You Know-It-All College Students

Clown Ministry
Neal Boortz  "Many students in this video believe that it is moral to confiscate money from hard-working Americans and entrepreneurs and give it to those who didn't earn it, yet don't support the same philosophy when it is applied to their GPA scores. Take some time to watch this video --- see our college students in action! I know that you will be anxiously waiting for the chance to hire them as soon as they graduate?"

Time to Make Cuts in the Department of Energy

The Heritage Foundation  "President Barack Obama spoke about some of that spending, proclaiming that his Administration made “the largest investment in history in clean energy research,” while also lamenting that he has not yet reached his dream of putting 1 million electric vehicles on the road. That’s with good reason. As President Obama admitted, the technology is “heavy” and “expensive.” In other words, electric cars can’t stand on their own two legs (or four wheels) without government support.
"That’s the story of President Obama’s DOE."

'Quagmire Of Bureaucracy' Stifles Gulf Spill Research
"Last year, BP did give $50 million to several research groups in the Gulf. "But the rest of the money has been just caught up in a quagmire of bureaucracy, politics, turf issues," he says. "Why the hell isn't that money out there? We have lost a year, we have literally lost a year. That's a huge gap.""

Islamist Militancy in a Pre- and Post-Saleh Yemen

STRATFOR "The United States has a Yemen problem that it cannot avoid, but it also has very few tools with which to manage or solve it. For now, the stalemate provides Washington with the time to sort out alternatives to the second-generation Saleh relatives, but that time also comes at a cost."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

California voters

California voters interviewed  "Now you know why I haven’t been “over the hill” to Santa Cruz in years. For the most part they are unwashed. zoned-out people who cannot utter a simple declarative sentence without sounding stupid. Listening to that one female, I wasn’t even sure if she knew her own name. [ I also think some of them have tiny, little creatures living in their hair and beards as well.]" From the comments to this post.

Hat tip to Harley Standlee, Placerville, Ca

Reagan Democrats: 'Tea Baggers' or MSNBC Viewers?

Ann Coulter  "In his third year in office, The Washington Post reported that "few members of government employee unions plan to vote next year for Ronald Reagan."
"As Howard Fineman suggests, Republicans must have been scared of how that might play out in the 1984 election. Still somehow, Reagan managed to win the largest electoral landslide in U.S. history, despite government workers being overwhelmingly, implacably opposed to him."

April 20, 2011; Today in U.S. Civil War History

scv   1861 - Colonel Robert E. Lee resigned from the U.S. Army. Two days earlier he had been offered command of the Union army. Lee's letter of resignation

Time Magazine: Ice Makers Are Destroying the Planet!

Ecocentric "Want to save the Earth? Easy, just buy a couple of ice trays. To the long list of human inventions that are wrecking global climate—the internal combustion engine, the industrial era factory—add the automatic ice maker."

IPAB, Obama, and Socialism; another name for death panels?

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE  "They’re back. Rationing, death panels, socialism, all those nasty old words that helped bring Republicans victory in 2010, and that came to seem so impolite after November of that year. They’re back because of IPAB. Remember that acronym. It stand[s] for The Independent Payment Advisory Board. IPAB is the real death panel, the true seat of rationing, and the royal road to health-care socialism. President Obama won’t admit to any of that, but his speech in response to Paul Ryan’s plan did push IPAB out of the shadows and into public view, however briefly. If Republicans don’t seize the IPAB issue and run with it, they’ll be losers in 2012."  Emphasis added.

Ryan's Plan Will Fix Medicare — Not Destroy It  "In his speech to the nation on Wednesday, President Obama joined the chorus of critics howling that Rep. Paul Ryan's federal budget proposal is cruel to seniors and will decimate Medicare as we've known it.
"The data show the opposite. Seniors and baby boomers will be better off under the Ryan proposal than under the Obama health law."

When they came for the rich, I said nothing

Dreamland, USA

Victor Davis Hanson  "Like children, we turn on any spoilsport parent who nags us to stop borrowing, cut entitlements and government spending, start drilling and building power plants, get real about dictators in the Middle East, and keep vigilant against radical Islamic terrorists.
"So we will keep dreaming until creditors, oil exporters, enemies or terrorists wake us up."