Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Five Biggest Reasons Republicans Keep Losing the Propaganda War
Pajamas Media "Ask yourself: when was the last time you freely discussed any conservative view with friends at work, or on campus, or in public — without hedging your every word?"
"Everywhere one goes, save conservative websites, Republicans are widely connoted with tinges of racism, hate, selfishness, greed, war-mongering, and conspiratorial theocratic designs against democracy. Fox News has some opinion shows that try to give an ounce of conservative balance to the airwaves and they’ve paid for it with an all out war declared against them by leftist activists."....
"Towards that goal, here is my top-5 list of why Republicans keep losing the propaganda war."
5. Modern media favors perception over reality, charisma over intelligence, and personality over character. Republicans remain the party dominated by reality, intelligent reason, and high character; they lose. "But liberal bias does stack the deck profoundly towards Democrats being able to field candidates with none of the essential reality, intelligence, and high character, as long as they possess the façade of charisma. Hence, we have President Barack Obama, in large part because his opponent possessed no media skills whatsoever.
4. When openly mocked and ridiculed, Republicans are stymied "Instead, McCain’s pitiful surrender to Goldberg’s propaganda ploy allowed the audience to conflate the original topic of Roe v. Wade (a Supreme Court decision) with a ratified amendment to the constitution. It was a moment that will live in American civics infamy.
"Until Republicans understand that that the Left lies with full intent to destroy America as we know it, the GOP will remain rhetorical road kill."
1. Many Republicans have undiagnosed Stockholm Syndrome. "When one side of a philosophical divide is willing to employ such bully tactics with ferocious tenacity, the other side understandably — quite humanly — begins to psychologically identify with their abusers, just as hostages come to identify with their kidnappers and abused spouses come to identify with their abuser. This phenomenon, called Stockholm Syndrome, now afflicts many Republicans and forces them into a defensive, fetal-like position more often than we would ever like to admit."
Emphases added. TD
"Everywhere one goes, save conservative websites, Republicans are widely connoted with tinges of racism, hate, selfishness, greed, war-mongering, and conspiratorial theocratic designs against democracy. Fox News has some opinion shows that try to give an ounce of conservative balance to the airwaves and they’ve paid for it with an all out war declared against them by leftist activists."....
"Towards that goal, here is my top-5 list of why Republicans keep losing the propaganda war."
5. Modern media favors perception over reality, charisma over intelligence, and personality over character. Republicans remain the party dominated by reality, intelligent reason, and high character; they lose. "But liberal bias does stack the deck profoundly towards Democrats being able to field candidates with none of the essential reality, intelligence, and high character, as long as they possess the façade of charisma. Hence, we have President Barack Obama, in large part because his opponent possessed no media skills whatsoever.
4. When openly mocked and ridiculed, Republicans are stymied "Instead, McCain’s pitiful surrender to Goldberg’s propaganda ploy allowed the audience to conflate the original topic of Roe v. Wade (a Supreme Court decision) with a ratified amendment to the constitution. It was a moment that will live in American civics infamy.
"Until Republicans understand that that the Left lies with full intent to destroy America as we know it, the GOP will remain rhetorical road kill."
3. Many Republicans don’t understand the Left’s value system and make the horrible mistake of projecting their own conservative values onto their opponents. "In other words, for liberals the state is their church substitute. As they are inclined towards rejecting set guidelines of good and evil, they generally feel satisfied with themselves if they verbally and electorally support government “charity” as opposed to actually giving it themselves."
2. Republicans don’t know how to use their yang in the Democrats’ yin-dominated politics. When hit with a Democrat hissy-fit, Republicans cower like whipped dogs. "Paul Ryan, the Republican, sees the coming debt train wreck and uses logic to draw up a real plan and publicly goes to bat for it. In response, the liberal group, Agenda Project, ran ads showing a Paul Ryan lookalike pushing granny over a cliff in a wheelchair."
1. Many Republicans have undiagnosed Stockholm Syndrome. "When one side of a philosophical divide is willing to employ such bully tactics with ferocious tenacity, the other side understandably — quite humanly — begins to psychologically identify with their abusers, just as hostages come to identify with their kidnappers and abused spouses come to identify with their abuser. This phenomenon, called Stockholm Syndrome, now afflicts many Republicans and forces them into a defensive, fetal-like position more often than we would ever like to admit."
Emphases added. TD
Democrats, Jimmy Hoffa and civility
Media Overlook Violent Talk on the Left " While ABC, CBS, and NBC were compelled to notice, there was virtually no outrage. Indeed, The Washington Post and The New York Times skipped right over it."...."Normally, an expose of alleged conservative rhetorical excess is followed by the pressure to apologize. In Hoffa’s case, however, there’s been none. Not only that, but when asked, Democratic Party chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz flat-out rejected the notion. “I know you'd like to focus on language, that's not what the American people are focused on,” she told Fox News."
Civility for Thee, Not for Me Of course President Obama will not criticize Jimmy Hoffa’s ugly rant. "Unless the economy rebounds suddenly, President Obama will be left with only one option next year — winning ugly. He will have to make his opponent even more unacceptable than he is, and if the past is any guide, he’ll do it without scruple. All Obama’s promises about process are highly conditional. He jettisoned his support for the public funding of campaigns in 2008 as soon as it became clear he could raise $750 million. He sloughed off “post-partisanship” when he had the congressional majorities necessary to ram through major legislation on a partisan basis. And now he’s saying goodbye to civility, too.
"So be it. If civility is a good in its own right, the functioning of our big, unruly democracy has never depended on it. It will survive Hoffa’s ham-handed metaphors and Obama’s hypocrisy. But next time, Mr. President, please spare us the pose and the lectures." Rich Lowry
Civility for Thee, Not for Me Of course President Obama will not criticize Jimmy Hoffa’s ugly rant. "Unless the economy rebounds suddenly, President Obama will be left with only one option next year — winning ugly. He will have to make his opponent even more unacceptable than he is, and if the past is any guide, he’ll do it without scruple. All Obama’s promises about process are highly conditional. He jettisoned his support for the public funding of campaigns in 2008 as soon as it became clear he could raise $750 million. He sloughed off “post-partisanship” when he had the congressional majorities necessary to ram through major legislation on a partisan basis. And now he’s saying goodbye to civility, too.
"So be it. If civility is a good in its own right, the functioning of our big, unruly democracy has never depended on it. It will survive Hoffa’s ham-handed metaphors and Obama’s hypocrisy. But next time, Mr. President, please spare us the pose and the lectures." Rich Lowry |
The Reagan Library/MSNBC/Politico debate
Michael Barone "The biggest mystery about the Reagan Library/MSNBC debate last night is why the Reagan Library allowed MSNBC to be the co-sponsor. Brian Williams, whom I haven’t watched much in recent years, seems to have been drinking liberally of the MSNBC kool-aid; many of his questions were so steeped in liberal distaste for Republican positions that it was embarrassing."....
"Let me go over the candidates’ performances, in the order in which they appear in the most recent average of recent polls."
Reagan debate leaves Perry, Romney in control "Gingrich went after the moderators again, which at least gives him some real value to the other Republicans on stage. Don’t expect to see Perry or Romney asking to get Newt out of any debates in the future. Cain is always engaging on stage and scored points on economics, but no more so than in any other debate. Santorum was mainly a non-factor, while Ron Paul was … Ron Paul. He jabbed Perry over HillaryCare, and Perry jabbed him right back over his 1987 letter to the RNC repudiating his party membership because of Ronald Reagan, which left Paul sputtering."
Scoring the Debate "The big loser tonight is Barack Obama. By comparison to all but one of the candidates, the president comes off poorly. He delivers a speech before tomorrow night’s NFL kickoff that will not be as substantive or as interesting as this debate. Despite the atmosphere of a joint session of Congress he will seem small because his ideas are small and he is a proven failure in his office. I doubt that Americans will have any qualms replacing him next year with a solid, credible Republican, and there were many of those engaged in this debate tonight."
donkeyhotey |
Reagan debate leaves Perry, Romney in control "Gingrich went after the moderators again, which at least gives him some real value to the other Republicans on stage. Don’t expect to see Perry or Romney asking to get Newt out of any debates in the future. Cain is always engaging on stage and scored points on economics, but no more so than in any other debate. Santorum was mainly a non-factor, while Ron Paul was … Ron Paul. He jabbed Perry over HillaryCare, and Perry jabbed him right back over his 1987 letter to the RNC repudiating his party membership because of Ronald Reagan, which left Paul sputtering."
Scoring the Debate "The big loser tonight is Barack Obama. By comparison to all but one of the candidates, the president comes off poorly. He delivers a speech before tomorrow night’s NFL kickoff that will not be as substantive or as interesting as this debate. Despite the atmosphere of a joint session of Congress he will seem small because his ideas are small and he is a proven failure in his office. I doubt that Americans will have any qualms replacing him next year with a solid, credible Republican, and there were many of those engaged in this debate tonight."
Wow MSNBC Is Dumb
Jonah Goldberg "I don’t mean that as an ideological thing. They’re professionally dumb. MSNBC gets terrible ratings. Some of Fox’s repeats beat MSNBC’s prime-time fare. This debate offered the network a golden opportunity to reintroduce themselves to many viewers (including me) who’ve come to ignore them for all the obvious reasons. Instead of offering something like an interesting, balanced, panel. They went with Al Sharpton, Lawrence O’Donnell, Eugene Robinson, and Ed Schultz, moderated by Rachel Maddow — with extra commentary from a seemingly drooling Chris Matthews (I particularly liked Al Sharpton sharing his insights on what turns off moderates and independents). In other words they doubled down on their MSNBCness. ....Liberals might respond that Fox does the same thing, except it really doesn’t. They always have at least one Democrat or liberal, particularly for something like a Democratic debate.
The Peoples Cube presents this paean to MSNBC:
The Peoples Cube presents this paean to MSNBC:
Now look at them moonbats. That's the way they do it
Talking heads MSNBC
That ain't reportin'. That's the way they do it
Shultz, Chris Matthews and Maddow
That's just spinnin'. That's the way they do it
I can tell their viewers are dumb
Maybe got a listener in California
A few more with their minds all Numb
They report those Liberal opinions
No one watching anything
They got these loser viewer ratings
Now where's that Olbermann show? ....
Conservative opinion on President Obama's speech tonight
Is Obama Insane? "A frank assessment of Obama's fiscal stewardship of our country would conclude the following: 1) He is committed to long discredited economic theories, in spite of their utter and repeated failures, and 2) he is unwilling -- or unable -- to consider any other course of action. Having tried the only thing he knows -- spend, spend, spend -- Obama is now at a complete loss. His flawed theory is now our failing economy.
"God help us."
Nobody messes with the Packers - not even Obama "At least Packers fans have a reasonable perspective about what the president will say. They'd rather hear about how Aaron Rodgers will attack the Saints blitzing than listen to an increasingly irrelevant politician offer little in the way of hope on the jobs front."
Save Time and Don’t Miss Kickoff-Obama’s Big Jobs Speech, in 2 Minutes
"As a Packers’ fan and in the spirit of public service, I directed our staff to comb through the hundreds of speeches President Obama has already made to give you a concise two-minute preview of his latest ‘big speech.’"
These three from Nealz Nuze:
1. Remember this while listening to Dear Ruler "It is the government that will decide where the new jobs will be (green jobs?) and it is the government that will decide which industries flourish and which will die."
2. He’s going to propose something called “The American Jobs Act.” "Pretty ballsy … asking for a joint session to deliver a campaign speech; and that’s what this is --- the ultimate use of the bully pulpit – calling a joint session for a campaign speech."
3. Down the competitive crapper we go "Heading into Obama’s jobs speech tonight, what do we have to thank him for? Well, let’s go through the list, again, shall we?"
It lives! Obama to unveil ‘Son of Stimulus’ Package tonight. "“The president will unveil tonight The American Jobs Act, a plan of bipartisan ideas to create jobs right now and is fully paid for,” Communications director Dan Pfeiffer told ABC News."
Football tonight! Also, Obama. "Some presidential addresses can overshadow sporting events. Richard Nixon’s resignation speech temporarily halted nine major-league baseball games, two pro tennis matches and a contest in the World Football League. It would take an oration of great moment to force the delay of the opening game of the NFL season between the past two Super Bowl champions. Barack’s paean to government spending isn’t it."
The Greek-columns kid, etc. "From what I know about the speech President Obama will deliver on Thursday, he does not need the U.S. Congress as his venue — SEIU headquarters will do. But, of course, Obama is addicted to grandiosity. At the convention in Denver in 2008, he had his “Styrofoam Greek columns,” as Sarah Palin put it.
"Here is a fearless prediction: The 45th president, whoever he (or she) is, will be less pompous than the 44th. You can’t run for president — or be president — without a healthy ego, maybe even a whopping ego. But, holy Moses, Obama takes the cake."
"God help us."
Nobody messes with the Packers - not even Obama "At least Packers fans have a reasonable perspective about what the president will say. They'd rather hear about how Aaron Rodgers will attack the Saints blitzing than listen to an increasingly irrelevant politician offer little in the way of hope on the jobs front."
Save Time and Don’t Miss Kickoff-Obama’s Big Jobs Speech, in 2 Minutes
"As a Packers’ fan and in the spirit of public service, I directed our staff to comb through the hundreds of speeches President Obama has already made to give you a concise two-minute preview of his latest ‘big speech.’"
These three from Nealz Nuze:
1. Remember this while listening to Dear Ruler "It is the government that will decide where the new jobs will be (green jobs?) and it is the government that will decide which industries flourish and which will die."
2. He’s going to propose something called “The American Jobs Act.” "Pretty ballsy … asking for a joint session to deliver a campaign speech; and that’s what this is --- the ultimate use of the bully pulpit – calling a joint session for a campaign speech."
3. Down the competitive crapper we go "Heading into Obama’s jobs speech tonight, what do we have to thank him for? Well, let’s go through the list, again, shall we?"
It lives! Obama to unveil ‘Son of Stimulus’ Package tonight. "“The president will unveil tonight The American Jobs Act, a plan of bipartisan ideas to create jobs right now and is fully paid for,” Communications director Dan Pfeiffer told ABC News."
Football tonight! Also, Obama. "Some presidential addresses can overshadow sporting events. Richard Nixon’s resignation speech temporarily halted nine major-league baseball games, two pro tennis matches and a contest in the World Football League. It would take an oration of great moment to force the delay of the opening game of the NFL season between the past two Super Bowl champions. Barack’s paean to government spending isn’t it."
The Greek-columns kid, etc. "From what I know about the speech President Obama will deliver on Thursday, he does not need the U.S. Congress as his venue — SEIU headquarters will do. But, of course, Obama is addicted to grandiosity. At the convention in Denver in 2008, he had his “Styrofoam Greek columns,” as Sarah Palin put it.
"Here is a fearless prediction: The 45th president, whoever he (or she) is, will be less pompous than the 44th. You can’t run for president — or be president — without a healthy ego, maybe even a whopping ego. But, holy Moses, Obama takes the cake." |
Under Investigation by DOJ for Using Banned Wood, Gibson Guitar CEO Will Attend Obama's Job Speech
Reason "...One of the major twists in the story? Juskiewicz is on the record as saying the DOJ told him that if they outsourced labor, there wouldn't be any issue:"
Send your factory overseas and we won't bother you!
Gateway Pundit "Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz told reporters today that the federal raid on the popular American guitar maker will cost the company $10,000,000. Juszkiewicz also said that he will attend Obama’s big spending jobs speech tomorrow in Washington DC.
Attorney General Eric Holder said the raid on the Gibson was not political. Of course not."
Send your factory overseas and we won't bother you!
CHRIS DANIEL: Mr. Juszkiewicz, did an agent of the US government suggest to you that your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of American labor?
HENRY JUSZKIEWICZ: They actually wrote that in a pleading.
CHRIS DANIEL: Excuse me?
HENRY JUSKIEWICZ: They actually wrote that it a pleading.
CHRIS DANIEL: That your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of our labor?
Gateway Pundit "Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz told reporters today that the federal raid on the popular American guitar maker will cost the company $10,000,000. Juszkiewicz also said that he will attend Obama’s big spending jobs speech tomorrow in Washington DC.
Attorney General Eric Holder said the raid on the Gibson was not political. Of course not."
Great idea: Fill the entire chamber with a vast cross-section of Obamanomics victims. "GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee is taking Nashville-based Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, via the Memphis Daily News:"
Gibson donates to Republicans ..."while one of his leading competitors “is a long-time Democratic supporter, with $35,400 in contributions to Democratic candidates and the DNC over the past couple of election cycles.” " Hey, I'm just sayin'."Rep. Blackburn’s idea is terrific, proactive, and powerful."Every Republican in attendance should have a guest entrepreneur or small businessman with them to provide powerful testimony about the Obama Jobs Death Toll and the stifling, selective enforcement of Obama land grabs, power grabs, and regulatory grabs."
Newt Gingrich Goes After Debate Moderator John Harris for Biased Questioning
Newsbusters "While NBC representative Brian Williams had more than his share of sneering biased questions, it was Williams's co-moderator, Politico editor John F. Harris who laid on the snark in his attempts to bait and attack the candidates.
"Such unbalanced questioning is par-for-the-course for Republicans competing at the national level. More often than not, they take it in stride. Tonight, though, Newt Gingrich was having none of it as he went full-on after Harris's attempts to insert Gingrich into a non-existent debate about an individual mandate to purchase insurance at the national level that Republicans simply are not having."
"Such unbalanced questioning is par-for-the-course for Republicans competing at the national level. More often than not, they take it in stride. Tonight, though, Newt Gingrich was having none of it as he went full-on after Harris's attempts to insert Gingrich into a non-existent debate about an individual mandate to purchase insurance at the national level that Republicans simply are not having."
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tennessee Football and prayer true story Corroborated by Snopes.
Hat tip to Charlene Black, California
"It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football games, to say a prayer and play the National Anthem, to honor God and Country."More here.
Due to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court, I am told that saying a Prayer is a violation of Federal Case Law. As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it "an alternate life style," and if someone is offended, that's OK.
I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity, by dispensing condoms and calling it, "safe sex." If someone is offended, that's OK.
I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a "viable! means of birth control." If someone is offended, no problem...
I can designate a school day as "Earth Day" and involve students in activities to worship religiously and praise the goddess "Mother Earth" and call it "ecology.."
I can use literature, videos and presentations in the classroom that depicts people with strong, traditional Christian convictions as "simple minded" and "ignorant" and call it "enlightenment.."
However, if anyone uses this facility to honor GOD and to ask HIM to Bless this event with safety and good sportsmanship, then Federal Case Law is violated.
This appears to be inconsistent at best, and at worst, diabolical.
Apparently, we are to be tolerant of everything and anyone, except GOD and HIS Commandments.
Hat tip to Charlene Black, California
Tolerant Liberals Craft ‘Kill the Tea Partiers’ Video Game
Dakota Voice. "You really have to love that “new tone” the Left considers so important, don’t you?"
Yes, you’ve seen the “tolerant” Left lead by example and model this “new tone” for us many times since:
Hat tip to Harley Standlee, Placerville, Ca
Yes, you’ve seen the “tolerant” Left lead by example and model this “new tone” for us many times since:
- Former Democrat Rep. Paul Kanjorski from PA told us shortly before the 2010 election that Florida’s Republican governor should be “put against the wall and shot”
- The death threats and hateful language spewed by Leftists against Sarah Palin
- Death threats against a Tea Party member by one of the victims of the flag-burning, pot-smoking “Tea Party conservative”
- Tolerant liberals calling for the lynching, enslaving, stringing up, torture, hanging and murder of judges and business owners, including some potential victims they classified by ethnicity (but it’s Tea Party people that are racist, right?)
- Death threats from “tolerant” Leftists against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Wisconsin legislators when they moved to end the union gravy train last winter, including one from a unionized teacher
- Calls from “tolerant” Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa to “take out” Tea Party “SOBs”
- Or take your pick from any of dozens of displays of Leftist “tolerance” and “new tone” over the past few months
Hat tip to Harley Standlee, Placerville, Ca
Council on Foreign Relations: Afghanistan, Libya and Obama
Afghan Concerns over U.S. Staying Power
Council on Foreign Relations Interviewer: Jayshree Bajoria, Senior Staff Writer
Interviewee: Taj Ayubi, Minister-Counselor to Afghan President Hamid Karzai
...."Given the economic realities in the United States, are there concerns in the Afghan government and among the public that the United States might abandon them following the withdrawal in 2014? "
The Elimination of Women's Rights "Upon seizing power, the Taliban regime instituted a system of gender apartheid effectively thrusting the women of Afghanistan into a state of virtual house arrest. Under Taliban rule women were stripped of all human rights - their work, visibility, opportunity for education, voice, healthcare, and mobility. "....
"Following the Soviets' withdrawal in 1989, factions of the mujahideen fell into a civil war and in 1994, the Taliban emerged as a dominant force." ....
Max Boot: Did Libya Vindicate 'Leading From Behind?' "The Obama administration worked with European and Arab allies (particularly the Qataris) to help the Transitional National Council prepare for this eventuality. If the council succeeds, it will ensure Unified Protector's standing as a model military intervention.
"But if it fails, and Libya devolves into anarchy or despotism, this operation will likely be remembered as a tactical triumph that didn't translate into strategic success. The outcome still hangs in the balance."
Council on Foreign Relations Interviewer: Jayshree Bajoria, Senior Staff Writer
Interviewee: Taj Ayubi, Minister-Counselor to Afghan President Hamid Karzai
...."Given the economic realities in the United States, are there concerns in the Afghan government and among the public that the United States might abandon them following the withdrawal in 2014? "
"Yes, there is concern and fear in the Afghan public. In the last three months, since the talks about the strategic partnership have been delayed a bit, so many businesses and people have just put a hold on their businesses and there is a little slump in real estate sales in Afghanistan. Once those [strategic partnership agreement] issues are resolved, things will pick up again. I don't think that people have too many concerns that the United States will abandon them, because the United States has been giving assurances, over and over again."
And who in the US is giving these assurances? It would have to be a Democrat, which |
"Following the Soviets' withdrawal in 1989, factions of the mujahideen fell into a civil war and in 1994, the Taliban emerged as a dominant force." ....
Max Boot: Did Libya Vindicate 'Leading From Behind?' "The Obama administration worked with European and Arab allies (particularly the Qataris) to help the Transitional National Council prepare for this eventuality. If the council succeeds, it will ensure Unified Protector's standing as a model military intervention.
"But if it fails, and Libya devolves into anarchy or despotism, this operation will likely be remembered as a tactical triumph that didn't translate into strategic success. The outcome still hangs in the balance."
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