Monday, April 25, 2011

Video: Opening Segment from Hannity's 'Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media'

Media Research Center "The hour began with what Sean Hannity described as “how and why this bias began,” illustrated with several classic examples of left-wing journalistic advocacy and/or denigration of conservatives. Watch that segment, about seven minutes in length.
"The Hannity show page on has video of all the segments from the April 22 program."

What Did the Conservative Movement Accomplish?  "The greatest achievement of my lifetime is the defeat of communism. Jihadism has its terrors, but they are limited (as President-elect Obama pointed out in the campaign) compared to the old communist threat. Today, no foreign force currently on the planet can credibly threaten to topple the democracies of the world, including the United States. That's a pretty big change."

The Media Tells Us What We Think of Our Candidates  "Nobody has declared for the White House on the Republican side and already the media is working as hard as it can to diminish the field. Humm, wonder why they would want to do that? Basically the media is saying, “We don’t know what the field is yet, but we know Republicans don’t like it.” What they are really saying is that they don’t like it."

CBS News Cover-Up-Gate: No Comment On Obama Hot-Mic  "We have an update on the story of CBS’s refusal to release the full recording of His Presidency Barack Obama calling American workers “Slugs.”"

Obama Calls Workers Slugs: Is Obama the New Nixon?
Bosch Fawstin
""We can't get our phones to work." Acting out his exasperation, he said: "Come on, guys. I'm the president of the United States! Where's the fancy buttons and stuff and the big screen comes up? It doesn't happen."" Oh, yeah, the "slug" comment is in there, but I thought this excerpt was kinda neat as well.

Mr. Fawstin posts this interview in which making  federal workers' performance linked to market-based criteria. Leftist demagoguery begins in

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Black middle-class flight from northern big cities, failing public schools like nearby Fresno City College, where yesterday it was announced that 70 percent of students (the majority of them on some sort of federal and state loan support) fail to receive a two-year AA degree — these are just a few indications that increasing reliance on government subsidies does not eliminate, and may well perpetuate, such ills as illiteracy, poverty, and hunger.

Victor Davis Hanson  "Black middle-class flight from northern big cities, failing public schools like nearby Fresno City College, where yesterday it was announced that 70 percent of students (the majority of them on some sort of federal and state loan support) fail to receive a two-year AA degree — these are just a few indications that increasing reliance on government subsidies does not eliminate, and may well perpetuate, such ills as illiteracy, poverty, and hunger."

John McCain Has a Lot To Answer For on Libya

Pajamas Media  "McCain calls the Libyan rebels his “heroes.” A year and a half earlier, in Tripoli, he described Gaddafi as America’s friend."
But remember McCain also said this in 2008:
McCain appears to concede he could lose by telling voters: We have nothing to fear with Barack Obama in the White House
Video: McCain's own words  The rank and file voters didn't buy it then and sure won't now. But remember, don't trust anyone under 30.
2008 Universal Press Syndicate

He is Risen...INDEED!

The Uniqueness of Jesus; Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?  "A serious study of the Gospels leads a person to one of three conclusions about Jesus: He was (1) an evil lying villain, (2) a preposterously deluded madman, or (3) the Messiah, the Son of God. It is ludicrous for anyone who has studied His life to take the position that He was simply a good teacher. Only one of the three conclusions is a logical possibility."  Patrick Zukeran, Point of View

Parents, don't dress your girls like tramps  "It's easy to blast companies for introducing the sexy wear, but our ire really should be directed at the parents who think low rise jeans for a second grader is cute. They are the ones who are spending the money to fuel this budding trend. They are the ones who are suppose to decide what's appropriate for their young children to wear, not executives looking to brew up controversy or turn a profit.
"I get it, Rihanna's really popular. But that's a pretty weak reason for someone to dress their little girl like her."

Gabrielle Giffords' doctors, husband share details on her progress

 The Arizona Republic   "Many other things are different since Giffords' brain was pierced by a bullet during the shootings near Tucson on Jan. 8. Her hair is short, maybe 2 inches long, says Pia Carusone, her chief of staff, so there are scars on her scalp that show through. Eventually, her hair will cover them. A thin scar across the top of her forehead is healing well and fading, and her face, though sometimes swollen, is otherwise the same as before..."
Fox News

Taco Bell: Taco Loco Lawsuit, A lawsuit that makes the case for "loser pays" tort reform..  "...frivolous lawsuits like this tie up the courts and cost companies millions of dollars, money that would be better spent hiring new workers or making beef tacos beefier. To discourage such lawsuits, Texas is considering "loser pays" legislation modelled on the British system, which requires losing parties to pay their opponents' legal fees. If it passes, Taco Bell and many other companies may soon be seeking to incorporate in the Lone Star State."
Taco Bell's statement
Taco Bell asks: would it kill you to say "I'm sorry"?  Good to see the business world fighting back. Enough is enough. 

The Trump factor

A.B. Stoddard, columnist, The Hill "The Donald show is becoming so outlandish — this week's developments include Trump claiming he is tight with "the blacks" — that even nonpartisan observers of the GOP 2012 primary race are beginning to feel sorry for legitimate contenders like former Govs. Mitt Romney (Mass.) and Tim Pawlenty (Minn.) and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour."
As long as Trump attacks Obama and Democrats, things are good. If he turns his efforts and great fortune to attacking conservatives he becomes a liability. 

Obama, Donald Trump, and the Collective Unconscious  "Of course, the left controls the flow of ideas by maintaining a stranglehold on the mainstream media. But there's another reason: the left subscribes to Alinsky-type smear tactics.
"Progressives will call their opponents a "tea bagger" even though the phrase is sexually explicit and lewd. They'll allow Bill Maher and other amoral types to verbally rape conservative women. Conservatives don't follow suit because these below-the-belt tactics are anathema." By Robin of Berkeley

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The meaning of Maundy Thursday and the Tenebrae Service   "The name Tenebrae is the Latin word for "darkness" or "shadows." Tonight we will experience only a small portion of Christ’s pain and suffering the day of His crucifixion. One of the most conspicuous features of the service is the gradual extinguishing of candles until only a single candle, considered a symbol of our Lord, remains. As it gets darker and darker we can reflect on the great emotional and physical pain that was very real for Jesus that evening. Toward the end of the service, the Christ candle is hidden, typifying the apparent victory of the forces of evil over good....

The mood created sets up the Resurrection Service on Easter Sunday and this hymn is an excellent bridge from Tenebrae to Easter.

You have to be moved at this song by Dolly Parton ;  And this version by Don Francisco
We looked for restrictions on the use of these videos and found none. If there are, we regret the error and will gladly remove them. Until then, we hope you will be blessed by the songs and these two artists.

A subtle Easter thought

Arab "Democracy" : The Silent Extermination of Iraq's 'Christian Dogs'

Raymond Ibrahim  "Conversely, by empowering "the people," the US has unwittingly undone Iraq's Christian minority. Naively projecting Western values on Muslims, US leadership continues to think that "people-power" will naturally culminate into a liberal, egalitarian society — despite all the evidence otherwise. The fact is, in the Arab/Muslim world, "majority rule" traditionally means domination by the largest tribe or sect; increasingly, it means Islamist domination.
"Either which way, the minorities — notably the indigenous Christians — are the first to suffer once the genie of "people-power" is uncorked."

California Abandons History for Melodrama

Bruce S. Thornton  "Just when you think California can’t get any wackier, the state legislature steps up and proves you wrong. ... Assembly is set to vote on SB 48, a bill already passed by the Senate, which will “require instruction in social sciences to also include a study of the role and contributions of Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, European Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, persons with disabilities, and other ethnic and cultural groups, to the development of California and the United States.” Even more troubling, the bill says that “The state board or and any governing board shall not adopt any textbooks or other instructional materials for use in the public schools that contain any matter reflecting adversely upon persons on the basis of race or ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, nationality, sexual orientation.”  Emphasis added.