CBS News "The developer of an Islamic cultural center that opened Wednesday evening near the site of the terrorist attacks that leveled the World Trade Center says the biggest error on the project was not involving the families of 9/11 victims from the start."
Syed R. Mahmood; A Muslim's commentary on the building of the Ground Zero mosque
Judge this man's statements for yourself. He mentions that Muslims were slaves in America but we find they were not Arabs, but blacks.
Sources reporting the first nation to recognize the USA:
Syed R. Mahmood; A Muslim's commentary on the building of the Ground Zero mosque
Judge this man's statements for yourself. He mentions that Muslims were slaves in America but we find they were not Arabs, but blacks.
Sources reporting the first nation to recognize the USA:
1. The first nation to recognize U.S.A. was France at December 17, 1777.Syed R. Mahmood is the founder and President of American Institute of International Studies and a former Republican Congressional Candidate from district 13 in the 2002 election.
2. The Nation-State of Dubrovnik officially recognized the United States in 1776, and was the first to send merchant marine vessels into New York Harbor. 3.Wikipedia claims it to be Morocco as do numerous other sites that all refer back to Wikipedia.