Thursday, August 11, 2011

Democrats doubt Barack Obama's reelection chances

UK Telegraph  "President Barack Obama is facing mounting doubts within his own party about his re-election prospects, with fellow Democrats beginning to ask if Hillary Clinton would have made a better president." 
But never forget how far left she was. Name one path Obama has placed this nation on and tell me Hillary would not have chosen the same. And instead of being accused of racism by the left for opposing Democrat policies, conservatives would by now have been branded as sexists. 
By the way, what ever happened to those two "iron my shirt" guys from Hillary 2008?  Don't you suspect they are working for some Democrat campaign somewhere?

A whole new perspective: Jimmy Carter's starting to look better   "His family uses Air Force One as a shuttle to one exotic vacation locale to the next. His wife preaches the virtues of fresh vegetables to children while noshing on burgers in private.
"When the stock market tumbled and our bond rating was down graded he continued to attend fund raisers and play golf.
"When the price gas approached $4.00 he did nothing but continue to tie the hands of domestic energy producers.
"When he spoke of shared sacrifice and evils of tax breaks for corporate jets. We simply just turned off the TV set.
"Ah Yes ...President Jimmy Carter.... Our memories of him are getting fonder every day."

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