Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ground zero Islamic center opens doors

CBS News  "The developer of an Islamic cultural center that opened Wednesday evening near the site of the terrorist attacks that leveled the World Trade Center says the biggest error on the project was not involving the families of 9/11 victims from the start."

Syed R. Mahmood; A Muslim's commentary on the building of the Ground Zero mosque
Judge this man's statements for yourself.  He mentions that Muslims were slaves in America but we find they were not Arabs, but blacks.
Sources reporting the first nation to recognize the USA:
1. The first nation to recognize U.S.A. was France at December 17, 1777.
2. The Nation-State of Dubrovnik officially recognized the United States in 1776, and was the first to send merchant marine vessels into New York Harbor. 3.Wikipedia claims it to be Morocco  as do numerous other sites that all refer back to Wikipedia.
Syed R. Mahmood is the founder and President of American Institute of International Studies and a former Republican Congressional Candidate from district 13 in the 2002 election.

The Democrat press: Obama’s Predictable Scandals; The media can no longer shield Obama from scrutiny:

Victor Davis Hanson:  "In this world of liberal exemption, a suspect Dick Cheney conspires with an evil Halliburton; but liberal financiers who donated to Barack Obama to ensure progressive change can’t really want unwarranted insider profits from a Solyndra or a LightSquared. We are supposed to be outraged by recent lurid revelations that yokels like non-presidential candidate Sarah Palin supposedly long ago in her youth once tried coke; when Barack Obama confessed in print that he did so rather routinely...."

Journalists help left attack right-wing politicians in most despicable ways.  "It's almost a party game to list the top conservatives and describe how the media and left are depicting them. But it's no game to candidates. Prominent media outlets are trying to sabotage every viable conservative opponent to Obama."

MSNBC's Melvin Tees Up Ron Howard, Jane Lynch to Lend Support to Obama Tax Hike
"Both of them are liberals who support Obama and have given to Democrats in the past, so their answers were hardly surprising."


More savings found by the Democrats, plus Victor Davis Hanson column
Victor Davis Hanson:  Obama Becomes the Fall Guy  "In response, the Left needs a sacrificial lamb. So it has nonsensically turned with a fury on Obama as if he were culpable for pushing through the Left’s own agenda. If Democrats do not blame the public’s anger on their once-beloved messenger, then they are left only with their message itself. And that is something they simply cannot accept."

Obama the world leader

 Daily CallerUN debacle another blow to Obama Doctrine  
  "Today the Palestinians will poke President Obama in the eye with his Nobel Peace Prize. And he has no one to blame but himself.
"Even before Mr. Obama walked the red carpet in Oslo, he believed he was his own best foreign policy advisor — and he knew how he wanted to manage the world."....
"Here, in a nutshell, is the Obama Doctrine:"....    

Barack's Presidential Protocol Bloopers  "Barack Obama has bowed to the wrong people, forgotten to put his hand over his heart for the national anthem, and snuck out of the White House without the press corps to go to his daughter's soccer game. The Commander-in-Chief shook hands with a Marine while boarding Marine One, and he met with the Dalai Lama against China's objections and then had the holy man leave out the back entrance, in the dead of winter, shod in flip-flops, past questionably stained snow and garbage bags full of rotting potato peels." Jeannie DeAngelis

All true; Obama is pretty inept on the world stage with consequences both comic and tragic. But I'm reluctant to place as much emphasis on the waving group photo as others do. For one thing, I doubt it is the formal portrait because many were joking around and out of position. If you see the video of the session, Obama's wave was a quick up and down interaction with someone off camera.
I'd say let it go; there are enough serious issues with Mr. Obama not to have us dismissed as trivial gossipers. Lets not be Rosie O'Donnells of the right.  TD

Jews, Muslims and Obama

Why Won’t Liberals Listen to Reason?  "The left believes that a clever elite can fix all the world’s problems; conservatives accept that human error can lead to disastrous outcomes. Liberals fancy themselves rational in contrast to conservatives’ dour acknowledgment of tradition and tragedy. Why, then, is the left so impossibly, stubbornly, counter-factually dense when it comes to the state of Israel (among other matters)?"  David P. Goldman

New York Magazine
” …and everybody hates the Jews!” 
"It’s all Bush’s fault. Still.
So I’m still sensing panic at the White House over the NY09 loss last week. My friend Rich Baehr is, I think, too optimistic when he argues that the GOP could capture its biggest share of the Jewish vote since Eisenhower. But it’s safe to say that Jewish voters — and Jewish donors — won’t come out in force in 2012 like they did in for Obama in 2008.
With the economy still in the tank, Obama’s reelection strategy rests on twin pillars:
• Demonize the opposition.
• Turn out the base.....
"The New York cover is just the first of many attempts by the Complicit Media and the White House to shore up the Jewish vote. It remains to be seen if it will work."

Anybody out there still believe the press does not shill for Obama? Then read this.

American Thinker; Obama's long journey on the road to Zionism  "Whatever Obama's motives may have been for deviating so strikingly from past pronouncements -- and skeptics immediately will point to his reelection needs -- what matters more are the worlds of a U.S. president and where and how he positions America on the world stage.
And on that global stage in New York, the world indeed heard a "new" Obama."

Obama Falling Short on Israel  "Now is not the time for President Obama to turn his back on the region’s strongest democracy. Instead, the United States should reaffirm its commitment to strengthening its alliance with Israel and remain strong in the face of U.N. action designed to embarrass the U.S. and weaken the peace process."

DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz: Jews Will Fall In Line And Vote For Obama… "“Overwhelmingly Jewish voters support President Obama and his policies,” Schultz said. “And the Israeli leadership consistently, before yesterday and including yesterday have said that President Obama has been an unshakable ally of Israel.”"

Negotiating with Obama
A Few Words of Sense about Obama’s Latest Nonsense 

The article's Alpha: "Another week, another fake plan from President Obama to cut the deficit. Here’s the outline, courtesy of the AP:
And its Omega: "This isn’t a credible plan. This is yet another soak-the-rich/class-warfare scheme aimed solely at securing Obama’s reelection."  Stephen Green

Neal Boortz: "...the “fair share” term is all you need to understand that this is a class warfare campaign."   "How can people forget that Obama increased government spending by more than 25% in his first two and one-half years?  Just how does he get away with this?  He increases spending by that amount and doubles our debt ... then he says that our problem is that the rich simply are not paying their “fair share” in taxes."  Then he posts this: Is it any wonder we can't get our economy growing?
CEO Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital testifies before Congress that he was fined by the federal government for hiring too many people and that government regulations have forced him to put expansion plans on hold.   Video and article below.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ann Coulter: Mumia's The Word*

Ann Coulter  "With death penalty opponents so fixated on Davis' race -- he's black -- it ought to be noted that all the above witnesses are themselves African-American. The first man Davis shot in the car that night was African-American.
"I notice that the people so anxious to return this sociopathic cop-killer to the street don't live in his neighborhood.
"There's a reason more than a dozen courts have looked at Davis' case and refused to overturn his death sentence. He is as innocent as every other executed man since at least 1950, which is to say, guilty as hell." *Mumia Abu-Jamal  

Troy Davis case  "On August 28, 1991, the jury, composed of seven blacks and five whites, took under two hours to find Davis guilty on one count of murder and the other offenses. Davis and three of his family members testified during the sentencing phase. In a final address to the jury, Davis pleaded, "Spare my life. Just give me a second chance. That's all I ask." He told jurors he was convicted for "offenses I didn't commit." As the death penalty was being requested by the prosecutors, MacPhail's family members and friends were not allowed to testify. On August 30, 1991, after seven hours of deliberation, the jury recommended the death penalty and Davis was sentenced to death."

California: Orange County Couple Threatened With $500-Per-Meeting Fines For Home Bible Study…

Weasel Zippers  "An Orange County couple has been ordered to stop holding a Bible study in their home on the grounds that the meeting violates a city ordinance as a “church” and not as a private gathering.
"Homeowners Chuck and Stephanie Fromm, of San Juan Capistrano, were fined $300 earlier this month for holding what one city official called “a regular gathering of more than three people” that requires a conditional use permit, according to Pacific Justice Institute, the couple’s legal representation."

City demands Christians get permit for Bible study  "The newspaper said city records showed someone complained, however, and a code enforcement officer first gave them a verbal warning and then issued citations in May and June."
"“We don’t like lawsuits, but we have to stand up for what’s right. It’s not just a personal issue,” Stephanie Fromm told the newspaper. “Can you imagine anybody in any neighborhood, that one person can call and make it a living hell for someone else? That’s wrong … and it’s just sad.”"
"A trial is scheduled for Oct. 7."


If you think you've heard this before, the City of San Diego tried this same thing some time back but wound up apologizing. TD

Maddow Lets Jimmy Carter's Dishonesty About Israel Pass Unchallenged

"Israel also pulled out of southern Lebanon in 2000 after nearly two decades of occupation following its invasion in 1982 in an attempt to destroy the Palestinian Liberation Army. Five years later, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip.
"What have these good-faith efforts brought to Israel? Suicide bombings on a scale unmatched anywhere in the world. Thousands of rockets from Hezbollah and Hamas, from north and south, indiscriminately targeting military and civilian alike. Kidnappings of its soldiers, including one, Gilad Shalit, whose whereabouts remain unknown after five years.
"Having conceded its hard-fought buffers in the Sinai, Gaza and Lebanon, a country the size of New Jersey is less able to defend itself from an unapologetic savagery intent on Israel's destruction."...

If Obama fails, does America fail?

Neal Boortz  "We are starting to see a growing trend among libs and progs.  The trend is this … If you do not want to see Barack Obama succeed, then you are against America and want our economy to fail.  The issue stems from a comment made by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.  He said in an interview somewhere, "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
"If a doctor says “the single most important thing we want to achieve is to defeat this cancer” that doctor is not saying that he wants the patient to die. He wants the patient to be cancer-free so he will survive. Defeating Obama wouldn’t make America cancer-free. There’s still malignancies known as Pelosi, Hoyer, Reid and others … but it would be a nice start."

Mideast fail; Barry Rubin I accuse President Barack Obama of Destroying Western Interests in the Middle East, Helping Destabilize the Region, and Putting Millions of Lives in Jeopardy
"Do you think that’s extremist, crazy, can’t be true because you’re not seeing that stuff in the New York Times? You must be a right-wing Republican, you say?
"No, just a serious Middle East analyst."
...."So consider fairly and honestly the list of points below.":  Each is discussed in more depth.
Egypt:                                                      Gaza:
Syria:                                                       Saudi Arabia:
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process:          Iran:
Israel:                                                      Empowering Islamism:
Turkey:                                                    Endangering the lives of American soldiers and civilians:
Lebanon:                                                 Libya:
Danger: Obama failed to realize it or to define properly friends and enemies.

Rejection of basic diplomatic principles:
"The American people, Middle East allies, US. interests, and the world generally cannot afford another four years of misjudgment and reckless endangerment. Can Obama be trusted to deal with a nuclear-armed Iran, a radical Egypt supporting Hamas, a Turkish regime screaming about fighting Israel, a Palestinian movement that has thrown away any diplomatic alternative?"

Emphasis added.

That Palin smear: Can The Daily Caller survive?

Legal Insurrection  "The controversy is not that a convicted rapist would make such statements, but that The Daily Caller would run the clip with a bold traffic-grabbing headline and keep it there without so much as any commentary (which was not added until later).
"I can’t say it was the worst trashing of Palin I’ve ever seen, but it definitely was the worst I’d ever seen at a supposedly conservative website and one which has a high profile. While the post quoted Tyson, it was pure traffic-baiting using sexual violence against Palin as the tease."  ....

"Carlson tried to call it mere news reporting, but it was pure traffic baiting. Greta saw it for what it was, and Carlson just kept digging."

Daily Caller Runs For Cover Over Vile Palin Smear, Threatens Blogger With Lawsuit For Exposing It  "While the Caller item now comes with this disclaimer, obviously meant only as cover for their disgusting editorial judgment, it is only a late addition to the post after receiving more attention and increasingly broad condemnation."

Here is the Daily Caller's take on it.  "Leading the charge was Greta Van Susteren, who’s been calling Tucker Carlson names and making baseless allegations about his motives, while insisting she’s his friend." Jim Treacher (aka Sean Medlock)

Learn economics at the Tunnel Wall

A socialist attempts to explain why she thinks socialism will work...this time.

Many in the comments section of the above Youtube link take issue with this video, but it is very close to at least one "progressive" I know.