Neal Boortz: Demands from the Occupy Wall Street crowd "The Libtards occupying Wall Street have come up with a proposed list of their demands. You are going to enjoy these .. are you ready?"
"Let’s let the Occupy Wall Street crowd run Haiti for a few years utilizing these demands and see how well that works out for them. Gawd help us.
"We should make this column by Peter Ferrara required reading for all of the unemployables occupying Wall Street:"
Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All
"President Obama’s policies have been all about redistribution, spreading the wealth as he puts it, a polite phrase for plunder. That redistribution is in evidence from ObamaCare, to runaway government spending, to raising tax rates on “the rich.”The Left’s Pathetic Tea Party "Occupy Wall Street is not a real answer. It is both more self-involved and more ambitious than the Tea Party. It represents an ill-defined, free-floating radicalism. Its fuzzy endpoint is a “revolution” no one can precisely describe, but the thrust of which is overturning our system of capitalism as we know it. If elected Democrats dare associate their sagging party with this project, they need immediately to consult their nearest psychiatrist and political consultant, in that order.
The results of those policies are in the latest Census report on September 14. Median real family income has fallen all the way back to 1996 levels. As the Wall Street Journal explained the next day, “Earnings of the typical man who works full time year round fell, and are lower — adjusted for inflation — than in 1978.”"
"Occupy Wall Street is toxic and pathetic, the perfect distillation of an American Left in extremis."
Rich Lowry.