Monday, September 26, 2011

‘Every Single One’ Fallout: Justice Dept. in Turmoil From PJMedia Series

Pajamas Media  113 and Oh.
Following the Justice Department’s long-delayed compliance with a Freedom of Information Act request, PJMedia recently published content from the resumes of each career attorney hired to the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division under Attorney General Eric Holder. The articles were written by two former Civil Rights Division attorneys — J. Christian Adams and Hans von Spakovsky — and PJMedia Editor Richard Pollock.
The Justice Department is forbidden by federal law from hiring employees based on political affiliation. Yet the resumes revealed the following ideological breakdown among the new hires:
Leftist lawyers: 113
Moderate, non-ideological, or conservative lawyers: 0.
Eric Holder by Jason Seiler
That represents the basest headline for the series, the matter-of-fact evidence that should lead any reasonable observer to believe the DOJ has employed an illegal political litmus test during the interview process. But the “Every Single One” series has provided additional benefits: the results present the inherent flaw in leftism’s perversion of the term “civil rights,” while providing a real world example of the flawed belief actualized. Additionally, the “Every Single One” series presents ramifications that reach far beyond the individuals most directly affected by DOJ activity.
We hope not to understate it: this perversion of “civil rights“ is the beating heart of leftism itself.

American Spectator : Deep Corruption at the Obama Justice Department   "As I noted a few weeks ago when writing about this scandal, "These people were members of groups like 'Queer Resistance Front,' 'Intersex Society of North America,' and of course People for the American Way. Their published essays focused on issues such as 'Genital Normalizing Surgery on Intersexed Infants' and on arguing that providing material support for terrorism isn't a war crime."

Jennifer Rubin warned us way back in 2009  "In the weeks before Eric Holder was confirmed as Attorney General, Jennifer Rubin kept up a steady drumbeat of blog posts warning us all what a dishonest, radically leftist problem he would turn out to be. Rubin was absolutely right. Somehow, though, Holder's dastardliness has outstripped even the stern warnings Rubin issued."

Obama's FY 2011 Debt Bigger Than Nixon's Entire Government; How to Explain it to a Lib

CNS News  "The $1.16517 trillion in new debt the Obama administration has accumulated so far in this fiscal year is about $22.81 billion more than the $1.14236 trillion in inflation-adjusted dollars than the entire federal government spent in 1970." More coming if you just PASS THIS BILL!   Via Neal Boortz who commented:

The 2012 Republican nominee must impress upon Americans the danger of this statistic and then they must have a plan on how to turn it around. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans don’t have any skin in the game, so convincing them of how dangerous this truly is will be tough. It will take a great speaker and a great leader. It will take an even better leader to actually make it happen once in office. Boortz added this:

Here’s more ammo for you when discussing taxes with your lib and prog friends or co-workers.
"Wealth envy is a political scheme used to buy votes. It should not be dictating economic policy."
Let me repeat that with red highlights: Wealth envy is a political scheme used to buy votes. It should not be dictating economic policy.

Attack Waaaatch!

Watching Attack Watch . . . Do Nothing for the Past Nine Days.  "The creators and managers of the Obama campaign web site “ATTACK WATCH” have not Tweeted since September 14, and the last “Attack File” was posted September 12. Perhaps they realized that they couldn’t top themselves after making Mark Steyn (right) look sinister and demonic."....
"By ceasing to do any work, the “Attack Watch” team has now joined the ranks of 14 million other Americans under Obama’s economic policies"

 Steyn on White House’s ‘Attack Watch’: ‘It’s real pansy-boy stuff’  "The Obama campaign’s creation of an “Attack Watch” website has become something of joke since its launch this week, but and National Review columnist Mark Steyn says it reveals something crucial about the Obama campaign’s character.....
"“I suppose if in many parts of the world,” Steyn explained, ”but in particular if, like me, you’re a foreigner, you’re an immigrant to this great land, when the head of state decides to single you out for attraction, for mention on his enemies list, you ought to be worried about it. But I think this is a joke."

Iran: Negotiating with Hostage Takers and Murderers

Warning Signs  "When Iranians took to the streets to protest the election of Ahmadinejad, they were gunned down in the streets of Tehran while others were imprisoned. President Obama’s response at the time was that the U.S. should not “meddle” in Iranian affairs, though he would earlier call for the overthrow of Egypt’s Mubarack and later seek to engage NATO in the overthrow of Libya’s dictator."  Alan Caruba
Tell it like it is, Alan.

Ten Years of Lessons Unlearned   "We have prevented further attacks on the homeland, but the longer-term goal of definitively repudiating the Islamist drive for global preeminence has been compromised by our failure to understand the Islamic bona fides of much of the Islamist ideology, and its resonance among millions of Muslims. This failure may in the long run lead to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt joining Iran as an Islamic republic hostile to our interests." Bruce Thornton

Freed hikers recount 2 years of 'lies and false hope'  ""Sarah, Josh and I have experienced a taste of the Iranian regime's brutality. We have been held in almost total isolation from the world and everything we love, stripped of our rights and freedom," Bauer said.
"He urged Iran to release all political prisoners immediately, telling reporters, "There are people in Iran who have been imprisoned for years for simply attending a protest, for writing a pro-democracy blog or for worshiping an unpopular faith." "
But... (You knew this was coming.)...

Making speeches and spreading blame are tools of choice in an adolescent White House

World Magazine "The Obama speech-making has turned off the electorate partly because of another child-like habit. The speeches are filled with excuses, as the president constantly blames others for the problems he hasn't been able to solve. For his first couple of years in office, it was standard Obama fare to make George Bush his whipping boy. More recently, it's all the rich people—the people who fly jet airplanes and who waste their money on tax-deductible charitable gifts.

"But something important in the fiber of a nation is lost when grown-ups—too often led by their president—act like little kids."

 Barack Blames Blacks, Bush, Banks, Budget, You "Barack Obama continued his stirring “It’s All Your Fault” campaign tour this week scolding crowds in New York, Ohio, Washington, DC and people on the West Bank and in Israel for not doing their jobs.
"It seems that citizens around the world are screwing up what otherwise would have been a fun-filled four years of taxpayers’ subsidized vacations for Barry and Michelle. And Obama is hoping that will change."

Obama’s Racial Gerrymandering  "We just can’t have this. We can’t have whites who criticize the President’s job performance called racist for doing so and we can’t have blacks who criticize his performance called traitors to Dr. King’s legacy. Let’s all say no to racial gerrymandering."

Obama Drops The Class Warfare Rhetoric During Fundraisers With Rich Donors…  "Obama will appear at no fewer than seven fundraising events over the next two days. The trip puts him in something of a delicate spot. He is raising millions from some of the same economic elites he says are flourishing under an unfair tax code."

Honkies for Herman (They said it, not me)

Honkies for Herman   ..."Since racism, race bating, and classism are staples of leftist politics, we have decided to proudly be Honkies For Herman as a way of taking the issue away from the left. The left are the racists, not conservatives. We are also Honkies For Herman because we don’t believe in a white America, black America, hispanic America, etc. We believe in Americans period, and not some leftist ideology of a segmented America. The content of one’s character and ability is paramount.  (Emphasis added)
"We will not be producing any “Honkies For Herman” t-shirts, bumper stickers, or buttons. This site is meant to spread news about Mr. Cain and to tweet about Mr. Cain. And the second purpose is to take the “conservatives are racist” meme away from the left. And third, the left can’t take a joke when the joke is on them, which might be the best reason of all.
"Go Herman!!!"

However these guys will be happy to make the aforementioned bumper stickers:

And then there is this little doozy:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Israel and the United Nations (Updated with Netanyahu speech transcript)

Bosch Fawstin
(Updated) Full transcript of Netanyahu speech at UN General Assembly 
....Since 9/11, militant Islamists slaughtered countless other innocents -- in London and Madrid, in Baghdad and Mumbai, in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, in every part of Israel. I believe that the greatest danger facing our world is that this fanaticism will arm itself with nuclear weapons. And this is precisely what Iran is trying to do. ....
Bibi Grows Up:  "I haven’t always been the biggest fan of Benjamin Netanyahu. He seemed something of a careerist with the capacity to talk out of both sides of his mouth. In other words, a politician. But who could decry anyone with the guts to stand in the belly of the United Nations — as he did last Friday — and define that paleo-corrupt institution precisely as it is — a “house of many lies”?"  Roger L Simon

A reluctant Jew finally sees the light.  "It has been said, I believe correctly, that Jews do not share a religion so much as a history, even if that history has been repudiated. In the same way, Jews are always in danger of sharing a particular kind of future — one which those on the Left, and those who have gambled on the shelter of assimilation, censure from recognition."

Picture the people who did this having their own nation, army and allied with Iran

"But an examination of the father’s body revealed fractures to his skull. “It was clearly a terrorist attack, Asher’s gun had been stolen, there were rocks inside the vehicle and it was clear Asher was hit by a rock,” Palmer’s family said after police informed them of their conclusion that the incident was in fact the result of a terror attack."

I assume the leftists of the world will be angry at this father for making the Arabs resort to this. If all of Israel was given to the Arabs and the Israelis were condensed into one seaport (ghetto?) - ready to leave- the Muslims would show them no mercy and would attempt to kill them all to the last infant.
I do not see that happening, however because Israel is back in their land just as promised in the Old Testament Scriptures. The God of Abraham has placed "hooks into the jaws of nations" to bring Israel back to this point in history and I firmly believe He will safeguard them.
That does not stop me, however from feeling great anger at those who who would butcher families down to the smallest infant out of their hatred for Israel. And anger toward the ridiculous leftists who equate Israel with these murderers. TD

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Want to Know Why Hollywood Conservatives Stay In the Closet? Meet the Bully Who Heckled Bristol Palin

Big Hollywood  "But in the real world where this attack was levelled at a Palin all Hanks did was enhance his Hollywood resume. This will likely help his career, which brings me to another point.
"If you want to know why the Hollywood blacklist against conservatives is real and why Hollywood conservatives stay in the closet, look no further than The Stephen Hanks Management Company."

Watch Bristol Palin Confront Verbally Abusive Heckler
"While filming her reality show an abusive scumbag screamed out, “Your mother’s a whore!” Bristol’s reaction? With poise beyond her years, she confronts the 47 year-old loser and calmly asks him to explain his hatred. The 47 year-old loser’s response? More hate and verbal attacks.
"Meet the Left…"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Video and updateadded: Elizabeth Warren; why the left should be feared

Elizabeth Warren: Eloquent Tunnel Vision  "Fairness, not results, means everything, even if that means less for everyone. This thinking is selfish, myopic and self-defeating, and does nothing to increase productivity or the standard of living for all of us, including those Warren is attempting to serve."

More liberals espousing the same bankrupt economics that brought the Soviet bloc seven decades of gloom and despair. I was not Joe the Plumber; I was someone who would have worked for Joe the Plumber and my welfare would have rested in Joe's economic well-being. Liberals imposing "fairness" on Joe would have sent chills up our family's necks. We would begin spending less and saving our money to help us in our next period of unemployment. TD.

This is the Democrat Party of today; hear and see her for yourself:

Elizabeth Warren’s Piffle   "She argued that these goods are things “the rest of us paid for,” the “rest of us did.” When it comes to federal income taxes — the focus of the current debate — this isn’t right. About half the country doesn’t pay them, and the top 10 percent pays about 70 percent. Insofar as those taxes fund Warren’s public goods, her rich industrialist disproportionately contributes already." Rich Lowry.

Charles Krauthammer  Return of the Real Obama  "A most revealing window into our president’s political core: To impose a tax that actually impoverishes our communal bank account (the U.S. Treasury) is ridiculous. It is nothing but punitive. It benefits no one — not the rich, not the poor, not the government. For Obama, however, it brings fairness, which is priceless."

Oops. Far Left Loon Elizabeth Warren Made $192,722 Not the $64,268 She Declared

All you could ever want to read on Elizabeth Warren here.  Maybe more.

Obama at the UN: Rhetoric and Reality

Pajamas Media ; Obama has lacked any real strategy and relied instead on rhetoric in approaching the Israel-Palestinian question
"President Obama’s UN speech marked the culmination of perhaps the most counter-productive American foreign policy in memory. A president who came into office with a Palestinian state as one of his top priorities, criticizing his predecessor for not having devoted greater attention to it, was still trying after nearly three years simply to get negotiations started; he had accomplished the unusual feat of alienating both Israelis and Palestinians in the process; he had diminished his own stature and reduced the influence of the United States in the region; and he ended up faced with having to veto a Palestinian state."

These were all the errors of an inexperienced amateur. Obama has lowered the world's opinion not only of the office of the American president but- I am afraid-of the American people who chose this pop-culture figure to be our president. This man was foisted upon us by academia, celebrities, PC media and check stand magazines. At the end of a "Law & Order" episode as DA McCoy exited a press conference a voice from the crowd called, "Will you be in the Obama Administration?" 
Watching television has become like sitting on the poop deck of a ship of fools.  TD
Previously posted here: Obama has failed dangerously and badly. He has ignored chances to learn from experience.

 Palestinians Protest Over Obama's UN Speech  "Also in response to Obama's speech, the Palestinian workers union said it was planning to issue a call for rallies to take place after the main weekly Muslim prayers on Friday outside U.S. embassies across the Arab world."
 Stop Blaming Israeli-Palestinian Conflict for Region’s Turbulence
"The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is just one factor among many in the region’s turbulence, and rarely is it the most important one. But it seems no amount of evidence will ever convince your average Western liberal of that."

American Thinker: New York Times Doing What They Do Best on Obama's U.N. Speech  "As to the real purpose of the president's speech -- well, it's just a balancing act between two irreconcilables: "support for democratic movements" in the region "against support for Israel." No mention that by supporting Israel, Obama is throwing his weight behind a Middle Eastern nation that was democratic from Day One of its founding. Indeed, the Arab democratic movement is really trying to catch up with Israel's solid democratic values. There's a perfect compatibility -- not an incompatibility -- between Israel and the Arab democratic movement. The Israelis already have what the Arab revolutionaries say they want to achieve."

Media Ignore Palestinian Talk of No Jews Allowed in Palestinian State 
He was most specific on July 28, 2010, when, in an uber-compromising mood, he intoned: "I'm willing to agree to a thrid party that would supervise the [possible future Israeli-Palestinian] agreement, such as NATO forces, but I would not agree to having Jews among the NATO forces, or that there will live among us even a single Israeli on Palestinian land."  Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
Mitt Romney & Norman Coleman: Mistakes That Led to the Palestinian Statehood Bid, and How to Fix Them  "Unfortunately, the road was paved largely by a series of mistakes and miscalculations by President Obama. He and his administration have badly misunderstood the dynamics of the region. Instead of fostering stability and security, they have diminished U.S. authority and painted our ally Israel into a corner."
"But beyond the diplomacy, we need to draw some lessons from the past three years of Obama’s presidency. A first lesson is that the United States needs a president who will not be a fair-weather friend of Israel. President Obama has shamefully broken with longstanding American traditions in distancing the United States from Israel, a fellow democracy and a beacon of freedom in the Middle East."

About the Fox/Google Republican debates

A few thoughts from JustOneMinute.

Romney is Running Rings Around Perry  "I hope Governor Rick Perry enjoyed his six-week run as the front runner of the GOP field, because it’s now over."  More on Perry here.
But just remember that Perry is the choice of the people of Texas; Romney is the choice of the people of Massachusetts. Shouldn't that scare conservatives just a bit?

The Cheat Sheet, September 23: You Go with the Candidates You Have… "Nine (!) candidates sparred last night in Orlando, in the FoxNews/Google (!) debate. Reactions here, here, here, and here. There are just a few months before the Iowa caucuses, so this is pretty much the field we’re faced with. We’re a tad pessimistic, but your mileage may vary." Numerous other links provided in this article.
It's become Romney, Perry and seven others

Can Perry Compete at This Level?  "The issue isn’t just that his performance was weak last night; it’s that he hasn’t shown improvement since his first time on stage. The Reagan debate should have been a massive wakeup call that he needed to buckle down. And after CNN/Tea Party Express, he should have dropped everything and made debate prep his #1 priority."

Gary WHO? The Best Line of the Night  "At the GOP debate, underdog candidate Gary Johnson finally gets a moment in the spotlight—and seizes it." Did he get his line from Rush Limbaugh?

Rick Perry: DonkeyHotey

American Thinker: NH Poll shows Perry falling, Romney surging  "Meanwhile, Perry tops Romney in a new Florida poll 28-22. These two polls reveal the conundrum for GOP voters; Romney runs well in the north but doesn't excite southern conservatives. Perry doesn't run as well in the north but would energize the conservative base in the south. Either one could beat Obama, although at the moment, independents prefer Romney."

Neal Boortz on the Debate:  "So that brings us back to Mitt Romney. I think at this point, it is his to lose. But what do I know? I’ve only been observing these elections for 40+ years on the radio."
More here.

Mitt Romney co-wrote this article on Obama's mideast failures I'm still very unsure of Romney and his changing of positions, so this post is not a campaign for the man. This merely reflects the gist of opinion lately, but as you can see below, not all are enthused with Romney. TD

Romney's weaknesses:

Mitt Romney: DonkeyHotey

Mitt Romney's Achilles' Heel "Although Mitt Romney has defended RomneyCare as a fitting solution to the medical insurance problem in Massachusetts, he has yet to face another issue which may very well be his Achilles' heel and make his nomination impossible. That is his support of gay marriage and the gay agenda in the schools of Massachusetts."

The Issue with Romney is the Issues  "A few of highlights from Romney’s record showing just how unfriendly he has been over the years to the ideas the tea party holds dear (links and details further below):  Details in the article.

NRO Symposium: Assessing the GOP presidential candidates’ performances. "Thursday night saw another debate among the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination. As is customary, National Review Online collected thoughts from a post-debate response team."
More listed here.  Assuming you trust Google, which I believe would reflect poorly on any Republican candidate.