American Thinker: Testy exchanges mark Iowa debate "Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum also had some criticism for Bachmann, taking her to task for not coming to Iowa to campaign against three judges who voted for gay marriage. And everyone piled on Ron Paul for his ludicrous position on Iran. Paul thinks that if Iran wants a nuclear weapon, they should be able to develop it without any interference from us. Thus speaks the radical isolationist sage from Texas."....
All in all, a pretty good night for the GOP. They showcased their candidates who all came off, to one degree or another, as presidential. Given the expectations, that's probably the best they could have hoped for. Rick Moran, who picked Huntsman as the loser. |
Fox News: Fireworks Erupt at GOP Presidential Debate in Iowa "Romney comes out of the debate looking to keep his position at the top of the pack, as the candidates head into the nonbinding, but influential Iowa Straw Poll this weekend."....
" "It's about time we talk to Cuba," Paul said at one point. He also said the United States had created the hostile relations between it and Iran."
I see Ron Paul attracting Obama voters. TD
WSJ: Debate Jolts Republican Race to Life Former House speaker Newt Gingrich spent much of his debate chastising the debate panelists, accusing them of "gotcha questions."
"Every one of the candidates raised their hands to attest that they wouldn't accept any deficit-reduction deal with tax increases, even if the deal included $10 of spending cuts to $1 of revenue rises." Via Lucianne.
National Review Online: Scoring the Iowa Debate "An NRO panel of experts assess the Republican candidates’ performances on Thursday night in Des Moines."
"Americans may be focused on fiscal problems at home, but the Republican party needs a nominee in 2012 who can challenge Barack Obama’s disastrous foreign-policy record as well as his mishandling of the economy."...."This attempt to morph the party of Reagan into that of Carter is not only dangerous, it raises questions about whether the GOP has a candidate ready to fulfill perhaps the most important and sacred presidential duty." More here, here, here, NRO has more.
Pajamas Media: First Blood in Ames "None of this, however, means that there weren’t plenty of moments of interest. It’s very possible that the next few days will see some significant movement in the primary race, in part due to the performance of the candidates on that stage. As usual with these dog and pony shows, I’ll begin with the folks who didn’t seem to fare very well."
Stephen F. Hayes: The Winner in Ames None of the above. "It’s a problem for the Republican party when the best performance of the evening came from a marginal candidate who lost virtually all of his senior staff in resignations over the past two months."
William Kristol: The Use and Abuse of History "History suggests that the race—absent an intervention—is predictably headed toward a showdown between 2008 runner-up Mitt Romney and Texas governor Rick Perry."