Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Republican debates
Knowing Brian Williams and NBC, expect the Republicans to be grilled as suspects tonight. Watch for the gotcha questions that NBC hopes will make it into Obama commercials in 2012.
Consider also which NBC personalities will be "analysts" tonight: Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell. Fox never has analysts with as much vitriol as these three.
Fully expect this to be MSNBC's effort to destroy Republicans as a force of opposition to Barack Obama. TD
Boortz on the debate: "At any rate --- let’s get serious and down to the business at hand here – saving our country from the ravages of unbridled liberalism and the un-American philosophy of Barack Obama. Time to concentrate on reality and leave some of these fringe candidates behind."
Perry continues to shake up GOP field, lead polls "Legitimately, it's a Romney-Perry race," Rollins said. "I think [Bachmann]'s the third candidate at this point in time, which is way different and better than we thought when we started this thing. She's very much in this thing."
GOP Debate Moderator Has Long History of Admiring Obama and Badgering Republicans from the Left "Ever since its emergence, Williams has undercut the Tea Party, its champions within the GOP, and its cause of fiscal conservatism. At the same time, Williams has heralded its chief opponent Barack Obama."
The Media Tells Us What We Think of Our Candidates "Basically the media is saying, “We don’t know what the field is yet, but we know Republicans don’t like it.” What they are really saying is that they don’t like it."
GOP Needs a Stronger Front-Runner than Candidate X "Political reporters always like to anoint one candidate as the front-runner. But there hasn't been a real front-runner in the Republican race so far." From American Enterprise Institute
Remember tonight that NBC/ MSNBC loathes the TEA Party, conservatives and Republicans in general and will do all in their power to make this evening be as easy on Obama as possible. TD
Consider also which NBC personalities will be "analysts" tonight: Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell. Fox never has analysts with as much vitriol as these three.
Fully expect this to be MSNBC's effort to destroy Republicans as a force of opposition to Barack Obama. TD
Boortz on the debate: "At any rate --- let’s get serious and down to the business at hand here – saving our country from the ravages of unbridled liberalism and the un-American philosophy of Barack Obama. Time to concentrate on reality and leave some of these fringe candidates behind."
Perry continues to shake up GOP field, lead polls "Legitimately, it's a Romney-Perry race," Rollins said. "I think [Bachmann]'s the third candidate at this point in time, which is way different and better than we thought when we started this thing. She's very much in this thing."
GOP Debate Moderator Has Long History of Admiring Obama and Badgering Republicans from the Left "Ever since its emergence, Williams has undercut the Tea Party, its champions within the GOP, and its cause of fiscal conservatism. At the same time, Williams has heralded its chief opponent Barack Obama."
The Media Tells Us What We Think of Our Candidates "Basically the media is saying, “We don’t know what the field is yet, but we know Republicans don’t like it.” What they are really saying is that they don’t like it."
GOP Needs a Stronger Front-Runner than Candidate X "Political reporters always like to anoint one candidate as the front-runner. But there hasn't been a real front-runner in the Republican race so far." From American Enterprise Institute
Remember tonight that NBC/ MSNBC loathes the TEA Party, conservatives and Republicans in general and will do all in their power to make this evening be as easy on Obama as possible. TD
Leftist cesspool California is model for Obama’s America
The Washington Times (All emphases added) "Hate the Tea Party? Party it up in Maxine Waters’ hellish district! Hate wealthy people and believe in high taxes? Lavishly dine at Nancy Pelosi’s Napa Valley winery!"
" At present, California is beyond repair.
"The entire political landscape must be changed. Citizens must lead the charge to reform both parties, reduce spending, cut unnecessary programs, and create a business-friendly environment.
"Previously, the entire country looked to California for guidance and inspiration. Now, California must look to other states in 2012 and beyond.
"Obama’s likely defeat in 2012 can and must propel California’s rebirth."
calwatchdog |
"Decades of Democratic misrule, special interests, and horrendous legislation have set the Golden State up for disaster. Additionally, the Left Coast haven’s embrace of alternative lifestyles and secularism has brought more harm than good.
"America led by Obama, much as California once and again led by Jerry Brown, has fallen into a dismal state. This is partly because both men share the same leftist vision for California and America."
"In addition to their ardent leftist and Marxist belief systems, both President Obama and Governor Brown are viewed as pop culture icons by their ilk."....
" At present, California is beyond repair.
"The entire political landscape must be changed. Citizens must lead the charge to reform both parties, reduce spending, cut unnecessary programs, and create a business-friendly environment.
"Previously, the entire country looked to California for guidance and inspiration. Now, California must look to other states in 2012 and beyond.
"Obama’s likely defeat in 2012 can and must propel California’s rebirth."
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tapper grills Carney: Why isn’t it fair to blame Obama for Hoffa’s remarks?
Hot Air "By comparison, not only is Hoffa not sorry for what he said, the best Carney can do by way of repudiation on Obama’s behalf is to say that no one speaks for The One (except him). Will that standard also apply to the Republican nominee next year? Of course not, but don’t expect any reporter there to challenge Carney on it later when the Democrats’ smear campaign against him/her gets going — except Tapper himself, of course. In fact, the new head of the DNC, who was one of the most adamant proponents of the “new tone” after the Tucson shooting, spent an entire segment on Fox News this morning deflecting questions about Hoffa rather than denouncing him. How soon things change."
Gretchen Carlson And Wasserman-Shultz Spar Over Hoffa’s ‘Take Them Out’ Remark"Cut to this morning’s appearance by the DNC chair on Fox and Friends. When challenged to rebuke Hoffa’s comments, Wasserman-Shultz punted, refusing to speak about the comments directly, staying focused on the economic woes that her constituents and most American’s are currently facing. This line of defense seemed to exasperate Carlson, who, when challenged by the DNC about violent Tea Party rhetoric, defended her fair and balanced approach by her central position on the Fox and Friends “curvy couch.”"
Biden equates Tea Party, GOP with 'Barbarians' "By the left's own definition, Hoffa, Biden, and Carson should all be taken to task for "hate speech." The fact that they won't be isn't surprising. But it does reveal the opposition to be nauseating, deluded hypocrites without the courage of their own convictions."
Gretchen Carlson And Wasserman-Shultz Spar Over Hoffa’s ‘Take Them Out’ Remark"Cut to this morning’s appearance by the DNC chair on Fox and Friends. When challenged to rebuke Hoffa’s comments, Wasserman-Shultz punted, refusing to speak about the comments directly, staying focused on the economic woes that her constituents and most American’s are currently facing. This line of defense seemed to exasperate Carlson, who, when challenged by the DNC about violent Tea Party rhetoric, defended her fair and balanced approach by her central position on the Fox and Friends “curvy couch.”"
Christopher Hitchens; Simply Evil: A decade after 9/11, it remains the best description and most essential fact about al-Qaida.
Slate "But what I learned in a highly indelible manner from the events and arguments of September 2001 was this: Never, ever ignore the obvious either. To the government and most of the people of the United States, it seemed that the country on 9/11 had been attacked in a particularly odious way ... by a particularly odious group ... that was sworn to a medieval cult of death, a racist hatred of Jews, a religious frenzy against Hindus, Christians, Shia Muslims, and "unbelievers," and the restoration of a long-vanished and despotic empire."
NYPD video of towers collapsing; Raw, unedited and very poorly shot. Just released.
Muslims Dance & Celebrate 9-11-01-Flash Back Video
NYPD video of towers collapsing; Raw, unedited and very poorly shot. Just released.
Muslims Dance & Celebrate 9-11-01-Flash Back Video
Victor Davis Hanson: What’s Off the Table in 2012?
Victor Davis Hanson "There is much talk about what some are perceiving as the fringe religiosity of Republican candidates such as Michele Bachman and Rick Perry. But the media established the precedent four years ago that no candidate can be held responsible for his church. Barack Obama’s pastor of more than 20 years, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, was an unapologetic racist, an anti-Semite, and a raving conspiracy theorist whose parishioners gave him standing ovations for his hate-filled “G*d damn America” rants."
"Obama will be forced to argue, as did incumbent Herbert Hoover in 1932, that after four years his borrow/print/spend remedies still have not kicked in. And so he will claim that he needs eight years, not four, for Keynesian economics to finally work. Good luck with that silly argument."
"Obama will be forced to argue, as did incumbent Herbert Hoover in 1932, that after four years his borrow/print/spend remedies still have not kicked in. And so he will claim that he needs eight years, not four, for Keynesian economics to finally work. Good luck with that silly argument." |
Comments on 9-11 and the anniversary
It is said that General Grant in the Civil War never cared in the least what his enemy was going to do; he only thought of what he would do to his enemy. Rather than this nation worrying about what Islamists will do to us on the 10th anniversary of 9-11, let the US instead take it to them on this occasion. What a great day to strike every known al Qaeda target just to remind every one that 9-11 was one great day for them followed by ten years of looking over their shoulders and waiting for obliteration. TD
Holding Out For A Hero "As we have already noted, the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks shapes up as a disappointment–paeans to multiculturalism, peace quilts, and the like. So far, I have seen only one news story that unreservedly celebrates the heroism that was shown by so many on that day. Fittingly enough, it relates to Flight 93."
.... "But have we really reached the point in our liberal media culture when a man can only be hailed for his indisputably heroic actions if he also happened to be gay? "
9/11/11: How to remember "Like Rothstein, Professor McClay notes the ambivalence and ambiguity that suffuses our memorials and commemorations of 9/11. He characterizes the state of affairs as “a national disgrace.” Yet he finds reason for hope amid the intellectual rubble:"...
Pajamas Media — Ten Years After 9/11 "NRO’s Deroy Murdock discusses the dangerous sanitization of the language of 9/11. People did not “perish “ on 9/11. They were “murdered.” "
Memorializing September 11th "But it also need hardly be said that the cumulative spectacle of hundreds and hundreds of plaintiffs with their hands out cannot help but take a toll on public sympathies. All Americans felt profound compassion for the families of the victims, but the family members who complained at the size of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund awards — which averaged $2.08 million per victim — or who exploited their standing to support political causes only barely related to the attacks, or who attempted to make money from their status in various ways, have badly strained that compassion."
The decision to treat the 9/11 attacks as acts of war rather than crimes was crucial.. "Civil liberties would certainly have suffered far worse had al Qaeda succeeded in landing a second blow on a par with 9/11. Instead, the Bush administration successfully handed off a secure homeland to its successor. Mr. Obama fumbled with his failed effort to close Gitmo, try al Qaeda leaders in Manhattan, and prosecute CIA officers. Yet reality and political opposition forced the administration to return to many of its predecessor's core terrorism policies.
"In the last decade, our nation has certainly paid a price in the lives of the brave men and women who have defended us. But who would say, after 10 years, that it wasn't worth it to keep our nation safe?"
John Yoo is a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He was an official in the Justice Department from 2001-03, and is co-editor of "Confronting Terror: 9/11 and the Future of American National Security," just published by Encounter Books.
“You lost the war!” UK MUSLIMS plan to disrupt 9/11 Moment of Silence
"“We will be holding a big demonstration and it’s going to begin at the time the first plane hit the building – when everybody is holding their minute’s silence. “We will be very noisy during that time. It will be to expose the crimes of the American government over the past ten years and showing how they have failed."
NEVER FORGET: 9/11 Jumpers from HELL
Graphic images.
People are leaving Islam in droves, but we rarely hear about them. Listen to this narration from an ex-Muslim debunking Islam "There are many famous people here whom you may not have realized are ex-Muslims."
Holding Out For A Hero "As we have already noted, the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks shapes up as a disappointment–paeans to multiculturalism, peace quilts, and the like. So far, I have seen only one news story that unreservedly celebrates the heroism that was shown by so many on that day. Fittingly enough, it relates to Flight 93."
.... "But have we really reached the point in our liberal media culture when a man can only be hailed for his indisputably heroic actions if he also happened to be gay? "
9/11/11: How to remember "Like Rothstein, Professor McClay notes the ambivalence and ambiguity that suffuses our memorials and commemorations of 9/11. He characterizes the state of affairs as “a national disgrace.” Yet he finds reason for hope amid the intellectual rubble:"...
Pajamas Media — Ten Years After 9/11 "NRO’s Deroy Murdock discusses the dangerous sanitization of the language of 9/11. People did not “perish “ on 9/11. They were “murdered.” "
Memorializing September 11th "But it also need hardly be said that the cumulative spectacle of hundreds and hundreds of plaintiffs with their hands out cannot help but take a toll on public sympathies. All Americans felt profound compassion for the families of the victims, but the family members who complained at the size of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund awards — which averaged $2.08 million per victim — or who exploited their standing to support political causes only barely related to the attacks, or who attempted to make money from their status in various ways, have badly strained that compassion."
The decision to treat the 9/11 attacks as acts of war rather than crimes was crucial.. "Civil liberties would certainly have suffered far worse had al Qaeda succeeded in landing a second blow on a par with 9/11. Instead, the Bush administration successfully handed off a secure homeland to its successor. Mr. Obama fumbled with his failed effort to close Gitmo, try al Qaeda leaders in Manhattan, and prosecute CIA officers. Yet reality and political opposition forced the administration to return to many of its predecessor's core terrorism policies.
"In the last decade, our nation has certainly paid a price in the lives of the brave men and women who have defended us. But who would say, after 10 years, that it wasn't worth it to keep our nation safe?"
John Yoo is a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He was an official in the Justice Department from 2001-03, and is co-editor of "Confronting Terror: 9/11 and the Future of American National Security," just published by Encounter Books.
“You lost the war!” UK MUSLIMS plan to disrupt 9/11 Moment of Silence
"“We will be holding a big demonstration and it’s going to begin at the time the first plane hit the building – when everybody is holding their minute’s silence. “We will be very noisy during that time. It will be to expose the crimes of the American government over the past ten years and showing how they have failed."
NEVER FORGET: 9/11 Jumpers from HELL
Graphic images.
People are leaving Islam in droves, but we rarely hear about them. Listen to this narration from an ex-Muslim debunking Islam "There are many famous people here whom you may not have realized are ex-Muslims."
Obama and Big Labor
The text of Obama's speech in Detroit "I'm glad I was able to bring a friend -- a proud daughter of the Teamsters, your Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, in the house. (Applause.) "
Via Heritage in this article: Big Government Rising?:
How Much More ‘New Tone’ Can We Handle? "I had to laugh when I heard one of the morning news show talking heads wondering aloud if President Obama would denounce what Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said yesterday. Sure, and maybe Michael Moore will speak out against Twinkies today."
AWFUL! DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Refuses to Condemn Hateful Speech at Obama Rally (Video) "After Carlson prompted several times for a specific response to Hoffa’s shot at the tea party, Wasserman Schultz asked the host “are you kidding me?” "
Via Heritage in this article: Big Government Rising?:
And now, as 14 million unemployed Americans wait for the hope and change they were promised, they’re getting more of the same from their President and politicians on the left: a movement toward bigger government that will only make matters worse.Obama ratings sink to new lows as hope fades "Of the more than six in 10 who now disapprove of Obama’s work on jobs and the economy, nearly half of all Americans “strongly” disapprove." You won't guess that from the photo that goes with this article.
"We members of the Tea Party Movement know full well how the establishment in the Democrat Party and Media would have reacted if anyone of us had advocated violence against our political opponents, oh that right, the establishment has been trying to manufacture that storyline since the Tea Party began." Kevin L. Martin
Obama Declares He’s ‘Proud’ of Hoffa–After Hoffa Declares ‘War’ on Tea Party ‘Sons-Of-Bitches’ Don't you find this video a bit chilling? Remember the TEA Party has been a movement of average citizens protesting the takeover by the government of so much of our lives and businesses.
From American Thinker: Dems' new civility: 'Let's take these son of a bitches out'
Hoffa said he'd say the exact same words all over again
Growing Proof of Obama's Imperial Presidency "President Barack Obama's National Labor Relations Board ... is on a job-killing rampage. It's claiming unprecedented powers far beyond what federal law allows. Taken with Obama's other agencies, these executive actions paint a picture of what has become an imperial presidency."
Hoffa said he'd say the exact same words all over again
."I would because I believe it," he said. "They've declared war on us. We didn't declare war on them, they declared war on us. We're fighting back. The question is, who started the war?"This is what happens to those who dare to oppose socialists.
Growing Proof of Obama's Imperial Presidency "President Barack Obama's National Labor Relations Board ... is on a job-killing rampage. It's claiming unprecedented powers far beyond what federal law allows. Taken with Obama's other agencies, these executive actions paint a picture of what has become an imperial presidency."
How Much More ‘New Tone’ Can We Handle? "I had to laugh when I heard one of the morning news show talking heads wondering aloud if President Obama would denounce what Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said yesterday. Sure, and maybe Michael Moore will speak out against Twinkies today."
AWFUL! DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Refuses to Condemn Hateful Speech at Obama Rally (Video) "After Carlson prompted several times for a specific response to Hoffa’s shot at the tea party, Wasserman Schultz asked the host “are you kidding me?” "
Monday, September 5, 2011
Capitalism; the enemy of Socialism NLRB Heralds Labor Day with an Attack on Workers’ Rights"The NLRB has decided that workers who do not want to take these risks will not get to vote. That certainly makes life easier for union organizers, but it hardly enhances workers’ rights. "In a second ruling, Lamons Gasket Co., the NLRB took another swipe at the secret ballot. Under current law, unions do not have to organize workers through secret ballot elections. If a company agrees to it, unions can solicit signatures on union authorization cards." A Jobless Labor Day "The union movement has helped lead to the staggering loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States, and the demands it has made on employers and governments help create the very conditions leading to the tragic unemployment in Detroit and across the country. But they are strong political allies of the President..." Contentions: Obama’s “Country Before Party” Nonsense " Obama isn’t truly asking Republicans to put country before party. He is asking them to elevate the interests and ideas of the Democratic party higher than their own ideas, their sense of what is best for the nation, and their deeply held convictions about the moral hazard posed by a too-large government and a populace too reliant on it." | |
For Those Who Don’t Know What Racism Is
Moonbattery Racism has been defined as rejecting policies of overbearing regulation on our economy; of resisting forces of socialism that regard all personal income as belonging to the government; of being personally attacked for taking a conservative stand on any issue; of wanting the regime to leave us alone to live our lives and do our jobs; of not wanting our children to be treated to liberal indoctrination in school and on television; of not being coerced to pretend acts we know to be immoral and perverted are normal; of voting down programs that we know to be expensive, corrupt failures; of wanting those who callously break our laws to be swiftly and properly punished; of naming those who want to kill Americans by the hundred thousands and sending our forces against them. The Tunnel Dweller.
For you liberals and Democrats in general, this is racism:
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Newspapers that worked with Wikileaks denounce massive release of unredacted cables
Spiegel: How many have died at the hands of the anti-war crowd? |
Hot Air " Read the Spiegel piece, which isn’t long, and read this short but gripping account from the inside by former Wikileaks staffer James Ball, who explains how the group’s recklessness has already led to dissidents being rounded up by oppressive governments. The grand irony of this little experiment in total transparency, of course, is that Wikileaks has become the authoritarian’s best friend, not only leading state police straight to the doorsteps of informants but giving potential informants every reason to keep their mouths shut when it comes to exposing their government’s crimes. Fantastic work for a “human-rights organization.” " (Emphasis added)
Wikileaks Killed 1300 People And Counting "OK, not killed but led to their deaths. Not our opinion but that of fame-hungry Julian Assange, who has undone the brilliant site by steering it towards an anti-USA agenda and media prominence."
‘Its an AQ/Taliban execution team’s treasure trove.’” "If I were a Taliban operative with access to a computer — and lots of them have access to computers — I’d start searching the WikiLeaks data for incident reports near my area of operation to see if I recognized anyone. And then I’d kill whomever I could identify. Those deaths would be directly attributable to WikiLeaks."
Soulmates of the anti-war left. |
Taliban prepare to punish WikiLeaks Afghan informers "Qari Yousef Ahmadi, a spokesman for the Taliban told the Daily Telegraph. "We read everything and we will read these documents.
" "We will look for the names of people, but it will be a judge who decides. We won't act unless we are 100 per cent sure. We are not just going to trust these documents, we will make our own inquiries. "
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